All Tables
- Table 1:
Results of HESS observations on PSR B1259-63. For each
darkness period the number of telescopes used in the analysis
the live time
significance S calculated according to Li & Ma (1983), the number of
counts within the on-source (
and off-source
region(s), the background normalisation
and the number of detected
-rays (
listed. The background normalisation
was determined by the
number of off-regions, which do not coincide with other
sources in the field of view. Therefore
is not the same for
all data subsets because it depends on the distribution of wobble
offsets used when obtaining the data.
- Table 2:
Parameters of the power law fit to the differential spectrum for the
different darkness periods of HESS observations on
PSR B1259-63. For the periods May and June 2004, no spectrum could
be derived due to insufficient statistics. Shown are the photon index
and the flux normalisation
(with statistical
error only), the
per number of degrees of freedom
and the
the power law fit of the spectrum, and the corresponding mean
threshold energy
(rounded to 10 GeV).
- Table 3:
Light curve properties of the HESS 2004 data. The integrated flux
was calculated assuming a photon index
(see text). For the daily integral flux light curve of each
period the following properties are given: the
for a fit to a constant flux, and the slope a and significance
of an increasing or declining flux after
fitting a straight line
is the Modified Julian Date), together with the corresponding