Astronomical Institute "Anton Pannekoek'', University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Received 5 April 2004 / Accepted 12 July 2004
Using new techniques based on the polarimetric fluctuation
spectrum, the fluctuation behaviour of the polarization of individual
pulses is examined in three pulsars that show drifting subpulses,
allowing various aspects of the fluctuations to be quantified for the
first time. Of the three pulsars studied, only PSR B0809+74 shows
behaviour completely consistent with the superposition of orthogonal
polarization modes (OPMs), and this only at 328 MHz and in
superposition with an apparently randomly polarized component. The
observed periodic pattern is decomposed into the sum of two
orthogonally polarized, out-of-phase drift patterns, one of which
shows a dramatic jump in subpulse phase near the leading edge of the
pulse window, which probably relates to the phase jump earlier
reported in total intensity at 1380 MHz. For PSR B0320+39 and PSR
B0818-13, considerable periodic fluctuations away from OPM
orientations are seen, a condition that also occurs in the trailing
half of the pulse in PSR B0809+74 at 1380 MHz. In some cases the
deviation is so strong that the periodic locus of the polarization
vector in the Poincaré sphere is almost circular, in contrast to
the strictly colinear states of superposed OPMs. Several
possibilities are discussed for the physical origin of these
patterns. The similarity between the subpulse patterns in one of the
OPMs of PSR B0809+74 at 328 MHz to that of the total intensity signal
at 1380 MHz supports a picture of superposed, out of phase drift
patterns. To explain the full range of behaviour seen in the three
pulsars, it must be possible to produce at least three arbitrarily
polarized superposed patterns. While the data do not suggest a
particular approach for the empirical decomposition of patterns into
non-orthogonally polarized components, the specific, quantitative
nature of the results should provide strong constraints for
theoretically driven modelling.
Key words: plasmas - polarization - stars: pulsars : individual: PSR B0320+39, PSR B0809+74, PSR B0818-13 - waves
That the polarization state is related to the subpulse modulation pattern has been known for some time. Due to insufficient instrumental time resolution, it was initially thought that a smooth transition of position angle occurred over the course of each subpulse (Taylor et al. 1971). It was later conclusively shown using data from four pulsars with drifting subpulses, that the changes are generally sharp jumps from one orthogonal state to another, with the point of transition being related to the subpulse position rather than the average profile (Manchester et al. 1975). Two of these pulsars (PSR B0031-07 and PSR B0809+74) show quasi-periodic drifting, with the consequence that, for any given pulse longitude, the OPM state alternates periodically at the period of the subpulse drifting. Using a high-resolution digital pulsar backend and modern visualisation technology, this picture was confirmed by Ramachandran et al. (2002) in observations of PSR B0809+74 at 328 MHz. A natural interpretation of this phenomenon in terms of the standard rotating spark "carousel'' model of drifting subpulses (Ruderman 1972) is that the observed beam is the incoherent superposition of two orthogonally polarized, azimuthally offset carousel beams (Rankin & Ramachandran 2003; Edwards et al. 2003), however to date a quantitative test of the model and determination of the required azimuthal offset have not been performed.
Much empirical model-building has been done on the basis of the interpretation of data in terms of the canonical geometric models of polarization (e.g., Rankin 1983; Mitra & Deshpande 1999; Rankin 1993; Lyne & Manchester 1988; Han & Manchester 2001) and drifting subpulses (e.g., Asgekar & Deshpande 2001; van Leeuwen et al. 2003; Deshpande & Rankin 1999; Gil & Sendyk 2003; Rankin et al. 2003; Deshpande & Rankin 2001). In practice, however, significant deviations from the models are frequently observed. In many pulsars, the distribution of polarization position angles in individual pulses is broadened beyond what is expected from the instrumental noise (e.g., Stinebring et al. 1984), and a distribution with bimodal peaks separated by an angle other than 90 is often observed (e.g., Backer & Rankin 1980). Related to this, mean polarization profiles are generally poorly fit by the simple geometric model (Everett & Weisberg 2001). Empirical models involving non-orthogonal modes (McKinnon 2003) and superposed randomly polarized radiation (RPR; McKinnon 2004) have been pursued as a first-order explanation for non-OPM behaviour, however in at least one known case (PSR B0329+54; Edwards & Stappers 2004), the distribution of polarization states on the Poincaré sphere shows a remarkably complicated form indicating a more complex origin, most likely in propagation effects. Likewise, in the case of drifting subpulses, deviations from the predictions of simple geometry appear to be the rule rather than the exception (Edwards & Stappers 2003b). It is important that these deviations are characterised and understood if physical information is to be garnered from observations of polarization and drifting subpulses.
