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Table 2:

Statistics of the model atoms used in our disc models.
Ion LTE levels NLTE levels Lines
I 6 10 45
II - 1 -
He  I 15 29 61
He  II 24 8 28
He  III - 1 -
I 14 7 4
II 4 38 160
III 9 58 329
IV 49 9 17
V 0 1 0
I 15 12 15
II 4 17 21
III 38 7 5
IV 78 16 30
V 8 54 297
VI 0 1 0
I 12 1 0
II 14 29 82
III 8 36 42
IV 58 11 5
V 15 6 4
VI 0 1 0
Si  II 5 25 28
Si  III 17 17 27
Si  IV 11 28 49
Si  V 44 15 20
Si  VI 0 1 0

Source LaTeX | All tables | In the text

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