Figure 1: Confidence contours for the simultaneous determination of the photon index and the intrinsic dispersion together with the best-fit values found. | |
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Figure 2: The ratios (data/model) resulting from fitting a power law to the 2-12 keV EPIC data ( pn data in black, MOS in red) and extrapolating to lower energies in the case of the QSO ( from top left) a) 1307+085 (z = 0.155): the soft excess emission in this source proves to be best fitted with a blackbody (i.e. model A; see Table 10); b) 1226+023 ( z = 0.158): note that the excess is broader than in 1307+085 (the two QSOs have a similar z) which requires two blackbodies (i.e. model E; see Table 10) to be parametrized; c) 1352+183 (z = 0.158) for which model C (i.e. bremsstrahlung + power law) gives the best fit. Bottom right: d) the ratio resulted fitting with model A the EPIC data of 1440+356 (z = 0.079). Note the large residuals at high energies. This QSO is best fitted with a double power law model (i.e. model D; see Table 10). | |
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Figure 3: Mean value and intrinsic dispersion of the relevant parameters of soft excess in models A ( ), B ( ), C ( ) and D ( ) together with 68%, 90% and 99% confidence contours derived with the maximum likelihood method. | |
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Figure 4: Mean value and intrinsic dispersion of the relevant parameters for tested models applied to the Laor et al. (1997) quasars together with 68%, 90% and 99% confidence contours derived with the maximum likelihood method. | |
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Figure 5: The ratios between the EPIC data ( pn data in black, MOS in red) and a fit with single warm absorber model for 1114+445 ( left) and 2214+139 ( right): the large residuals below 1 keV strongly suggest the presence of a complex "multi-component'' warm absorber. Note also the residuals around 5-6 keV which indicate Fe K fluorescence emission (e.g. Paper II). | |
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Figure 6: Significant (i.e. at >99% confidence level) correlations found among X-ray observables and QSO physical properties (See Table 13 and text for details). From top-left to bottom: a) FWHM(H) versus ; b) versus ; c) FWHM(H) versus ; d) versus ; e) versus . | |
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