In considering the deviations from model predictions in the shape of drift bands in PSR B0320+39, Edwards et al. (2003) arrived at the model of offset carousel beams mentioned earlier. They also noted that, while the beams should be roughly orthogonally polarized for PSR B0809+74, to explain the total intensity observations of PSR B0320+39 the beams must in this case be incompletely and/or non-orthogonally polarized. This is due to the fact that the two beams, offset by half the spacing of subbeams, must be of equal mean intensity near the centre of the pulse window in order to explain the complete lack of periodic subpulse modulation seen there through destructive interference. The superposition of equal amounts of completely, orthogonally polarized radiation is incompatible with the strong polarization present in this region of the mean pulse profile. Therefore, the true origin of polarized drifting subpulse patterns must in general be more complicated than, or at least different to, the model of offset OPMs considered by Rankin & Ramachandran (2003).
In this work we present an analysis of the polarization fluctuations associated with periodic subpulse modulation in PSR B0320+39, PSR B0818-13 and PSR B0809+74, with a view to quantifying not only the OPM behaviour and the associated phase offset between the modes, but also deviations from OPM. The observations and analysis techniques are described in Sect. 2. Section 3 presents the observational results, beginning with PSR B0809+74 as its behaviour proves easiest to understand. This is followed by the discussion (Sect. 4) and conclusions (Sect. 5).
The (complex) LRFS is obtained by taking
the one-dimensional discrete Fourier transforms along vectors of constant
pulse longitude:
(1) |
As with the complex LRFS, the PLRFS decomposes the signal in each
longitude bin into a sum of sinusoids. Because subpulse modulations are
not perfectly periodic, the fundamental response is not confined to a
single coefficient of the spectrum, and some means to account for this
is necessary for optimal sensitivity. The approach taken here is to
take the LRFS and PLRFS of short (128-pulse) segments of data, over
which the response is typically confined to one coefficient, and to add
together, for each longitude bin, the appropriate coefficient from each of
the spectra, after compensating them for an arbitrary,
longitude-independent phase offset. The latter is determined
iteratively using the algorithm given by Edwards et al. (2003). The results
are longitude-dependent complex envelopes in total intensity and
polarization. Because the phase and amplitudes can be different in each
of the three components of ,
elements of the PLRFS or the
complex polarization envelope in general describe ellipses in
-space (see also, for example, Born & Wolf 1999, for a general
treatment of complex 3-vectors as phased ellipses). The parameters of
the ellipse may be obtained by observing that any complex vector
may be written in terms of the real orthogonal vectors
describing the semi-major and semi-minor axes
and and the phase ()
at which
is measured
(4) |
L | = | m1 + m2 | (5) |
= | (6) |
Summing the tensor over a range of k provides information on the fluctuation statistics of the data over the corresponding frequency range, with the limiting case that the sum over all k gives the real-valued covariance matrix of the data. In practice, small values of |k| from are excluded the sum to remove bias due to scintillation-induced fluctuations, and the mean spectral density tensor (estimated from off-pulse longitudes) is subtracted to remove measurement noise bias (Edwards & Stappers 2004). The covariance matrix can be subject to eigenvector decomposition to provide information on the principal directions of the fluctuations and the shape of the cloud formed in -space (McKinnon 2004; Edwards & Stappers 2004). These are specified in terms of an orthogonal basis composed of the three unit eigenvectors, in combination with the three eigenvalues that give the variance of along the corresponding directions. The covariance of between components in any pair of eigenvectors is zero, thus the decomposition effectively models the distribution of as an ellipsoidal cloud, with the eigenvectors as its axes. In addition to the individual eigenvalues, use shall be made of the polarization entropy (Edwards & Stappers 2004), which combines the information from the three eigenvalues to give a measure of how isotropic the fluctuations are, on scale of 0 (all points colinear) to 1 (completely isotropic, spherical distribution). Since OPMs define antiparallel orientations in -space, the signature of pure OPM behaviour is perfect linear correlation, with only one significantly positive eigenvalue (with a corresponding vector aligned with the modal orientation) and an entropy of zero.
