A&A 419, 109-126 (2004)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20034049
J. Iglesias-Páramo - V. Buat - J. Donas - A. Boselli - B. Milliard
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, BP 8, 13376 Marseille Cedex 12, France
Received 4 July 2003 / Accepted 11 February 2004
We have built two samples of galaxies selected at 0.2 m (hereafter UV)
and 60 m (hereafter FIR) covering a sky area of 35.36 deg2. The UV selected sample contains 25 galaxies brighter than
AB0.2=17. All of them, but one elliptical,
are detected at 60 m with a flux density larger or equal to 0.2 Jy.
The UV counts are significantly lower than the Euclidean extrapolation towards brighter fluxes of previous determinations.
The FIR selected sample contains
42 galaxies brighter than
f60=0.6 Jy. Except four galaxies, all
of them have a UV counterpart at the limiting magnitude
AB0.2=20.3 mag. The mean
extinction derived from the analysis of the FIR
to UV flux ratio is 1 mag for the UV selected sample
and 2 mag for the FIR selected one.
For each sample we compare several indicators of the recent star formation
rate (SFR) based on the FIR and/or the UV emissions. We find
linear relationships with slopes close to unity between the different SFR indicator, which means that, over the whole converting offset. Various absolute calibrations for both samples are discussed in this paper.
A positive correlation between extinction and SFR is found when
both samples are considered together although with a considerable scatter.
A similar result is obtained when using the SFR normalized to the optical surface of the galaxies.
Key words: ISM: dust, extinction - ultraviolet: galaxies - infrared: galaxies
Tracing the star formation activity in galaxies at all redshifts is a fundamental step towards the understanding of the formation and evolution of the Universe. The star formation activity is commonly quantified by the Star Formation Rate (SFR) defined as the stellar mass formed per unit of time. In order to efficiently constrain the models of galaxy formation and evolution it is important to measure a SFR as current as possible in order not to integrate on too large lookback times. Quite naturally, the light emitted by young stars can be used to measure this SFR. The most commonly used tracers of the SFR in galaxies, at least in the nearby Universe, are the UV, FIR and H emissions (e.g. Kennicutt 1998). In the present study we focus our attention on the UV and FIR emissions.
Concerning the FIR window, the IRAS mission provided us with several now well studied samples such as the Point Source Catalog (PSC, Joint IRAS Science 1994), the Faint Source Catalog (FSC, Moshir et al. 1990) and the redshift survey of the Point Source Catalog (PSCz, Saunders et al. 2000). The UV window, less explored mostly because limited observations have been available until now (e.g. Donas et al. 1987; Deharveng et al. 1994; Milliard et al. 1992; Kinney et al. 1993; Bell & Kennicutt 2001), has been extensively studied (e.g. Milliard et al. 1992; Donas et al. 1995; Treyer et al. 1998). This situation should change dramatically in the near future once the GALEX data will be available.
The first step towards the determination of statistical properties of UV and FIR selected samples of galaxies is the determination of the galaxy counts and the luminosity function (LF). Accurate determinations of these observables are important for constraining models of galaxy formation and evolution. Nevertheless very few models predict the luminosity distribution and spectral energy distribution of galaxies over a large range of wavelength from UV to FIR (Totani & Takeuchi 2002, and references therein; Xu et al. 1998). This is due, at least in part, to our poor knowledge of the dust extinction in the universe (amount of dust, dust emission, mechanism of stellar absorption on large scales). The reconstruction of the whole SED of galaxies from UV to FIR is difficult even in the well sampled nearby Universe because of the lack of multiwavelength data on large and homogeneous samples of galaxies (Boselli et al. 2003; Flores et al. 1999; Rigopoulou et al. 2000; Cardiel et al. 2003). This situation should evolve dramatically in the future with the planned observations of large fields with telescopes working at very different wavelengths (SIRTF, GALEX, VIMOS, ASTRO-F).
The FIR to UV flux ratio has been proved to be the best indicator of the dust extinction in normal galaxies (e.g. Buat & Xu 1996; Meurer et al. 1999), becoming a fundamental parameter in the determination of their present SFR (e.g. Buat et al. 1999, 2002; Hirashita et al. 2003, hereafter HBI).
