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Table 1:

IPs detected in the BAT survey 3$\sigma $ in the 15-55 keV band ordered by constellation. The first three columns give the BAT position and the offset to the optical position. The count rate was averaged over the entire 2.5 yr observing period. In the lower part of the table we report those sources which are not currently detected in the BAT survey; for those we give the optical position for which the upper limit was computed.
Name RA Dec Offset Count rate    Significance Exp. time Sensitivity1
  (2000.0) (2000.0) (arcmin) (10-5 cts/s/det) ratio (Ms) (10-11 erg/cm2/s)
FO Aquarii 334.481 -8.351 3.3 12.4 $\pm$ 0.8 16.6 2.76 1.99
XY Arietis 44.038 19.441 4.3 5.3 $\pm$ 0.6 7.9 2.70 1.55
V405 Aurigae 89.497 53.896 0.3 5.4 $\pm$ 0.6 8.7 2.70 1.66
MU Camelopardaris 96.318 73.578 1.4 2.9 $\pm$ 0.5 6.7 3.46 1.60
V709 Cassiopeiae 7.204 59.289 0.7 16.2 $\pm$ 0.7 27.5 3.65 1.61
V1025 Centauri 189.569 -38.713 4.1 1.6 $\pm$ 0.8 3.1 1.91 1.88
BG Canis Minoris 112.871 9.940 2.9 5.8 $\pm$ 0.8 7.0 1.92 2.15
TV Columbae 82.356 -32.818 2.5 13.0 $\pm$ 0.7 20.3 3.55 1.44
TX Columbae 85.834 -41.032 3.5 4.5 $\pm$ 0.5 7.8 3.81 1.31
V2306 Cygni 299.560 32.545 3.4 3.1 $\pm$ 0.5 4.8 3.85 1.77
DO Draconis 175.910 71.689 1.8 2.7 $\pm$ 0.4 7.8 4.47 1.11
PQ Geminorum 117.822 14.740 2.7 6.2 $\pm$ 0.7 9.4 2.04 2.17
EX Hydrae 193.102 -29.249 3.0 5.2 $\pm$ 0.7 6.4 1.87 1.97
NY Lupi 237.061 -45.478 2.1 15.2 $\pm$ 0.8 15.5 1.35 2.58
V2400 Ophiuchi 258.152 -24.246 4.2 10.5 $\pm$ 0.9 11.0 1.30 2.52
GK Persei 52.799 43.905 4.4 18.5 $\pm$ 0.9 30.4 2.88 1.58
AO Piscium 343.825 -3.178 4.7 8.1 $\pm$ 0.6 11.1 3.00 1.62
V1223 Sagittarii 283.759 -31.163 3.0 19.6 $\pm$ 1.1 20.8 1.31 2.54
V1062 Tauri 75.615 24.756 5.3 3.1 $\pm$ 0.8 5.9 2.09 2.25
RX J2133.7+5107 323.432 51.124 1.9 10.9 $\pm$ 0.6 18.2 3.99 1.42
Swift J0732.5-1331 113.156 -13.518 2.8 6.3 $\pm$ 0.6 9.7 2.61 1.70
IGR J00234+6141 5.740 61.686 5.3 2.0 $\pm$ 0.6 3.0 3.68 1.72
IGR J17303-0601 262.590 -5.993 0.8 14.0 $\pm$ 0.8 12.7 1.59 2.78
AE Aquarii 310.04 -0.87 - <0.3 0.4 2.44 2.05
HT Camelopardaris 119.26 63.10 - <0.1 0.3 3.52 1.34
DW Cancri 119.72 16.28 - <1.5 1.5 2.09 2.11
UU Columbae 78.05 -32.69 - <0.7 1.7 3.55 1.50
DQ Herculis 271.88 -45.86 - <1.0 2.5 3.75 1.56
WX Pyxidis 128.27 -22.81 - <1.4 2.8 3.16 1.56

1 Minimum flux to detect a source at 3$\sigma $ at a given position in the 15-55 keV band.

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