All Tables
- Table 1:
Observing log for the new set of data. The S/N ratio is provided at 6050 Å and 5375 Å.
- Table 2:
Atomic parameters adopted for C I, S I, Zn I
and Cu I lines.
- Table 3:
Sensitivity of the abundances of C, S, Zn and Cu to changes of 100 K in effective temperature, 0.3 dex in
gravity and metallicity, and 0.5 km s-1 in microturbulence.
- Table 4:
Carbon abundances from CI lines at 5380 Å and 5052 Å for a
set of stars with planets and brown dwarf companions.
- Table 5:
Carbon abundances from CI lines at 5380 Å and 5052 Å for a
set of comparison stars.
- Table 6:
Sulphur abundances from SI lines at 6743 Å and 6757 Å for a
set of stars with planets and brown dwarf companions.
- Table 7:
Sulphur abundances from SI lines 6743 Å and 6757 Å for a
set of comparison stars.
- Table 8:
Zn abundances from ZnI lines at 4810 Å and 4722 Å for a set of
stars with planets and brown dwarf companions.
- Table 9:
Zn abundances from ZnI lines at 4810 Å and 4722 Å for a set of
comparison stars.
- Table 10:
Cu abundances from CuI lines at 5218 Å and 5782 Å for a set of
stars with planets and brown dwarf companions.
- Table 11:
Cu abundances from CuI lines at 5218 Å and 5782 Å a for a set
of comparison stars.
- Table 12:
Average [X/H] values, with the corresponding dispersions, for the set of planet host stars and the
comparison sample.
- Table 13:
Comparison of measured EW of C I line at 5380 Å from
our data and from other authors.
- Table 14:
Comparison of sulphur abundances from our results and from other
- Table 15:
Comparison of zinc abundances from our results and from other authors.
- Table 16:
Comparison of copper abundances from our results and from other authors.