In principle one may also measure the covariance matrix summed over
or a subset of positive k, to obtain the coherence matrix
of the analytic signal, or a desired frequency interval of the
analytic signal, corresponding for example to quasi-periodic
modulations. The result could be decomposed using eigenanalysis into
the incoherent sum of orthogonal elliptical fluctuations, or analysed
using other techniques of three-dimensional polarimetry
(e.g., Dennis 2004; Samson 1973; Carozzi et al. 2000). However, the pulsars covered in
this work have sufficiently coherent fluctuations that the PLRFS and
the real (scintillation-corrected) covariance matrix provide all of
the required information on the periodic and non-periodic fluctuations
Figure 1: Colour plots of polarimetric subpulse patterns, pulse number (ordinate) versus pulse longitude (abscissa). The top row shows a sequence of single pulses PSR B0809+74 at 328 MHz, after Ramachandran et al. (2002) but now correctly calibrated. The other rows show mean drift bands, produced by folding the Stokes parameters modulo subpulse modulation period, and plotted twice for continuity. From top to bottom: PSR B0809+74 at 328 MHz, PSR B0320+39 at 357 MHz and PSR B0818-13 at 328 MHz. In the folded plots, a parameterisation of the polarization that splits it into intensity () and orientation (position angle, and ellipticity angle, : see footnote to Sect. 3.1.1) are used to better assess consistency with OPMs. The colour scales used are shown at the bottom. Intensity parameters (left colour scale) are normalised by the peak value plotted in a given panel. | |
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Figure 2: Polarization histograms. The top panel shows the total intensity (solid) and polarized intensity (dotted) of the average pulse profile. The centre panel shows the longitude-dependent histogram of position angle (plotted twice for continuity) along with the position angle of the mean profile. The bottom panel shows the histogram of (where is the ellipticity angle), along with its counterpart from the mean profile. ( is chosen over so that each bin samples an equal area of the Poincaré sphere; see Edwards & Stappers 2004.) For convenience the scale is drawn (non-linearly) in terms of . Only samples with a polarized intensity greater than three times the RMS noise (estimated from the off-pulse) were included. The density scale is such that bins containing no samples are white, while other values are mapped linearly from medium grey to black. | |
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Figure 3: Results of eigenanalysis of the covariance matrices. The top panel shows the average intensity profile (thick solid line), the square roots of the eigenvalues (solid, dashed, dotted thin lines, in descending order of value), and the polarization entropy (thick dotted line). The middle panel shows the position angle of the mean polarization vector (thick line, plotted repeatedly at offsets of for continuity) and of the first eigenvector (thin line, plotted repeatedly at offsets of for continuity under the equivalence of antiparallel vectors as eigenvectors). The bottom panel shows the ellipticity angle of the mean polarization vector (thick line) along with the ellipticity angle of the first eigenvector, plotted twice with opposite signs. | |
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The results of eigenanalysis of the covariance matrix (Fig. 3) provide quantitative support for the features noted above. The very small values of ellipticity angle for the dominant eigenmode concur with the lack of sign flips in Stokes V/I(Fig. 1), indicating that the OPMs are very nearly purely linearly polarized. Incidentally, we note that such a condition would be most unlikely under an arbitrary X-Y relative phase error (especially given the swing in position angle with pulse longitude), confirming the quality of the calibration. The position angle swing of the dominant eigenvector is nearly perfectly linear, being much more robust to slight deviations from orthogonality than the position angle of the average profile (see also Edwards & Stappers 2003b). The second and third eigenvalues are both significant and nearly equal in value at most pulse longitudes, indicating that the distribution in the Poincaré sphere is roughly that of a prolate spheroid. This is consistent with the superposition of an apparently randomly polarized component on top of the OPM radiation (McKinnon 2004).