The aim of the present paper is to study the statistical properties of two samples extracted from the same area of the sky, selected according to UV and FIR criteria. The two selections (UV and FIR) appear very complementary since the sample of UV selected galaxies will be biased towards active star forming galaxies with low extinction, and on the contrary a FIR selection is likely to favor galaxies with high extinction. An accurate knowledge of the statistical properties of UV and FIR selected samples is crucial for the analysis of similarly selected samples at higher z, where the lack of complementary data prevents a precise determinations of the dust extinction and SFR.
With these two samples in hand, we study the extinction and SFR related properties and their dependence on the selection method. More precisely we address the following issues: (1) determine the mean extinction of purely UV or FIR selected samples of galaxies, (2) observationally constrain models of galaxy formation and evolution, and (3) provide the best recipes for the determination of the SFR, valid for UV and/or FIR selected samples of galaxies.
The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents the FIR and UV data and the region of the sky where the data were taken. Sections 3 and 4 describe the selection procedure of the UV and FIR selected samples. Section 5 discusses the extinction properties of the samples and Sect. 6 is devoted to the comparison between the different SFR tracers. A final summary of the main results of the paper is presented in Sect. 7.
Table 1: Basic properties of the selected FOCA fields.
An accurate comparison between the properties of UV and FIR galaxies can be done if both samples are extracted from the same region of the sky. With this purpose we selected some fields covered by the FOCA experiment (Milliard et al. 1991) at UV wavelengths (0.2 m). A total of 9 FOCA fields were chosen. The area of each field is circular with a radius of 1.13 . Accounting for some overlapping of the fields, a total area of 35.36 was covered. Table 1 shows the basic properties of the selected fields. Four out of the nine observed fields are centered on nearby clusters of galaxies: m010 (Cancer), m028 (Coma), m067 (Abell 1367) and m050 (Virgo), and two of them point to the external parts of the Coma cluster (m030, m031). The Cancer cluster is however in Hubble flow (Gavazzi et al. 1991), thus its members are similar to field galaxies. The fractions of cluster galaxies in our UV selected and FIR selected (hereafter UVsel and FIRsel respectively) samples are 64% and 50% respectively. The possible contribution of the cluster environment to the properties of the UVsel and FIRsel galaxies are discussed in the text.The detection and flux extraction of the UV objects in the FOCA plates was carried out in an automatic way. Only UV sources with surface brightness (averaged over arcsec2) brighter than 2.8 times the sky (the detection limit established by the automatic detection algorithm for each frame, given in Col. 5 of Table 1) were considered as detections. The automatic determination of the UV flux is accurate for point like sources but uncertain for extended objects, so the UV fluxes of the FIRsel galaxies were determined in two ways: (1) for the galaxies which were not resolved by the automatic detection algorithm (i.e. only one UV source was detected) we used the UV flux provided by the detection algorithm; (2) for the galaxies which were splitted in several sources (i.e. several H II regions were detected as individual sources) we performed aperture photometry by hand. The optical images were used to set the size of the apertures in order to be sure that all the UV flux corresponding to the galaxies, even the most external star forming regions, was included in the total UV flux. In both cases the apertures used to measure the UV fluxes are close to the optical diameters of the galaxies. The average zero point uncertainty of the FOCA data is about 0.2 mag. The spatial resolution of the FOCA frames is 20 arcsec FWHM and the astrometric uncertainty is 2.5 arcsec.
Concerning the FIR data, the IRAS all sky survey ensures a total coverage of our selected FOCA fields. The total photometric uncertainty of the FIR data of the IRAS mission is 10% at 60 and 100 m. The positional uncertainty is variable and of elliptical shape with major axis 40 arcsec. The spatial resolution shows irregular shape and depends on the bandwidth and coordinates of the object. In the direction where it is maximal being 4.5 arcmin at 60 m (see Moshir et al. 1990 for details).
