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Table 5:

Parameter values for the SIMECA model.

$\rho_0$ Photospheric density $4\times 10^{-12}$ g cm-3
$\phi$(pole) Polar mass flux 10-11 $M_\odot$ yr-1
$\phi$(eq) Equatorial mass flux 10-10 $M_\odot$ yr-1
m1 Mass flux law exponent 100
$v_{\infty}\rm (pole)$ Polar terminal velocity 200 km s-1
$v_{\infty} \rm (eq)$ Equatorial terminal velocity 0.1 km s-1
m2 Terminal velocity law exponent 100
i Inclination angle 60$^{\circ }$
PA Major-axis orientation 15$^{\circ }$
$T_{\rm eff}$ Effective temperature 8250 K
$R_\star$ Stellar radius 65 $R_\odot$
d Distance 650 pc

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