To examine the relationship of OPMs with the drifting subpulse modulation in more detail, the longitude-dependent amplitude and phase of the quasi-periodic total intensity and polarimetric fluctuations were computed using the methods of Sect. 2.2. The result is shown in Fig. 4. The measured values of (semi-minor axis) are small, showing that the periodic fluctuations in are nearly confined to a line, consistent with an origin in OPMs. Working from this assumption, the observed periodicity was decomposed into the sum of two out-of-phase OPMs using Eqs. (7) and (8). The resultant longitude-dependent amplitude and phase envelopes for the two modes are also depicted in Fig. 4, along with their phase difference (for convenience). The amplitude peaks are offset in pulse longitude, and for most of the pulse window the phases are offset by . However, at pulse longitude there is a sharp "jump'' of in the phase envelope of one of the modes.
Turning to the results of eigenanalysis (Fig. 3), we see that the behaviour is very different on either side of pulse longitude . On the leading side, only one significant eigenvalue is measured, indicating very pure OPM-associated fluctuations. On the trailing side the fluctuations become almost isotropic, accompanied also by a step in the polarization position angle of the mean profile.
Further insight is given by the decomposition of the periodic polarimetric fluctuations into their semi-major and semi-minor axes (Fig. 4). Firstly, it is seen that on the leading part of the profile, the periodic fluctuations are approximately linear (and of similar amplitude to those in Stokes I), while in the trailing part significant values of are detected, indicating that the pattern cannot be produced by the superposition of two OPMs. The phase envelope of the semi-major axis () closely follows that of the total intensity in the leading part of the profile, consistent (along with the equal amplitudes) with the presence of modulations in only one of the polarization modes. The step of in the phase envelope of the total intensity (previously reported by Edwards & Stappers 2003b) is accompanied by a smoother, smaller transition of the opposite sense in the phase of the semi-major axis, although the meaning of this is not clear in the absence of a model for the origin of elliptical periodicities.
Figure 4: Amplitude ( top) and phase ( bottom) of subpulse modulations, in total intensity (thick solid line) and polarization (semi-major axis (): thick dashed, semi-minor axis (): thick dotted). The phase of the semi-minor axis is not plotted, since by definition it is offset from that of the semi-major axis by . In the left-most column only, the amplitude and phase of two OPMs (thin dotted and dashed lines) as inferred from the total intensity and semi-major axis values are plotted along with the phase difference (thin solid line). A constant slope was subtracted from all phases for clarity. The (dimensionless) slopes used were 25 for PSR B0809+74, -60 for PSR B0320+39, and 60 for PSR B0818-13. | |
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Figure 5: Distribution of polarization orientations in pulse longitudes 39-40 for PSR B0818-13 at 328 MHz. The projection is Lambert's azimuthal equal area, interrupted at the equator and centred on the poles of the Poincaré sphere ( ): see Edwards & Stappers (2004) for details. Meridians and parallels are marked at intervals of 30, with the upward vertical lines corresponding to a position angle of 0. | |
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It seems pertinent to ask whether some other mechanism is responsible for the periodic polarization fluctuations seen in pulsars with drifting subpulses. Whatever the underlying mechanism for the production of drifting subpulses, it is somehow capable of modulating the total intensity of the emission produced in the magnetosphere. The local magnetospheric conditions also determine the path taken by plasma wave "rays'' in their propagation through the magnetosphere (e.g., Petrova 2000; Fussell & Luo 2004), the alterations imposed on their polarization through birefringent effects in the polarization limiting region (e.g., Lyubarskii & Petrova 1999; Cheng & Ruderman 1979), and, potentially, the degree of conversion to an orthogonal sense of polarization (Petrova 2001). It therefore seems plausible that these processes could also be modulated at the subpulse fluctuation period, giving rise to periodic changes in the polarization state. Only through careful modelling could the consistency of the observations with these effects be checked.
