A&A 437, 899-904 (2005)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20053060
M. G. Watson1 - T. P. Roberts1 - M. Akiyama2 - Y. Ueda3
1 - Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Leicester,
Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
2 -
Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 650
North A'ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720, USA
3 -
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Sagamihara,
229-8510, Japan
Received 21 December 2004 / Accepted 6 April 2005
We report the serendipitous discovery of several
unresolved X-ray sources lying in the prominent spiral arms of the galaxy
KUG 0214-057 in XMM-Newton observations. The location of
X-ray sources strongly suggests that at least three, and possibly four, of
these may be physically related to the galaxy. The luminosity of each
of these sources at the distance of KUG 0214-057 is >
(0.3-10 keV), making each a strong candidate
X-ray source (ULX). Using the ULXs objects as a metric implies that this
relatively low-mass
galaxy may be experiencing rather intense starburst activity. The
serendipitous discovery of these ULXs objects suggests that such objects
are not a negligible component of the overall extragalactic X-ray source
Key words: X-rays: galaxies - galaxies: starburst
Figure 1: a) and b) ( left and centre panels): the soft band (0.5-2 keV) XMM-Newton X-ray image centred on KUG 0214-057. Data shown is for the 3 EPIC cameras combined in both colour and contour representations. The circles, plotted with nominal 5 arcsec radius, mark the 5 sources discussed in the text, labelled with source identifiers as in Table 1. Note that source E is strongly saturated in the image shown in a). The location of the nucleus of KUG 0214-057 is marked with a diamond in each panel. The X-ray image has been smoothed with a Gaussian with arcsec. c) ( right-hand panel): optical R-band image of region containing KUG 0214-057 obtained with Subaru SuprimeCam. The smaller galaxy to the E is APMUKS(BJ) B021449.37-054240.9; the nebulosity discussed in the text is the faint feature to the SE marked with an arrow. Each panel has dimensions arcmin. | |
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Perhaps the most interesting result to emerge from Chandra observations of starburst galaxies has been the detection of significant populations of ULXs, many of which have extreme luminosities i.e. close to or in excess of , in the most active star forming regions of these galaxies (e.g. NGC 3256, Lira et al. 2002; the Antennae, Fabbiano et al. 2001; the Cartwheel, Gao et al. 2003). Whilst it is possible that some of these ULXs may be powered by IMBHs formed in young, dense star clusters (as now seems likely for the extreme ULX in M 82; Portegies Zwart et al. 2004), this formation route is unlikely for the majority of ULXs in these systems, which are instead likely to be "ordinary'' high-mass X-ray binaries powered by one or more of the mechanisms outlined above (King 2004). Regardless of their origin, it is now becoming apparent that the presence (and integrated luminosity) of multiple ULXs may be a new gauge of high rates of star formation activity (Grimm et al. 2003; Persic et al. 2004), and indeed the numbers of galaxies containing ULXs has been demonstrated to rise proportionally with the star formation rate out to (Hornschmeier et al. 2004).
Most of the ULXs known have been discovered in pointed observations of specific galaxies, i.e. essentially in surveys of external galaxy populations, although their discovery has often been fortuitous. In this paper we report the serendipitous discovery of several unresolved X-ray sources lying in the prominent spiral arms of the galaxy KUG 0214-057 in XMM-Newton observations of this region of sky, made as part of the Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). The location of these X-ray sources strongly suggests that at least three, and possibly four, of these may be physically related to the galaxy as opposed to foreground or background objects. The luminosity of each of these sources, if at the distance of KUG 0214-057, is > , placing all three towards the high luminosity end of the ULX regime. These results thus correspond to the discovery of ULXs as part of an unbiased extragalactic survey.
Table 1: Summary properties of the X-ray sources in the region of KUG 0214-057.
Here we concentrate on the "SDS-6'' field, which was observed for a total exposure time 50 ks. The SDS-6 field (OBSID: 0112370701, observations made on 2002-08-08/ 2002-08-09) contains a small region notable in having a relatively high local source density. Our attention was first drawn to this source complex because of the rather striking pattern: a single bright source surrounded by a partial ring of fainter objects (Fig. 1a,b). As is discussed later, there is no reason to suppose that the bright X-ray source and fainter objects are physically related, but it is very likely that several of the faint X-ray sources are physically related to a galaxy they are spatially coincident with.
Table 1 presents the basic parameters of the five X-ray sources detected by XMM-Newton in this region of sky taken from the complete X-ray source catalogue for the SXDS (Ueda et al. 2005, in preparation). The catalogue is based on an analysis of the summed EPIC images, i.e. the EPIC MOS1, MOS2 and pn data combined; all the results discussed in this paper relate to the combined EPIC data. Source parameters are those derived from the SAS task emldetect which determines the source parameters by fitting the instrumental point spread function (PSF) at candidate source positions as part of the standard source detection and parameterisation approach. All 5 sources reported in Table 1 are detected at relatively high significance (likelihoods 30 in the combined EPIC data; sources C & D have the lowest likelihoods) and are confirmed by visual examination of the EPIC pn images and in the combined EPIC MOS images (the lowest significance sources are only marginally visible in the individual EPIC MOS images). The count rates reported are background-subtracted values corrected for vignetting and correspond to the count rates integrated over the entire instrument PSF.
