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Table 4:

Total number of profiles with the given asymmetry for the observed and synthetic spectra.
Models Lyman-$\alpha $ Lyman-$\beta $ Lyman-$\gamma $ Lyman-$\delta $
blue red blue red blue red blue red
Observed 762 361 922 809 651 940 824 664
MODEL1 1906 2062 2403 2959 2164 2201 1886 2278
VAR1 2669 2820 2631 2976 2359 2278 1891 2060
VAR2 2327 2228 2631 2917 2354 2102 1989 2153
MODEL1 1580 1429 2205 2377 2065 1486 1759 1647
MODEL1 2111 2309 2679 3029 2485 2245 1922 2324

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