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Table 5:

a) SUMER observation for the quiet sun (Curdt et al. 2004) along with predictions (for the line emissivity $\epsilon $ and intensity I, based upon the observed line flux at 638.92 Å) at $T_{\rm e}=10^{6.1}$ K and $n_{\rm e}=1.6$ $\times $ 109 cm-3. The ``-'' tag in the $\lambda $-columns denotes those wavelengths corrected by experimental energies.
${\rm\lambda_{obs}}$ ${\rm Flux^{\ddag }}$ $\lambda^a$ ${\epsilon^a}$ Ia $\lambda^b$ ${\epsilon^b}$ Ib Transition
Å   Å ${\rm phot.~cm^3~s^{-1}}$   Å ${\rm phot.~cm^3~s^{-1}}$   Upper Low
611.61 0.77 -611.712 7.399(-12)d 0.72 -611.712 1.083(-11) 0.72 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{3/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{1/2}}$
621.11   -621.115 2.303(-11) 2.23 -621.080 3.291(-11) 2.18 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{1/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{1/2}}$
624.71 8.40 -624.779 9.531(-11) 9.24 -624.730 1.498(-10) 9.92 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{5/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{3/2}}$
638.92 6.60 -639.036 6.807(-11) 6.60 -639.036 9.965(-11) 6.60 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{3/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{3/2}}$
649.21 1.90 -649.305 1.701(-11) 1.65 -649.269 2.573(-11) 1.70 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{1/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{3/2}}$
$\ddag $ Units = photons cm-2 s-1 arcsec-1; a,b,d the same definition as in Table 3a.


Table 5: b) Line intensity ratios relative to that of 638.92 Å in the SUMER observation. The caption and footnotes are the same as in Table 5a.
${\rm\lambda_{obs}}$ Ratio $\lambda^a$ $I/I_{\rm ref}^{a}$ $\lambda^b$ $I/I_{\rm ref}^{b}$ Transition
Å   Å   Å   Upper Low
611.61 0.12 -611.712 0.11 -611.712 0.11 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{3/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{1/2}}$
621.11   -621.115 0.34 -621.080 0.33 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{1/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{1/2}}$
624.71 1.27 -624.779 1.40 -624.730 1.50 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{5/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{3/2}}$
638.92 1.00 -639.036 1.00 -639.036 1.00 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{3/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{3/2}}$
649.21 0.29 -649.305 0.25 -649.269 0.26 ${\rm 2s 2p^2}$ ${\rm ^4P_{1/2}}$ ${\rm\to ~2s^2 2p}$ ${\rm ^2P_{3/2}}$

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