Figure 1: Dependences of projected number distributions of stars (thin) and GCs (thick) in merger remnants (i.e., elliptical galaxies) on the total number of major merger events () which an elliptical experienced during its formation. For clarity, the density distributions are normalized to their central values. Thin dotted lines represent power-law slopes () of , -2.0, -1.5, and -1.0. Note that the density profiles of GCSs become flatter for larger , i.e. more mergers. | |
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Figure 2: Comparison between the observed relation and the simulated one. The observational data, represented by open circles, come from the table in the appendix of Ashman & Zepf (1998). Solid, dotted, short-dashed, and long-dashed lines show the results of the HI, PP, RR, and LA models, respectively. Note that both simulations and observations show a tendency for flatter density profiles in brighter ellipticals. | |
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Figure 3: The dependence of the GCS profile slope ( ) and that for the galaxy stars ( ) in 16 simulated merger remnants, i.e. elliptical galaxies. The dotted line indicates . | |
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Figure 4: Comparison between the observed and the simulated ones. Here is the core radius of a GCS's distribution. The observational data represented by open circles come from Forbes et al. (1996). Solid, dotted, short-dashed, and long-dashed line show the results of the HI, PP, RR, and LA models, respectively. | |
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Figure 5: Dependences of projected number distributions of GCs in merger remnants (i.e., elliptical galaxies) on the initial slope of radial density profiles of GCSs in spirals (i.e., ) for the models with . For clarity, the density distributions are normalized to their central values. Thin dotted lines represent power-law slopes () of , -2.0, -1.5, and -1.0. Note that there are no remarkable differences between the three models. | |
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Figure 6: The projected number distributions of stars (thin) and GCs (thick) in merger remnant (i.e., elliptical galaxies) with . For clarity, the density distributions are normalized to their central values. Thin dotted lines represent power-law slopes () of , -2.0, -1.5, and -1.0. | |
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Figure 7: Final distributions of stars ( left) and GCs ( right) projected onto the x-y plane for the disk galaxy model after minor merging of the disk with a dwarf elliptical galaxy (dE) with mag. GCs in the right panel for this minor merger model are those stripped from the dE and represented by filled squares. The center of the disk galaxy with the initial size of 17.5 kpc, which is not shown within the two frames for clarity, is coincident with the center of each frame. Note that most GCs are located in the outer part of the disk. | |
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Figure 8: The projected number distributions and GCs in the initial disk model ( left) and the minor merger one ( right) where a dwarf elliptical galaxy (dE) merges with the disk. For clarity, the density distributions are normalized to their central values. Thin dotted lines represent power-law slopes () of , -2.0, -1.5, and -1.0. Note that the outer profile ( kpc) of the GCS of the disk becomes flattened after GC accretion associated with the minor merging. | |
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