A&A 450, 617-623 (2006)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20054305
T. Mineo1 - C. Ferrigno1 - L. Foschini2 - A. Segreto1 - G. Cusumano1 - G. Malaguti2 - G. Di Cocco2 - C. Labanti2
1 - INAF IASF-Pa, via U. La Malfa 153, 90146 Palermo,
2 -
INAF IASF-Bo, via P. Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy
Received 5 October 2005 / Accepted 5 January 2006
Aims. The paper presents the timing and spectral analysis of several observations of the Crab pulsar performed with INTEGRAL in the energy range 3-500 keV.
Methods. All these observations, when summed together provide a high statistics data set which can be used for accurate phase resolved spectroscopy. A detailed study of the pulsed emission at different phase intervals is performed.
Results. The spectral distribution changes with phase showing a characteristic reverse S shape of the photon index. Moreover the spectrum softens with energy, in each phase interval, and this behavior is adequately modeled over the whole energy range 3-500 keV with a single curved law with a slope variable with Log(E), confirming the BeppoSAX results on the curvature of the pulsed emission. The bending parameter of the log-parabolic model is compatible with a single value of
over all phase intervals.
Conclusions. Results are discussed within the three-dimensional outer gap model.
Key words: stars: neutron - pulsars: general - pulsars: individual: PSR B0531+21 - X-rays: stars
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Figure 1: Crab phase histograms in six energy bands in absolute phase (the main radio pulse at phase 0.0). The light curves have different phase resolution according to the statistics available and to the time resolution of the instrument. P1, P2 and Ip phase intervals according to the definition given in Mineo et al. (1997) are indicated in the top left panel. |
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In the X-ray range, the relative intensity, height and width of the two peaks vary with energy: the first peak (P1), dominant at low X-ray energies, becomes smaller than the second one (P2). Moreover, an enhancement with energy of the bridge between these peaks, usually called Interpeak (Ip), is also well evident (Mineo et al. 1997, see also Fig. 1). At energy above 1 MeV, the morphology changes abruptly: the first pulse becomes again dominant over the second one and the bridge emission loses significance; the pulse profile above 30 MeV is similar to the one observed at optical wavelengths (Kuiper et al. 2001).
A first detailed study of the phase-resolved X-ray spectra has been performed by Pravdo et al. (1997), in the 5-200 keV energy interval, based on RXTE (PCA and HEXTE) data. Their main result was a variation of the photon index as function of the pulse phase with a reverse S shape: the spectrum softens starting from the leading edge of the first peak where it reaches the maximum value, it hardens in the interpeak and softens again in the second peak. The S shape spectral variation with phase has been reported by Massaro et al. (2000) from BeppoSAX data and by Weisskopf et al. (2004) from Chandra data, even if with lower statistical significance, confirming the symmetric evolution of the spectral index around the first peak. However, the softening of the P1 core respect to the leading edge has been recently questioned by Vivekanand (2002) in a new analysis of RXTE data but performed over the smaller energy range of 5-60 keV.
Significant X-ray emission from the pulsar in the off-pulse interval (phase 0.5-0.9) was discovered by Tennant et al. (2001) with Chandra observations, however, the spectral index measured in this phase interval suffers of large statistical uncertainty (Weisskopf et al. 2004).
BeppoSAX observations of the Crab pulsar showed that
the photon indices of the pulsed emission significantly
increase with energy maintaining the same S shape behavior
over the 0.1-300 keV energy range (Zhang & Cheng 2002; Massaro & Cusumano 2003).
The spectral index variation has been modeled using a single
curved power law with a slope variable with Log(E) (Massaro et al. 2000).
Moreover, applying this model to three
wide phase intervals, the first peak, the Interpeak and the second peak,
a single value of 0.15 for the curvature parameter has been
measured in the three intervals (Massaro et al. 2001).
Kuiper et al. (2001) presented a coherent high-energy picture of the Crab
pulsar from 0.1 keV up to 10 GeV by using the high energy -ray data
from the CGRO satellite together with data obtained at X-ray
energies from several observatories.
The authors model the 0.1 keV-10 GeV pulsed emission
in 7 narrow phase slices with a composite model: a power law
present in the phase intervals of the two main pulses,
a curved spectral component required in the same
phase intervals
and second broader curved spectral component representing mainly
the bridge emission.
X-ray observations of Crab pulsar performed
with a balloon born experiment report the detection of an emission
line at 440 keV with a flux of
ph cm-2 s-1 (Massaro et al. 1991).
Ulmer et al. (1994), using OSSE data, did not detected this line
but derived a 3
upper limit compatible with its presence.
Table 1: Observation log for the data used in this analysis.