However, there is a striking feature of the 328 MHz observations that is particularly suggestive that the modulations do indeed arise due to the out of phase superposition of two or more periodic patterns. When the measured fluctuations were decomposed as the sum of out of phase OPM modulations, the longitude-dependent phase of one of the two modes was seen to execute a sudden jump of 120, accompanied by a reduction in the amplitude of fluctuations. A very similar feature is seen in the total intensity modulations at 1380 MHz (Edwards & Stappers 2003b), which, as shown in this study, occur in a single polarization mode (at least in the leading part of the pulse window). In our view, such a correspondence is highly unlikely to arise unless the decomposition performed at 328 MHz has a true physical basis. As already argued by Edwards & Stappers (2003b), the behaviour at 1380 MHz could be explained via superposed subpulse patterns with longitude-dependent phase offsets of an arbitrary amount (i.e. not just ). If the same effect causes a phase jump in a single OPM (as observed at 328 MHz), which itself is apparently accompanied by an out-of-phase subpulse pattern in the complementary polarization mode, then there are at least three offset subpulse modulation components present in B0809+74.
A second important implication of the phase jump in one OPM of PSR B0809+74 at 328 MHz concerns the sampling of the polar cap effected in observations at low versus high frequencies. The apparent association of this feature with the phase jump in total intensity at 1380 MHz supports the frequency-dependent pulse profile alignment derived from time-stamped observations by Kuzmin et al. (1998), which differs from the (arbitrary, visual) alignment used by Edwards & Stappers (2003b). Under the updated alignment, the leading and trailing edges of the 1380 MHz mean profile occur significantly earlier than the corresponding features of 328 MHz pulse, arguing that observations at either frequency samples a region of magnetic azimuth not sampled by the other, and/or that symmetry-breaking effects such as abberation, retardation, refraction or asymmetric or patchy polar cap patterns play a role. This should be contrasted to the picture of low-frequency "absorption'' of emission solely on the leading edge of the profile, arrived at by Bartel et al. (1981). Their result derived from an unphysical frequency-dependent longitude scaling performed to explain a difference in drift rate that is actually due to the phase step (Edwards & Stappers 2003b).
The polarization fluctuations seen in PSR B0320+39 and PSR B0818-13 have a different character, in that the mean locus followed by the tip of under the periodic modulation is elliptical, rather than linear as would be expected under the superposition of OPMs. Therefore, if the picture of superposed, out of phase drift patterns is also to explain the modulation in these pulsars, the component patterns must be allowed to have polarization states that are not orthogonal (or aligned). That this should be the case is not surprising, for whatever effect is responsible for the offset in modulation phase could plausibly also affect their polarization, since both are believed to be tied to the differences in effective viewing geometry. Indeed, such considerations could potentially explain the slight non-orthogonality observed even at 328 MHz in PSR B0809+74.
Further insight into the phenomenon of superposed drift modes is likely to come only with a larger sample size. Two previous measurements are of relavance here. Deshpande & Rankin (2001) found that subbeam patterns in two OPM-segregated polar cap images of PSR B0943+10 were offset by roughly half the subbeam spacing. Similarly, Rankin & Ramachandran (2003) found that the phases of the fundamentals in the longitude-resolved fluctuation spectra of the two OPMs of PSR B1237+25 were offset by roughly 180. Unfortunately, the disjoint mode segregation algorithm used in both measurements is prone to produce anti-phase modulation even if the patterns arise from the nearly in-phase superposition of OPMs, since the modal patterns cannot overlap in the segregated signal. It is easily shown (Fig. 6) that in the pathological case of superposed sinusoidal modulations, the periodicity will be in complete anti-phase between the two inferred modes, regardless of the actual phase offset. For an accurate measurement, firstly it must ascertained whether the data are indeed quanitatively consistent with pure OPM, and secondly the mode separation method must take the superposition of radiation into account.