The UVsel sample includes all galaxies with AB0.2 < 17 mag. This limit is chosen in order to have a good chance to find FIR counterparts ( f60 > 0.2 Jy for IRAS FSC). The combination of the adopted limits of both the UV and FIR flux densities sets the completeness limit for the extinction of our sample to A0.2 = 0.7 mag (see Eq. (1) in Sect. 5.2).
Figure 2: AB0.2 - AB0.44 vs. AB0.44 - AB0.65 diagram for the UV sources (points). Asterisks are the starbursts galaxies from Gordon et al. (1997). Triangles are galaxies from the Coma cluster from Donas et al. (1995). Crosses are the FAUST galaxies from Deharveng et al. (1994). Solid and dashed lines represent synthetic models of galaxies following the Hubble sequence from PEGASE (Fioc & Rocca-Volmerange 1997) and Boselli et al. (2003) respectively. The bold square represents the position of an instantaneous burst of star formation 3 Myr old, as determined from Starburst99. The shaded region corresponds to the approximate loci occupied by the real galaxies. The data are not corrected for Galactic extinction. The arrow at the bottom left corner shows the extinction vector corresponding to the maximum Galactic extinction for our UV sources. | |
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Figure 3: arcmin2 extracts of the DSS plates of the optical counterparts of the UV sources for which the AB0.2 - AB0.44 and AB0.44 - AB0.65 colors are consistent with those of galaxies. | |
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Table 2: Photometric properties of the UV sources with uncertain nature. Data are not corrected for Galactic extinction.
m030-768 and m028-817 are removed since they are listed as stars with spectral types WD and sdB respectively in the SIMBAD database. Thus, at the end only 4 UV sources remain as uncertain objects.
Column 1: galaxy name, from LEDA database;
Column 2: FOCA field were the galaxy was detected;
Column 3: uncorrected UV () magnitude in the AB system at 0.2 m;
Column 4: galactic extinction correction at 0.2 m according to Schlegel et al. (1998) and the MW extinction curve of Pei (1992);
Column 5: flux density at 60 m from the IRAS FSC catalog; in Jy;
Column 6: flux density at 100 m from the IRAS FSC catalog; in Jy;
Column 7: of the optical axial ratio, from the LEDA database;
Column 8: morphological type, from NED database;
Column 9: distance to the galaxy in Mpc, from LEDA database;
Column 10: B-band magnitude, from LEDA database;
Column 11: aggregation, from GOLDMINE (Gavazzi et al. 2003).
The sample galaxies are mainly spirals (21 out of the total of 25) with only 3 irregulars and one elliptical.
The magnitudes used in the following analysis are
corrected for Galactic extinction using the values listed in
Table 3.
Figure 4: Distance distribution of the galaxies in the UVsel sample. The shaded bins correspond to the distribution of the galaxies non associated with clusters. | |
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In this section we show some properties our UVsel sample and compare them with those of other UV samples of galaxies.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of distances of the UVsel galaxies. Two peaks are present in the distribution, due to the presence of cluster galaxies (mainly Virgo, Coma and Abell 1367). The median distance of the total sample is 56 Mpc. The shape of the distribution becomes flatter when we remove the cluster galaxies, and the median distance changes to 59 Mpc.
Figure 5: Bright UV galaxy counts from several sources of the literature: pluses are from Milliard et al. (1992), asterisks from Deharveng et al. (1994). Open triangles correspond to our total UVsel sample and open squares correspond to the UVsel galaxies not associated to clusters. The symbols corresponding to both sets of data were slightly shifted along the X-axis in order to avoid superposition. The dashed straight line corresponds to the extrapolation to the FOCA counts of Milliard et al. with slope 0.6. | |
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Despite our poor statistics, we check whether our UVsel sample is representative of the local Universe by comparing its UV LF, derived using the method, to that of Sullivan et al. (2000), as shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that our sample lacks of galaxies brighter than as compared to the sample of Sullivan et al. whereas for fainter magnitudes both samples show a fairly good agreement. When excluding the cluster galaxies of our sample, our LF shows a similar shape as that of Sullivan et al. and is shifted by 0.5 dex at all UV magnitudes. This shift in the normalization of the LF is related to the difference between our UV counts and the extrapolation to those of Milliard et al. We stress the fact that our goal in this work is not to construct an UV LF but just to compare the representativity of our UVsel sample to larger samples of UV galaxies in the local Universe.
