Table 3: Light curve properties of the HESS 2004 data. The integrated flux F(> $380~{\rm GeV})$ was calculated assuming a photon index $\Gamma = 2.7$ (see text). For the daily integral flux light curve of each period the following properties are given: the $\chi ^2$/${\rm ndf}$for a fit to a constant flux, and the slope a and significance $S_a = \left \vert a\right \vert$/$\sigma _a$ of an increasing or declining flux after fitting a straight line $F(t_{\rm MJD})=a t_{\rm MJD} + F(0)$ ( $t_{\rm MJD}$ is the Modified Julian Date), together with the corresponding $\chi ^2_{\rm line}/{\rm ndf}$.
Period F(> $380~{\rm GeV})$ $\chi^2_{\rm const}/$ $a\;[10^{-9}\rm ~cm^{-2}$ $\chi^2_{\rm line}/$ Sa
2004 $[10^{-12}~{\rm cm}^{-2}~{\rm s}^{-1}]$ ${\rm ndf}$ $\rm ~s^{-1}~MJD^{-1}]$ ${\rm ndf}$ $[\sigma]$
February $5.9\pm0.6$ 9.4/5 $-10\pm5$ 4.3/4 2.2
March $2.8\pm0.4$ 31.9/9 $7.1\pm1.5$ 8.9/8 4.6
April $5.1\pm0.7$ 4.2/5 $-4.4\pm2.4$ 0.8/4 1.8
May $2.4\pm0.5$ 4.0/7 $-1.6\pm1.2$ 2.2/6 1.3
June <2.0 * 4.3/5 $-0.5\pm3.1$ 4.3/4 0.2

* 99% CL, calculated according to Feldman & Cousins (1998).

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