Table 2: Energy levels in Rydbergs for the LS target states included in the calculation, relative to the Mg IX 2s2 1S ground state.
  Energy in Rydbergs
LS state NISTa Current B&Lb
1 2s2 1S 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
2 2s2p 3P$^{\rm o}$ 1.3019 1.2877 1.3111
3 2s2p 1P$^{\rm o}$ 2.4758 2.5292 2.5457
4 2p2 3P 3.3555 3.3190 3.3956
5 2p2 1D 3.6915 3.7066 3.7742
6 2p2 1S 4.5530 4.5875 4.6851
7 2s3s 3S 13.9647 13.9390 13.9410
8 2s3s 1S 14.1983 14.1738 14.1800
9 2s3p 1P$^{\rm o}$ 14.5220 14.4928 14.5096
10 2s3p 3P$^{\rm o}$ 14.5575 14.5255 14.5377
11 2s3d 3D 14.8647 14.8696 14.8482
12 2s3d 1D 15.0776 15.0808 15.0878
13 2p3s 3P$^{\rm o}$ 15.6064 15.5577 15.5980
14 2p3s 1P$^{\rm o}$ 15.8837 15.8055 15.8453
15 2p3p 1P 15.9300 15.8824 15.9192
16 2p3p 3D 16.0149 15.9687 16.0069
17 2p3p 3S 16.1329 16.0867 16.1258
18 2p3p 3P 16.2160 16.1576 16.2127
19 2p3d 1D$^{\rm o}$ 16.3084 16.2768 16.2968
20 2p3d 3F$^{\rm o}$ - 16.2910 16.2879
21 2p3p 1D 16.3652 16.3359 16.3892
22 2p3d 3D$^{\rm o}$ 16.4777 16.4307 16.4704
23 2p3d 3P$^{\rm o}$ 16.5460 16.5106 16.5421
24 2p3p 1S - 16.6286 16.6815
25 2p3d 1F$^{\rm o}$ 16.7189 16.7066 16.7492
26 2p3d 1P$^{\rm o}$ 16.7815 16.7398 16.7998

a NIST database; b Bhatia & Landi (2007).

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