Table 1: Initial models and their parametrisation: A and $\beta _{{\rm rot}}$ are the rotation law parameter (Eq. (12)) and the ratio of rotational to gravitational energy, respectively. Larger values of A correspond to more rigidly rotating cores. $\Gamma _1$ is the sub-nuclear adiabatic index of our hybrid equation of state (see Sect. 2.2).
Model $A [{\rm cm}]$ Model $\beta_{{\rm rot}} [\%]$ Model $\Gamma _1$
A1 $5\times 10^{9}$ B1 $\approx$0.25 G1 1.325
A2 $1\times 10^{8}$ B2 $\approx$0.45 G2 1.32
A3 $5\times 10^{7}$ B3 $\approx$0.9 G3 1.31
A4 $1\times 10^{7}$ B4 $\approx$1.8 G4 1.30
    B5 $\approx$4.0 G5 1.28

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