Figure 6: UV luminosity function of the total UVsel sample (open triangles) and excluding the cluster galaxies (asterisks). The symbols corresponding to both sets of data were slightly shifted along the X-axis in order to avoid superposition. The dashed line corresponds to the best fit to a Schechter function of the luminosity function of Sullivan et al. using the method. UV magnitudes are not corrected for internal extinction. The histograms show the magnitude distributions of the total sample (solid line) and the subsample without cluster galaxies (dashed line). The number of galaxies in each bin are indicated at the top of the bins. | |
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We searched for FIR counterparts of our UVsel sample using the 60 m detections from the IRAS FSC catalog. For each UV galaxy we selected a FIR counterpart if the UV coordinates fall within the 3- uncertainty ellipse centered at the position of each FIR source. The uncertainty in the UV coordinates (2.5 arcsec) was not taken into account since it is much smaller than the IRAS one (40 arcsec for the major axis of the 1- uncertainty ellipse).
The FIR flux densities of the galaxies NGC 3883, NGC 4411 have been measured with the IRAS Scan Processing and Integration facility (SCANPI) since no FIR sources associated to them were present in the FSC catalog. At the end, 24 out of the 25 UV galaxies are identified at 60 m, which corresponds to a detection rate of 96%. The only galaxy without a FIR counterpart is the elliptical galaxy NGC 4472.
The FIRsel sample is extracted from the IRAS PSCz catalog. The PSCz catalog was chosen to simplify the cross identification with FOCA since this catalog, complete to f60 = 0.6 Jy, includes only galaxies with an optical identification.
42 galaxies from the PSCz fall within our surveyed region of the sky. Some basic properties of the sample galaxies are listed in Table 4. The columns are the same as in Table 3 except for the identifier in Col. 2 which is now the PSCz identifier of the galaxies.
A comparison with the UVsel sample yields a total of 13 galaxies in common.
As for the UV selected sample we first analyze the statistical properties of the FIRsel sample by comparing with those of other FIR selected samples.
Figure 7: Distance distribution of the galaxies in the FIRsel sample. The shaded bins correspond to the distribution of the galaxies not associated with clusters. | |
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Figure 8 shows the galaxy counts as a function of f60 for the FIRsel sample. Again we plot separately the total counts and those excluding the cluster galaxies. As a comparison we show the average counts for three different subsamples of the PSCz (Saunders et al. 2000). Whereas for the total counts there is an excess of galaxies at most flux densities, removing the contribution of the cluster galaxies reduces the differences with the PSCz counts.
We also show in Fig. 9 the L60 luminosity function of the FIRsel sample estimated using the method, compared with that of Takeuchi et al. (2003) for the PSCz using an analytical method. The LF of the total FIRsel sample is below the PSCz LF for galaxies with and shows an excess for faint luminosities. The FIRsel LF restricted to galaxies not associated to clusters is also below the LF for the total FIRsel sample and shows the two features mentioned above. The lack of galaxies with is probably due to low statistics in both cases. However, the excess found at faint luminosities, although not present in the parametric LF of Takeuchi et al. (2003), is also found by these authors when computing the LF using the method.
We searched for UV counterparts to the FIRsel sources using the entire FOCA dataset (down to
with a similar procedure as
the one detailed in Sect. 3.3. At the end of the
identification process, UV counterparts were found
for 38 of the FIRsel sources, which corresponds to a detection rate of 90%.
For the four non detections - Q02378+3829, Q09031+7855, Q13074+2852 and Q12217+0848 - an upper limit to their UV flux corresponding to the detection limit of the corresponding frame is given.