Results on the INTEGRAL observations of the Crab pulsar have already been presented by Kuiper et al. (2003), that studied the instrument absolute timing accuracy and by Brandt et al. (2003) who reports results on the 3-37 keV energy range with the X-ray monitor JEM-X.
In this paper, we present the timing and spectral analysis of several observations of the Crab pulsar performed with SPI, JEM-X, IBIS/ISGRI and IBIS/PICsIT on board INTEGRAL. We investigate the presence of the 440 keV line and thanks to the wide energy range covered by INTEGRAL instruments and to the good statistics achieved by the summed data sets, we are able to perform a detailed phase resolved spectroscopy on the Crab pulsed emission over the wide energy range 3-500 keV.
The INTEGRAL payload is composed of three high energy instruments.
JEM-X (Lund et al. 2003) consists of two identical coded-aperture mask telescopes with a
geometrical area of 500 cm2 and an angular resolution of 3 arcmin across an
effective field of view of about 10.
The detector at the focal plane, a Microstrip Gas Chamber, operates in the energy
range 3-35 keV with an energy resolution of
17% at 6 keV.
SPI (Vedrenne et al. 2003) is a high spectral resolution gamma-ray telescope
that consists of an array of 19 closely packed germanium detectors surrounded
by an active anticoincidence shield of BGO. The imaging capabilities of the
instrument are obtained with a tungsten coded aperture mask
adopting a particular observing strategy (dithering).
The fully coded field-of-view is 16
and the angular resolution is 2.5
The energy range extends from 20 keV to 8 MeV with a typical energy
resolution of 2.5 keV at 1.3 MeV.
IBIS (Ubertini et al. 2003) is a coded aperture telescope composed by two detection layers:
ISGRI (Lebrun et al. 2003) and PICsIT (Di Cocco et al. 2003).
ISGRI is a large CdTe gamma-ray camera operating in the range 15 keV-1 MeV,
with a geometrical area of 2621 cm2 and an energy resolution of
8% at
60 keV. PICsIT is composed by 64
64 Caesium-Iodide (CsI)
scintillation pixels working in the energy intervals 175 keV-10 MeV.
The limited telemetry budged of INTEGRAL degrades the event
timing information on board. Taking into account all possible
uncertainties affecting the time accuracy (the On Board Time (OBT)
accuracy, the orbit
prediction etc.), Kuiper et al. (2003) estimated that
the resulting time resolution is s for IBIS,
s for SPI and
for JEM-X, about 30-40% worse than the nominal time resolution
of each single instrument; moreover
the INTEGRAL absolute timing accuracy, as estimated by Kuiper et al. (2003)
from Crab data, is about 40
The IBIS/PICsIT detector cannot be routinely configured in
photon-by-photon mode due to
the high telemetry budget requested for this operational mode.
For timing studies then, observers can select the
spectral-timing mode in
which the whole detector counts are accumulated on board in up to eight
energy bands (default 4) and with an integration time in the range
0.97-500 ms (default 3.9 ms).
The analysis performed in this paper uses on axis JEM-X observations
and SPI data relative to pointings less than 6.
IBIS observations have a maximum off-axis angle of 1
They are relative
to different configuration of the instrument:
in particular, data are accumulated on board with different
rise-time selections. We then verified that spectra relative to different
science windows have negligible differences in the energy
range considered for the spectral analysis.
IBIS/PICsIT observation intervals with
time resolution of 1 ms have been considered and
to improve the statistics of the
light curve, data from rev. 0041 with an off-axis of 9.6
were also included.
Table 1 summarizes the log of the observations used in this analysis together with the relative time exposures.
To obtain spectra and light
curves of the sources present in the field, INTEGRAL official
software (OSA),
whose algorithms are described in Goldwurm et al. (2003) and Gros et al. (2003) for IBIS,
Skinner & Connell (2003), and Strong (2003) for SPI, and Westergaard et al. (2003) for JEM-X,
repeats a shadowgram
deconvolution process several times, by selecting events in the energy and
time intervals of interest.
However, when the source positions have already been determined
(because a priori known or predetermined by a shadowgram deconvolution),
it is alternatively possible, to select only the detector pixels fully illuminated by the
source. This method simplifies the accumulation of phase resolved spectra.
The amount of
illumination from a given source, normalized to the maximum illumination value is
called Photon Illumination Fraction (PIF) and
is generated by the standard software for JEM-X and IBIS/ISGRI.
For these instruments, we run the standard pipeline (OSA vers. 4.2)
up to the "DEAD'' level that includes the conversion from detector energy
channels (PHA) to energy channels corrected for instrumental effects (PI),
the selection for the Good Time Intervals (GTI) and the correction
for the instrument dead time and we selected events with
However, IBIS/ISGRI conversion PHA-to-PI has been performed
through our own calibration file generated by one of the authors (A.S.).
