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Table 5:

Parameters of $\rm ^{12}$CO and $\rm ^{13}$CO at the central position.

Central velocity (lsr) Linewidth Peak int. Intensity
  (km s-1) (km s-1) (K) (K km s-1)
$\rm ^{12}$CO(1-0) 2698 2796 125 147 0.02 0.036 7.52 $\pm $0.22
$\rm ^{12}$CO(2-1) 2655 2802 93 114 0.016, 0.039 6.10 $\pm $ 0.73
$\rm ^{13}$CO(1-0) 2725 208 0.0018 0.37 $\pm $ 0.06
$\rm ^{13}$CO(2-1) 2785 61 0.0033 0.25 $\pm $ 0.09

Gaussians were fitted to determine linewidths, peak intensity, and central velocity. For $\rm ^{12}$CO, we fitted two components to the measured line, whereas for $\rm ^{13}$CO only one component was fitted. The given intensity is integrated over both components. Temperatures are given in  $T_{\rm MB}$.

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