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Table 1:

Journal of the observations.
Date UTa Target line $\mathcal{N}$b Total exposurec rd $\Delta$e $\phi $f $\lambda$g $\beta$h Beami
(May 2006)     [min] [AU] [AU] [$^\circ$] [$^\circ$] [$^\circ$] [km]
10.4979 J(4-3) 44 176 1.0214 0.0803   79.445 310.247 49.912   635
11.6885 J(3-2) 13   65 1.0148 0.0789   84.287 319.050 45.545   831
12.5524 J(3-2) 15   75 1.0101 0.0786   87.816 324.738 41.924   829
20.6222 J(3-2) 41 205 0.9732 0.1054 108.715 354.173   9.206 1112
22.4882 J(3-2) 11   55 0.9664 0.1167 110.039 357.585   4.196 1231

a Middle moment of an individual observing run; b number of observations; c individual exposures were consequently 4 min (first night) and 5 min (other nights); d heliocentric distance; e geocentric distance; f phase angle; g ecliptic longitude; h ecliptic latitude; i beam radius at half-power at comet's distance.

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