Figures 1a,b show the XMM-Newton X-ray image with the source locations overlaid. By cross-correlating the full set of X-ray sources detected in the SXDS region with the Subaru optical object catalogue, the relative astrometry between the Subaru and XMM-Newton astrometric frames has been established to <1 arcsec. The positions quoted in Table 1 have been corrected for small systematic shifts in the XMM-Newton astrometric frame, i.e. essentially to the reference frame defined for the Subaru imaging which has an absolute astrometric accuracy better than 0.5 arcsec. The statistical error (1) on the X-ray source positions is <0.5 arcsec for the brightest source (E) and ranges from 1.2 to 1.8 arcsec for the four fainter sources listed. We adopt a 5 arcsec radius for the X-ray source positional uncertainty.
Figure 2: Optical B-band ( top row) and R-band ( bottom row) finding charts for the four ULX candidate X-ray sources (A, B, C, D from left to right) and the background AGN (E). The finding charts are based on the Subaru SuprimeCam SXDS imaging. X-ray error-circles, plotted with nominal 5 arcsec radius, are shown in green. Note that the two right hand images are displayed with different colour table to enhance the visibility of faint objects. | |
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The location of the X-ray sources on the optical sky is shown in Fig. 1c. The optical image shown is the R-band image obtained as part of the Subaru SuprimeCam observations of the SXDS. The full SXDS optical imaging consists of five colours (BVRi'z') and extends to very faint limits (e.g. mag; AB; 5) with excellent seeing (0.8 arcsec) (Furusawa et al. 2005, in preparation).
As can be seen in Fig. 1c, all five X-ray sources lie in the outer regions of the 15 mag galaxy KUG 0214-057 (Miyauchi-Isobe & Mahehara 1998; KUG 0214-057 = MCG -01-06-080/ PGC 008726). KUG 0214-057 is a barred spiral galaxy at z=0.018 (corresponding to a distance Mpc), lying in the galaxy group NOG 151 with NGC 881 and NGC 883 (Giuricin et al. 2000). Three of these sources (A, B and C) are located in the outer spiral arms of the galaxy, whilst the other two (E, D) are outside the visible optical envelope.
The brightest source, E, has been identified with an AGN at z=0.634 as part of the ongoing optical follow-up of the SXDS X-ray sources (Akiyama et al. 2005, in preparation); the optical counterpart is the brightest object within the X-ray error-circle shown in Fig. 2. As KUG 0214-057 is at z=0.018, the X-ray source E is clearly an unrelated background object.
Figure 3: X-ray colour-colour plots for the five X-ray sources: the four ULX candidates (red points and error bars) and the source identified with an AGN (E; blue square, error bars are 2 times smaller than the symbol plotted). The background grey-scale shows the density of colour values for 500 SXDS X-ray sources with relatively low errors in the X-ray colour. Left: HR2 vs. HR1; right: HR3 vs. HR2. The HR values are defined as follows: ; ; where A = keV); B = keV); C = keV) and D = keV) and the values are the vignetting-corrected EPIC count rates. The grid overlaid on each panel corresponds to the hardness ratios for power law spectra with indexes ( top to bottom) and ( left to right). | |
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The location of the remaining four objects is most plausibly explained by them being located within the galaxy itself. The evidence is arguably strongest for sources A, B and C which are embedded in regions of the galaxy rich in knots of nebulosity which, on the basis of their broad-band optical colours, are very likely to be star-formation regions (see Fig. 2 and Sect. 3.3). The evidence is weaker for D which lies somewhat outside the visible optical envelope of the galaxy, although not far from the end of the apparently disrupted spiral arm to the W. If this is correct, the broad band X-ray luminosities of these sources range from to , making them ULXs with luminosities towards the high end of those observed in external galaxies.
These X-ray sources might alternatively be foreground or background objects unrelated to the galaxy. Based on the well-established high Galactic latitude X-ray source relationship, the a priori chance probability of finding three or four X-ray sources at these fluxes within 1 arcmin radius of the galaxy is <1% and the probability of finding them in the smaller region defined by the spiral arms even lower. More than 80% of faint high latitude X-ray sources are AGN, making them the most likely background sources. At the flux levels of the four sources under discussion, the AGN counterparts have mean optical magnitude mag. Although counterparts at these magnitudes are normally trivially detected in the Subaru imaging observations, we estimate that the surface brightness inside the envelope of KUG 0214-057 is high enough to preclude detection of counterparts fainter than 22 mag. Thus only a small fraction of potential background AGN counterparts would actually be detectable.