Figure 8: Galaxy counts as a function of f60 for the FIRsel sample. Asterisks correspond to the total FIRsel sample whereas open diamonds correspond to the galaxies of the FIRsel sample not associated with clusters. The symbols corresponding to both sets of data were slightly shifted along the X-axis to avoid superposition. The dashed line corresponds to average counts presented by Saunders et al. (2000) for three different subsamples of the PSCz. | |
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Figure 9: Luminosity functions of the total FIRsel sample (open triangles) and of the subsample without cluster galaxies (asterisks) as a function of the L60 luminosity. The symbols corresponding to both sets of data were slightly shifted along the X-axis in order to avoid superposition. The dashed and dotted line correspond to the LF of Takeuchi et al. (2003) computed using an analytic method and the method respectively. The histograms show the luminosity distributions of the total sample (solid line) and the subsample without cluster galaxies (dashed line). The number of galaxies in each bin are indicated at the top of the bins. | |
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Figure 10: Histograms of for the UVsel sample (dashed line) and the FIRsel sample (solid line). The galaxy of the UVsel galaxy with no FIR counterpart is indicated by a star as an upper limit. The four galaxies from the FIRsel sample with no UV counterpart are indicated with filled dots as lower limits. | |
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We define F60 and F0.2
is a
monochromatic density flux at 60 m and 0.2 m; the ratio
F60/F0.2 has no units.
The histograms of
are plotted in Fig. 10
for both samples.
As expected the median values of
are significantly different:
for the UVsel sample
for the FIRsel
sample. When removing the cluster galaxies of both samples we obtain median values of 0.25 and 1.04 for the UVsel and FIRsel samples respectively, consistent with the values obtained for the total samples.
The differences in the median values obtained for
can be understood in terms of selection biases,
as it is illustrated
in Fig. 11.
Figure 11: vs. for the FIRsel sample (open diamonds) and the UVsel sample (pluses). The galaxy from the UVsel sample without a FIR counterpart as well as the four galaxies from the FIRsel sample without a detection in UV are represented as upper limits with arrows. Dashed horizontal lines indicate the limiting fluxes of the FOCA experiment, and of the UVsel sample. Dashed vertical lines indicate the limiting fluxes of the FSC and PSCz catalogs. Lines indicating different values of the extinction at 0.2 m are also represented by dotted lines. | |
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The very high detection rates found in UV (respectively FIR) for the FIRsel (respectively UVsel) sample as well as the small difference in F60/F0.2 found between the samples argue for a tight distribution of FIR/UV fluxes in galaxies. Nevertheless, because of our small statistics, we cannot exclude the presence of different sub-populations of galaxies such as the very blue galaxies with very low values of F60/F0.2 predicted by some models of galaxy evolution (Xu, private communication). No such galaxies are present in our UVsel sample.
The FIRsel sample contains four galaxies with no UV counterpart. These galaxies, together with the few ones with A0.2>5 mag, might belong to a population of bright FIR objects with a higher than normal F60/F0.2 ratio. This kind of galaxies, already reported by several authors (e.g. Sanders & Mirabel 1996; Trentham et al. 1999), are rare in the local Universe (Buat et al. 1999).
It is now commonly accepted that a reliable method to estimate the dust
extinction is to compare the emission of the dust to the emission of the stars
observed in UV.
The method is based on an energetic budget:
all the stellar light absorbed
by the dust is re-emitted in FIR-submm wavelengths. The models account for
the dust heating by all the stars (old and young), they assume a
geometrical distribution for the dust and the stars as well as dust
characteristics (absorption and scattering) and they solve the radiation
transfer equation to deduce the extinction at all wavelengths. The
complexity of the analysis varies according to the authors and their
goals (e.g. Xu & Buat 1995; Granato et al. 2000; Popescu et al. 2000; Panuzzo
et al. 2003).
Within the frame of these models, the comparison of the total dust emission
and the observed UV one gives and estimate of the extinction at UV wavelengths which is found very robust against the details of the models, as
soon as the galaxies form stars actively (Buat & Xu 1996; Meurer et al. 1999;
Panuzzo et al. 2003; Gordon et al. 2001).
All the models need as input the total dust emission (10-1000 m).
This can be done by extrapolating the FIR flux to the total dust emission.
In general one starts with the FIR (40-120 m) flux
computed as the combination of the fluxes at 60 and 100 m (Helou et al.