This file is based on on-ground and in-flight
calibration data and represents an
improvement respect to the standard one (see Appendix A).
No PIF selection is possible for SPI; we then extracted the list files relative to the whole field of view running the standard pipeline (OSA vers. 4.2) up to the "COR'' level that produces corrected events selected for the GTI.
The response matrices used in the analysis of JEM-X and SPI data are provided by the standard software. The ISGRI response matrix has been generated with our own software to take into account the new PHA-to-PI calibration file (see Appendix A).
No response matrix is available for spectral timing data with IBIS/PICsIT; the presently available matrices are in fact suitable only for spectral imaging data. Data from this detector have not been included in the spectral analysis.
JEM-X spectral analysis was performed in the energy range 3-20 keV, IBIS/ISGRI and SPI spectra were fitted in the range 20-500 keV and 40-200 keV, respectively.
Errors quoted in the paper are relative to 1confidence level for one interesting parameter.
Phase histograms of the Crab pulsar were evaluated for each instrument and each observation using the period folding technique and adding the various offsets quoted in Walter et al. (2003) to correct the time relation derived by the INTEGRAL Science Data Center. The resulting phase histograms in six energy bands from 3 keV to 360 keV are shown in Fig. 1 in absolute phase with a phase resolution ranging from 0.01 (0.33 ms) to 0.03 (1.1 ms) according to the available statistics and to the instrument time resolution.
The well-known double peaked structure is prominent in all the profiles with a high statistical significance and the known evolution of the Crab pulse profile with energy can be observed: the relative intensity of the first pulse respect to the second increases with energies together with the level of the bridge emission.
Energy channels are uniformly rebinned in agreement with the response matrices and in order to have a minimum bin content of 20 counts.
Spectra of each instrument were first modeled with a single power law; low energy absorption has been included in the JEM-X fits, fixing the absorbing column to the values derived by Weisskopf et al. (2004). Spectra from the two JEM-X units were fitted simultaneously introducing as free parameter a factor to take care of the instrumental systematics. The best fit values of this intercalibration factor are in the range 0.8-1.06 with an average of 0.98.
JEM-X reduced
are generally acceptable: they span the range 0.8 1.2
(d.o.f. 266) with only four values out of 42 above
this range (between 1.29 and 1.33).
IBIS/ISGRI fits gave values of reduced
between 0.8 and 1.8 (122 d.o.f.)
with 16 values greater than 1.26 over 42 and only one above 1.5.
These higher values of reduced
can be considered acceptable
because they are due to local
residuals at low energies as expected from the level of accuracy
of the systematics in OSA 4.2 software
The SPI values of the reduced
lie in the expected range
0.7-1.4 (41 d.o.f.) with only two values at 1.6. The best fit
spectral indices are shown in Fig. 2 vs. phase together with the light
curves for the three instruments.
As example in Fig. 3 (top panels)
the JEM-X, IBIS/ISGRI and SPI spectra relative to the
the first peak are shown together with the
residuals respect to the simple power-law model (bottom panels).
The same phase dependence is clearly apparent in each plot in Fig. 2:
the first peak has the softest spectrum, whereas the hardest emission
is produced in the interpeak.
The statistical significance of the softening
of the spectral index has been evaluated fitting the photon index
in the leading edge of the first peak with a constant and with a line.
Applying the F-test to the derived ,
a significance of 99.6% in the JEM-X2 energy range and 99.7% in the IBIS/ISGRI 20-500 keV
can be inferred confirming the results
obtained by Pravdo et al. (1997) and Massaro et al. (2000).
The presence of a line at 440 keV
in the ISGRI spectrum relative to the phase interval (0.27-0.47)
has also been investigated.
We find a 3
upper limit of
ph cm-2 s-1 consistent with the presence of the line detected by Massaro et al. (1991).
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Figure 2: Spectral index vs. phase measured by JEM-X in the energy range 3-20 keV ( top panel), IBIS/ISGRI in the energy range 20-500 keV ( middle panel) and SPI in the energy range 40-200 keV ( bottom panel). |
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Figure 3: JEM-X, IBIS/ISGRI and SPI spectrum of the phase interval 0.99-1.00 fitted with a single power law. |
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Comparing JEM-X, SPI and IBIS/ISGRI results, we
note that spectral indices are clearly increasing with
energy over all the phase intervals, in agreement with BeppoSAX results
(Massaro et al. 2000).
It is already known that the spectral energy distribution of the Crab pulsed
emission is continously steepening from the optical frequencies to -rays.
