A&A 423, 919-924 (2004)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20035770
E. Bratsolis1,2 - M. Kontizas2 - I. Bellas-Velidis3
1 - École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications,
Département Traitement du Signal et des Images,
46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris, France
2 -
Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Faculty of Physics,
University of Athens, 15783 Athens, Greece
3 -
National Observatory of Athens, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Lofos Koufou - P. Penteli, 15236 Athens, Greece
Received 1 December 2003 / Accepted 3 May 2004
In this article we study the N83-84-85 region of the inner wing of the SMC.
Direct and low-dispersion objective prism plates taken with the 1.2 m
UK Schmidt Telescope have been digitized by the SuperCOSMOS machine.
Star counts have been performed for our region in selected luminosity
slices in the U filter and isodensity contours have been used to identify
the structures with enhanced stellar number density.
We find evidence of triggered star formation from massive stars of
older to more recent OB associations. Circular arcs constructed by
O and B stars have been detected. A study of the population places stars
with more recent ages in the groups of the arcs than of their
centers. These effects can be explained by supernova explosions.
A catalogue of the non-saturated detected OB stars in this region
is given.
Key words: techniques: image processing - methods: data analysis - stars: formation - galaxies: Magellanic Clouds - shock waves
In this work we use data from digitized plates, using the direct and objective prism, of the SMC focusing on the inner wing. The same region has been studied by Testor & Lortet (1988). Our study with automated techniques of the objective prism plates (Bratsolis et al. 1998, 2000; Bratsolis 2002) gave OB populations in circular structures. A new study to investigate plates of the same region with slices of different populations and contour detection (Maragoudaki et al. 2001) showed that the outer populations of OB stars are more recent OBs of the centers. This is evidence of star-formation triggered by supernova explosions. Therefore, there is a strong correlation of our study region with the supernova remnants (SNRs) of ROSAT X-ray observations No. 223 RX J0112.7-7207 and No. 245 RX J0119.4-7301 (Kahabka et al. 1999). These regions were searched for in IRAS and ISO (for lambda 170). The image of the SMC in both cases is of low resolution.
Following the theoretical work of Vishniac (1994), Elmegreen (1994) and Ehlerová et al. (1997) for isolated supernova explosions we can extract a time scale for the supernova explosions and the density of the ISM before the explosion.
Figure 1: Positions of OB classified stars with an automated method of correlation. The circles present the regions of SN explosions. | |
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We focus on this region because it seems to show a feedback between OB star formation and the physical properties of the ISM. It suggests that star formation and ISM properties probably are self-regulated. The ISM is continuously stirred by supernova explosions and stellar winds. The shock waves engaged by the supernova accelerate galactic cosmic rays that penetrate deeply into molecular clouds and clumps and heat and ionize them. Far ultraviolet photons are produced by massive star formation and photoinize the less dense surface regions of the molecular cloud and its internal clumps.
Figure 2: Upper left: isodensity contours for main sequence OB stars younger than yr. Upper right: isodensity contours for main sequence B stars with ages between and yr. Lower left: isodensity contours for main sequence B stars with ages between and yr. Lower right: density distribution for main sequence B stars with ages older than yr. The octagons present the regions of SN explosions. Subslices for these star ages do not give any significant contours. | |
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Our test image contains a region of of SMC. The scanning pixel size of the SuperCOSMOS measuring machine is m and the plate scale is 67.11 arcsec/mm. Our image is centered at RA and Dec and contains a region from RA to RA and from Dec to Dec . The magnitude limit for classification of our plate is mB=18.5.
The detection (DETSP), extraction (EXTSP) and classification (RCORR) was made by automated methods (Bratsolis et al. 1998, 2000; Bratsolis 2002).
The extracted spectra are stored in a two-dimensional file , where n is the number of detected spectra. Each row of this file is an independent normalized spectrum with a length of 128 pixels. The maximum correlation method has been used to automatically classify the spectra and gave 610 clearly classified OB spectra (Fig. 1).
The same region was also chosen from the direct U plate taken with the UK 1.2 m Schmidt Telescope. The plate was digitized by the SuperCOSMOS machine and the derived data given for the detected images positions and magnitudes. Isodensity contours have been used to identify the various structures with enhanced stellar density. The contour level separation has been defined by the mean value plus from the local background (Fig. 2). The detected stellar images were divided in various luminosity slices according to their magnitude. The magnitude limit for the U plate is mU=19.7, corresponding to the A0 spectral type stars.
The data were separated in four luminosity slices.
The first slice contains main sequence stars with U<15 and -1.5<U-V<-0.8, corresponding to ages less than yr and stars more luminous than B2 spectral type.
The second slice contains main sequence stars with 15<U<16 and -1.4<U-V<-0.6, corresponding to ages of yr and stars of B2 spectral type.
The third slice contains main sequence stars with 16<U<17 and -1.3<U-V<-0.2, corresponding to ages of yr and stars of late B2 to early B4 spectral type.
The fourth slice contains main sequence stars with U>17 and -1.1<U-V corresponding to ages grater than yr.
The scale calibration of the U plate, produced for the SMC distance modulus m-M=19 and based on theoretical models, is given in Table 1.
Table 1: Scale calibration of the U plate for the SMC.
Detected objects in our region (not including the OB stars) are presented by Bica & Schmitt (1995) in Table 2. The non-saturated detected OB stars are presented in Table 3.
Table 2: Detected objects in our region according Bica & Schmitt (1995).
After the linear analysis of Elmegreen (1994) and Vishniac (1994) in a
uniform medium with gravitation constant G, we have that an expanding
shell with surface density
and velocity dispersion in the shell
c has an instantaneous maximum growth rate
given by
We now use the same logic as Ehlerová et al. (1997) for isolated supernova
explosions and we obtain the radius
The small circle has a center at RA and Dec and radius 32.4 pc. On the right part of this circle we find the end of the nebula N84 and on the left part the beginning of the N85.
The large circle has a center at RA and Dec and radius 58.9 pc. At its center we find the association DEM156 and at its circumference the association DEM155, the nebula N86 and the associations DEM158 and DEM159.
Both circles have a radius less than 100 pc, so we can consider isolated supernova
explosions. We suppose now that the radii of circles now are not so different
from the radius at the fragmentation time. The small circle has a radius
and the large circle a radius
We also suppose that the average
molecule in a cloud is ,
the total energy of a supernova is
and the velocity dispersion in the shell is
From Eq. (22) we have
The diagrams of Fig. 2 are actually isopleths showing all main sequence stars at four levels of magnitude. We indicate at what magnitude level (marked in terms of age, Table 1) the OB stars disappear, as expected. In this case we determine the number of stars per unit pixel by using the values of background b and standard deviation . The values used to determine these isopleths are: b=0.2 and stars per pixel for the upper left, b=0.59 and stars per pixel for the upper right, b=0.71 and stars per pixel for the lower left and b=1.1 and stars per pixel for the lower right. The isopleth density is given by . In the lower right case of Fig. 2 there are no isopleth density contours because the contrast is not high enough.
The authors are grateful to ROE for the loan of the observational material. The authors also thank F. Maragoudaki and E. Livanou for the contour programs. M.K. would like to thank the ELKE of the EKPAN (University of Athens) for financial support.
Table 3: Detected (non-saturated) OB stars in our region.