1988) and applies a correcting factor
(Xu & Buat 1995;
Meurer et al. 1999; Calzetti et al. 2000).
Recent ISO data allowed an accurate
determination of
Here we use the calibration proposed by
Dale et al. (2001) for
because it is suited for normal galaxies and only based on
the fluxes at 60 and 100 m. With this calibration we find
median values of
for the UVsel sample
for the FIRsel sample. The values obtained after removing the cluster galaxies are 2.41 and 2.29 for the UVsel and FIRsel samples respectively.
Following Buat et al. (1999) and adopting the new
calibration, the extinction can be expressed as
A0.2 = 0.622 + 1.140 x + 0.425 x2 | (1) |
When applying Eq. (1) to our samples, we obtain median values of A0.2 of mag and mag for the UVsel and the FIRsel samples respectively. Removing the cluster galaxies yields median values of 1.00 and 2.38 for the UVsel and FIRsel samples respectively, again consistent with the values obtained for the total samples. The median value of mag found for the UVsel sample is consistent with the one reported by Buat & Xu (1996) - A0.2 = 0.9 mag - for a sample of galaxies essentially UV selected: it was based on UV detections from the SCAP (Donas et al. 1987) and FAUST (Deharveng et al. 1994) observations with available FIR counterparts. The value obtained for the FIRsel sample is larger than the one reported by Buat et al. (1999) - A0.2 = 1.6 mag - for a sample of galaxies with UV and FIR data in the FOCA and IRAS FSC catalogs respectively. However, this last sample was not truly FIR selected since it only contained FIR detections confirmed as galaxies in the IRAS FSC catalog of associations and thus some galaxies with a FIR counterpart but with an association of a different nature in this catalog were rejected.
Concerning the four galaxies with no UV counterpart, their L60as well as a lower limit for A0.2 are given in Table 5.
These four galaxies show very large IR luminosities
(two of them are LIRGs with
). They are also detected as radio sources by the NVSS survey.
This kind of galaxy, often associated to interacting systems (Sanders & Mirabel
1996), is not very common in the local Universe. In fact, this could be the
case of Q02378+3829, whose optical counterpart reveals the existence
of a close pair of galaxies.
Values of the extinction of
mag have been
reported for nearby LIRGs from other samples in the literature (Buat
et al. 1999), consistent with
mag we find
for these four galaxies.
Figure 12: Comparison of different extinction corrections as a function of the ratio. The solid line corresponds to the one used throughout this work. | |
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Both UV and FIR emissions in star forming galaxies are related to young stars and thus are potential tracers of the recent star formation. The aim of this section is to make use of the FIR and UV emissions to properly estimate the SFRs for our UVsel and FIRsel samples and to propose a method to obtain reliable SFRs when only UV or FIR fluxes are available.
Various assumptions must be made for the calculation of the SFR from UV or FIR luminosities. A star formation history and an initial mass function (IMF) must be assumed in order to relate the stellar emission to the SFR. Hereafter we make the assumption of a constant SFR in the last 108 yr and we adopt a Salpeter IMF between 0.1 and 100 in order to convert UV and FIR luminosities to SFRs. Under these conditions, the conversion between the luminosity of a galaxy at a given wavelength and its SFR is given by stellar synthesis models. Here we list the most popular methods to estimate the SFRs of galaxies from UV and/or FIR luminosities.
Table 5: FIR luminosity and extinction of the four FIRsel galaxies without an UV counterpart.
Figure 13: Comparison of the different estimations of the SFR for the galaxies of the UVsel sample: a) vs. , b) vs. , c) vs. , d) vs. . SFRs are always expressed in yr-1. Dashed lines represent the best fits to straight lines. The galaxy without a FIR counterpart is excluded. | |
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As previously quoted, in normal star forming galaxies (not starbursting) a fraction of FIR luminosity is due to old stars.
To properly estimate the SFR, this
contribution should be removed from the conversion formula.