Unrelated to the phenomenon of drifting subpulses, the 1380 MHz
results for PSR B0809+74 allow for some interesting constraints to be
placed on the origin of randomly polarized radiation (RPR),
in light of the fact that it only occurs in the trailing half of the
pulse window (Fig. 3). That this should be
accompanied by sudden, almost complete depolarization
(Morris et al. 1981; Ramachandran et al. 2002) can be understood in one of two ways. One
possibility is that the depolarization occurs due to the superposition
of two OPMs of nearly equal intensity, with the RPR being associated
with only one of the modes. The second possibility is that the RPR is
not a superposed emission component, but rather arises due to a
propagation effect, randomising the polarization of incoming radiation
and causing depolarization of the average profile. It should be noted
that this is different to the types of depolarising propagation
effects usually encountered, where the electric field vector is
altered on timescales comparable to the inverse of the observing
Figure 6: Illustration of the results of three-way polarization mode segregation (Deshpande & Rankin 2001) on the superposition of sinusoidal OPMs. a) Simulated intensity of two OPMs (in a given longitude bin) as a function of time. b) Resultant signal in the component of corresponding to the modal orientations. c) Primary polarization mode intensity signal as inferred by three-way segregation (solid) and its fundamental Fourier component (dashed). d) As for (c) but for secondary mode. Note that the underlying OPMs are nearly in phase, while the fundamentals of the inferred signals are in pure anti-phase. | |
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The signature of RPR is significant polarization at an orientation that is consistent over some time scale longer than the averaging interval of the individual data samples, yet randomly varying on some longer time scale (in our case, the pulse period). In the case that the RPR is due to a propagation effect, this would imply a variable transfer function (Jones or Mueller matrix) with a decorrelation timescale that lies between the two timescales mentioned. McKinnon (2004) also mentions the viability of RPR as a depolarization mechanism, however he appears to assume that it must arise as superposed emission. Such a condition is not capable of reducing the polarized intensity, as is required for PSR B0809+74. Rather, just like unpolarized radiation, it can only reduce the fractional polarization, by increasing the total intensity without adding polarized intensity to the average profile. McKinnon (2004) considers the possibility of stochastic Faraday rotation in the pulsar magnetosphere as an origin of RPR, but rejects it because the magnetic field is unlikely to vary on short time scales, and in any case the effect cannot alter the Stokes V component of p. However, this is an inadequate basis on which to rule out an origin for RPR in propagation effects: birefringent effects in the magnetosphere can alter all of the Stokes parameters, as the propagation modes are believed to be linearly or elliptically polarized (rather than circularly, as is the case for Faraday rotation), and the fluctuations could be due to variations in plasma density and/or propagation path, rather than magnetic field (Petrova 2001, and references therein).
The results from PSR B0320+39 and PSR B0818-13 reveal that the behaviour deviates considerably from the predictions of OPM, tracing in general a quasi-elliptical path in the Poincaré sphere with each cycle of the subpulse modulation. In PSR B0818-13, the unimodal, asymmetric clustering of states around the pole of the Poincarè sphere leads to a deceptively complicated position angle histogram.
In order to explain the patterns seen in the three pulsars studied, considerable complications to the standard models are required, with in general no less than three offset, arbitrarily polarized drift patterns seen in superposition. For the non-orthogonal oscillations, no particular empirical basis for decomposition is suggested by the data, however it is hoped that the specific, quantitative nature of the results will prove highly constraining to theoretically-driven models.
I thank B. Stappers and W. van Straten for helpful comments on the text. The author is supported by a NOVA fellowship. The Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope is administered by ASTRON with support from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).