In the X-ray range, Massaro et al. (2000) showed that a suitable model
is the curved power law with a continously steepening described by the
following formula:
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(1) |
We fitted at first JEM-X2 and ISGRI spectra simultaneously with a single
power law introducing a normalization factor in the model
to take into account the intercalibration systematics between the two
In this wide band fits we considered only JEM-X2 units that shows a better
calibration compared to the BeppoSAX-MECS. We find, in fact that the
discrepancies in the photon indices measured by the two instruments,
in the common energy range 2-10 keV, in the same phase intervals
is lower than 5%. SPI has not been included because of
the lower statistics.
The resulted reduced
have values generally unacceptable
for the expected distribution with 256 degree of freedom. The distribution of
the reduced
is shown in the top panel of
Fig. 4: values >1.3 are relative to the spectra in the two main peaks.
Following Massaro et al. (2000) approach, we fitted then JEM-X2 and
ISGRI spectra simultaneously with the curved model of Eq. (1).
All fits gave acceptable
as shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 4 and
the best fit values of intercalibration factors are compatible with the
over all phase intervals.
The best fit values of the two parameters vs. phase are shown in Fig. 5.
The bending parameter b is statistically compatible with a single value
over all phase intervals as found by Massaro et al. (2001) over 3 wider intervals. The fit with a constant gave a value of
where the
error represents the spread around the average.
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Figure 4:
Frequency histogram of the reduced ![]() |
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Figure 5: Best fit parameters a and b measured fitting simultaneously JEM-X2 and IBIS/ISGRI with the curved model of Eq. (1) vs. phase. |
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The value of the bending parameter (
similar to the values obtained for other Crab-like pulsars
(de Plaa et al. 2003; Cusumano et al. 2001; Mineo et al. 2004)
strongly suggesting a common characteristic of these sources.
A log-parabolic spectrum, can be interpreted in term of the physics of the particle acceleration. It can be obtained when the acceleration decreases with the particle energy Massaro et al. (2004a,b). In the case of the pulsar environment, this could result from several crossings of the magnetosphere gaps with a time of permanence inside the acceleration region that decrease with the energy of the particles.
The Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of the log-parabolic law has a
maximum at the energy
given by
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(2) |
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(3) |
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(4) |
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(5) |
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(6) |
The present analysis of the Crab X-ray pulsed emission confirms that
a wide energy band analysis is very important for the study and understanding
of the SED of radio pulsars. Future mission sensitive to the rays
should include this source as a primary scientific target.
TM is grateful to Enrico Massaro for his helpful suggestions and discussion on the paper. The authors thanks the anonimous referee for his/her relevant comments that greatly improved the scientific content of the paper.
The ISGRI detection layer, that consists of an
array of
independent CdTe detector pixels, suffer of a rather severe
"Charge Loss Effect'', common to this kind of detectors.
To take into account these effects, the solution adopted by the calibration team
(Lebrun et al. 2003) is to perform an energy correction as a function of the pulse
rise-time using multiplicative coefficients stored in a "Look-Up'' Table
(LUT2). The version of the LUT2 distributed with the OSA software
is not yet optimized
, and it introduces
artificial features in the spectra, the most relevant in the 80 keV region,
that are compensated with
an ad hoc modifications of the ISGRI effective area
(see left panel of Fig. A.1).
However, the intensity of the artificial features strongly depend on the
spectral shape and the analysis of
sources with spectral shapes different from that of the Crab
might be affected.
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Figure A.1: ISGRI effective area vs. energy for the standard software ( left panel) and for the A.S. version ( right panel). Features in the range 30-40 keV are due to CdTe absorption edges. |
A new LUT2
based on on-ground and in-flight calibration data has been
generated by one of the authors A. Segreto.
The better energy correction is confirmed by the fact that it is no more necessary to
introduce ad-hoc wiggles in the effective area, as shown in the right panel of
Fig. A.1. Moreover, the new effective area gives a value of
the Crab spectral index in better agreement with the one quoted in literature
and measured by the other instrument on-board INTEGRAL
(see also Table A.1).
In Fig. A.2, the residuals of the power law fit of the Crab spectrum
obtained processing the ISGRI data with the standard OSA 4.2 response matrix
(left panel) and with the A.S. LUT2 and effective area (right panel) are shown.
Tests on this matrix have been performed analysing sources which are
detected with good statistics up to 100-200 keV.
The spectral parameter derived with the two matrices are plotted in
Table A.1 together with the values quoted in literature.
The matrix we adopted gives best fit values of the spectral parameters in
agreement with the ones quoted in literature and values generally lower than the one derived from the standard
OSA 4.2 matrix.
Table A.1: Comparison of the best fit parameters obtained using the standard matrix (ISDC) and the new A.S. version.