Under this assumption, Eq. (4) is modified as follows:
(5) |
Using or SFR as a quantitative estimator of the SFR assumes implicitly that both the observed UV and FIR emission are isotropic since they relate the luminosities to SFR. However the UV emission of a galaxy affected by the extinction is certainly not isotropic. Therefore the relations defined by Eqs. (4) and (5) have only a statistical significance assuming that the galaxies are randomly oriented. This caveat is less important for SFR and SFR since the dust and UV emissions corrected for dust extinction are supposed to be isotropic.
In the following we will compare these four determinations of the SFR - SFR
and SFR
- for both our UVsel and FIRsel samples with the aim of comparing the results of the
different methods and of finding the best way to
estimate the SFR when only UV or FIR data are available.
Figure 14: Comparison of the different estimations of the SFR for the galaxies of the FIRsel sample: a) vs. , b) vs. , c) vs. , d) vs. . SFRs are always expressed in yr-1. Dashed lines represent the best fits to straight lines. The four galaxies without an UV counterpart are excluded. | |
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Figure 13 shows the comparison between the four different estimations of the SFR for the galaxies in the UVsel sample (excepting the galaxy for which only un upper limit to the FIR flux is available).
In panel a we present the comparison between the SFRs estimated from the UV fluxes using a proper extinction correction for each galaxy ( ) and those estimated also from the UV fluxes but using the average extinction correction A0.2=1 mag, a value similar to the one found for our UVsel sample. This last estimation of the SFR is very useful for UV selected samples when FIR data are not available. It appears that the agreement between both determinations of the SFR is quite good over two orders of magnitude in SFR.
The remaining three panels of the figure show the comparison between and the other three estimators mentioned above. As it is shown in panel b, is systematically lower than (0.14 dex). Panel c shows that using with leads to an almost perfect agreement between and , thus confirming the conclusion reached by HBI. Finally, we show in panel d that is in quite good agreement with . This result comes out from the combination of two effects (dust heating due to old stars is not subtracted and the contribution of the young stars not absorbed by the dust is not included in the estimation) which are not taken into account but which compensate each other producing the agreement between and . We stress however the accidental nature of this relationship.
In general, we show that the slopes of all these relations are close to unity, that is, the shifts between the different estimations of the SFR are almost constant over the whole range of SFRs of our UVsel sample and no trends with the luminosity are found.
These results seem to be in conflict with the trend found by HBI (see also Buat 2003) that the dust emission under-predicts the SFR for galaxies with /yr. Once again the difference is probably due to selection effects: the galaxy sample used by HBI is biased towards late type galaxies for which a Balmer decrement (and therefore a H line) has been measured and does not sample accurately the UV luminosity function. Indeed the mean extinction found by HBI is only 0.75 mag against 1 mag for the present UVsel sample.
Figure 15: vs. for the UVsel (asterisks) and FIRsel (pluses) samples. SFRs are expressed in yr-1. The UVsel galaxy without a FIR counterpart as well as the four FIRsel galaxies without an UV counterpart are excluded. | |
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Concerning the FIRsel sample, we show in Fig. 14 the comparisons between and the other estimators already proposed: , , . Only FIRsel galaxies detected in the UV frames are included in this analysis.
is almost similar to , as shown in panel a, since the contribution of the observed UV flux is rather negligible for the FIRsel galaxies. In the same way, decontaminating from the dust heated by old stars leads to % lower than and therefore than , as it is illustrated in panel b. Contrary to what observed in the UV selected sample, is lower than , as illustrated in panel c. This different behavior is probably due to the fact that the accidental compensation between the cold stellar contribution to the total dust emission and the emission of the young stellar population not absorbed by dust, observed in the UVsel sample, is here not reproduced. Finally, panel d shows that is in good agreement with as it was also found for the UVsel sample. Combining the results from panels c and d we argue that the assumption that all the dust emission comes from young stars is not valid for galaxies like the ones we find in our samples, and that we must assume that a fraction of this emission comes from older stars.