A second X-ray diagnostic of the nature of these sources is temporal variability. This is a particularly important test for relatively distant sources such as these ULX candidates, where the spatial resolution of XMM-Newton corresponds to physical scales of 2 kpc, hence a detection of variability (particularly on short timescales) strongly favours an origin for the X-ray emission in a single accreting source as opposed to an unresolved complex of many sources. However, the limited nature of the raw data (100-200 counts per ULX candidate from all three EPIC detectors combined) precludes all but the simplest of variability tests. Comparative photometry of the four ULX candidates, after splitting the observation into three equal-length intervals (15.9 ks apiece), revealed no significant variability. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test against the hypothesis of a constant source flux for the time series data divided into 5 ks intervals indicated no significant variability in three of the sources, but source B was found to have a probability of being variable ( significance). Hence at least one of the ULX candidates shows some temporal evidence of being a single, accretion-powered source.
The X-ray properties of sources A & C and in particular B appear consistent with known ULXs. Source D has slightly unusual X-ray colours, perhaps consistent with a buried young supernova remnant, which would make it a very rare source - only 10 such sources with peak X-ray luminosities in the ULX regime have ever been observed (Immler & Lewin 2003; this rarity also argues that the chances of the other ULX candidates also being such sources is very low indeed). There is of course still a possibility that some of the candidate ULXs are no more than a superposition of less-luminous sources clustered within the 5 arcsec diameter XMM-Newton beam (1.8 kpc at the distance of KUG 0214-057). However, this would require a remarkable density of X-ray sources - for illustration, the surface luminosity density of the 43 detected X-ray sources in the central 1-arcmin (5.5 kpc diameter) region of the Antennae, calculated from the catalogue of Zezas et al. 2002 expressed as /area, is . In KUG 0214-057 one would require a higher density of for any of our candidate ULXs to be a superposition of many fainter sources. Hence the most likely interpretation must be that we are viewing individual, accretion-powered ULXs.
Figure 4: FOCAS optical spectrum of brightest knot in nebulosity within error-circle of source B (see Fig. 2). The bright emission lines are identified as H (+ [NII]), [OIII] Å, H, [SII] Å and [SIII] Å at z=0.018. | |
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KUG 0214-057 was not detected by IRAS and hence there is no mid-IR data to constrain the star formation rate. Similarly, there are no corresponding measurements of the flux in H, UV or radio continuum, hence these classic methods for deriving a star forming rate are also not available. However, recent work has shown that the integrated X-ray luminosity of luminous high mass X-ray binaries in star forming galaxies can also be a measure of star formation rate (see e.g. Grimm et al. 2003). We therefore estimate an X-ray star forming rate in the following manner. We assume a starburst-like X-ray luminosity function slope of (Kilgard et al. 2002) for sources in KUG 0214-057, and normalise this to the integrated flux of the four detected sources ( ) over the range (i.e. between the minimum detected luminosity of the ULXs, and the apparent break luminosity for galaxian luminosity functions noted by Grimm et al. 2003). We then integrate below this range (i.e. between ) to estimate the "missing'' flux from discrete sources below our detection limit, which totals . Hence we estimate a total X-ray flux from luminous point-like X-ray sources of . From Fig. 7 of Grimm et al. (2003) this converts to a reasonably high star formation rate in the range of yr-1.
To put this star formation rate in perspective, we estimate the mass of KUG 0214-057 using the stellar M/L correlation coefficients of Bell & De Jong (2001). In particular, we follow Colbert et al. (2004) and use coefficients from the formation with bursts model, and we use optical/IR magnitudes from NED of B = 15.26 (Maddox et al. 1990) and K = 13.16 (2MASS measurement). These convert to give , and hence . Finally, by normalising the star formation rate to the galaxy mass we find that KUG 0214-057 has a rate of 4 (in units of ), which from Table 1 of Grimm et al. (2003) is very similar to the rate per unit mass in the archetypal local starburst M 82 (3.6). However, in contrast to M 82, the locations of both the ULXs and optical knots demonstrate that the star formation activity appears to be prevalent throughout the spiral arms of KUG 0214-057, rather than dominant in the nucleus. This is another indicator that the high star formation rate is due to an interaction: similar star formation morphology and ULX locations are seen in more nearby interactions, e.g. in NGC 4485/90 (Roberts et al. 2002) and M 51 (Terashima & Wilson 2004). However, we note that both the star formation rates and the integrated and peak luminosities of the X-ray source populations are far higher in KUG 0214-057. Indeed, Ptak & Colbert (2004) estimate that only of galaxies possess one or more ULXs with ; KUG 0214-057 potentially has four. This high incidence of ULXs is only bettered by the most intense local starbursts, usually in galaxy collisions e.g. NGC 3256 (Lira et al. 2002), the Cartwheel (Gao et al. 2003).
This work is based in part on data collected at Subaru Telescope, which is operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, financially supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 15740126) by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.