The slopes of the relations between the SFRs for the FIRsel samples are again close to unity meaning that no trend with luminosity does exist and that the conversions between the different methods to estimate the SFR are valid over the range of SFRs covered by our sample. Even the two galaxies included in this analysis with mag follow the same trends as the other galaxies of the FIRsel sample. This argues for the validity of the calibrations between the different estimators of the SFR even for high extinction galaxies, expected to be more numerous at high z. However, larger and deeper samples are necessary to confirm this hypothesis.
Figure 16: Same as Fig. 15 with the normalized to the optical area of the galaxies in kpc2. Symbols are also as in Fig. 15. | |
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We show in Fig. 16 A0.2 versus , where Area is the optical surface of the galaxies in kpc2. As can be seen, a very dispersed correlation is apparent both samples although the larger scatter corresponds again to the FIRsel sample.
We have presented the properties of two samples of galaxies selected from the same region of the sky by their UV and FIR fluxes. The detection rate for the UVsel sample at FIR wavelengths was found to be 96% whereas that for the FIRsel sample at UV wavelengths equals 90%. The UV counts are lower than the expected from the extrapolation of previous determinations at fainter magnitudes, even when including the contribution of the cluster galaxies. We showed that their dust extinction properties are different, the UV selected galaxies exhibiting a lower extinction than the FIR selected ones (1 mag on average for the UVsel vs. 2 mag for the FIRsel). Four galaxies of the FIRsel sample do not have a UV counterpart, implying lower limits to the UV extinction of 3.8 mag. These galaxies could be part of the population of very extincted objects already reported in the literature.
We compared different indicators of the SFR calculated with the FIR and/or UV luminosities and we showed that they correlate well with each other for both samples. The relations between the different estimators of the SFR present a slope close to unity for both samples, meaning that no trend with the SFR exists when converting between each other. For both samples we found the best agreement between the following quantities: (a) the SFR calculated from the UV luminosities corrected for dust extinction using the FIR/UV ratio and (b) the sum of the SFR calculated from the dust luminosities corrected for the average contribution of the dust heating due to old stars (40%) and of the SFR calculated from the observed UV luminosities.
Putting both samples together we find the correlation between SFR and extinction already reported for other samples of galaxies but with a very large scatter. Most of the trend is due to the galaxies selected in FIR.
The results of this work seem not affected by the cluster environment since we have shown that the global properties of cluster and field galaxies present in our samples are similar. This is expected from the similarities between field and cluster LFs at UV and FIR wavelengths (Bicay & Giovanelli 1987; Cortese et al. 2003).
Thanks are given to C. Xu for interesting suggestions and comments. This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) and the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive, which are operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. The LEDA database (http://leda.univ-lyon1.fr/) was used throughout this work.
Figure A.1: Comparison between the B photometry of the USNO-B1.0 catalog with other catalogs: Tycho2 a) and ASCC-2.5 b). |
The USNO-B1.0 catalog is a compilation from the digitization of various photographic sky surveys plates by the Precision Measuring Machine (PMM) located at the US Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station (NOFS). Details about the data handling and photometric calibration can be found in Monet et al. (2003). We show in Fig. A.1 the comparison of the B-band photometry of the USNO-B1.0 objects in common with Tycho-2 (Høg et al. 2000) and ASCC-2.5 (Kharchenko 2001). As shown by this figure, the agreement between the photometry of the three catalogs is quite good (within 0.3 mag). This is not surprising since the Tycho-2 catalog was used to calibrate the brightest objects of USNO-B1.0 and since ASCC-2.5 partially overlaps Tycho-2. But even for the ASCC-2.5 objects not present in Tycho-2, we show that the agreement between the photometry of ASCC-2.5 and USNO-B1.0 is good enough so that we can rely on the USNO-B1.0 photometry. Concerning the R-band photometry of the USNO-B1.0 catalog, no comparison was made because of the lack of available catalogs with R-band photometry. However since the B-band photometry is fairly good, we feel confident about the quality of the R-band one.
Table 3: Basic properties of the UV selected sample galaxies.
Table 4: Basic properties of the FIR selected sample galaxies.
Figure 1: arcmin2 extracts of the UV (FOCA) and optical (DSS) blue frames of the UVsel galaxies. | |
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Figure 1: continued. | |
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Figure 1: continued. | |
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