A&A 372, 346-356 (2001)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20010393
P. Natoli1 - G. de Gasperis1 - C. Gheller2 - N. Vittorio1
1 - Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata'', via della Ricerca Scientifica 1,
00133 Roma, Italy
2 - Cineca, Via Magnanelli 6/3, 40033 Caselecchio di Reno (BO), Italy
Received 16 January 2001 / Accepted 9 March 2001
We present a parallel implementation of a map-making algorithm
for CMB anisotropy experiments which is both fast and efficient.
We show for the first time
a Maximum Likelihood, minimum variance map obtained by
processing the entire data stream expected from the PLANCK Surveyor,
under the assumption of a symmetric beam profile.
Here we restrict ourselves to the case of the 30 GHz channel of the
PLANCK Low Frequency Instrument. The extension to PLANCK higher
frequency channels is straightforward.
If the satellite pointing periodicity is good
enough to average data that belong to the same sky circle,
then the code runs very efficiently on workstations.
The serial version of our code
also runs on very competitive time-scales
the map-making pipeline for current and forthcoming
balloon borne experiments.
Key words: cosmic microwave background anisotropies - methods: data analysis
Making CMB maps out of balloon (e.g. QMAP, de Oliveira-Costa et al. ; MAXIMA-1, Hanany et al. ; BOOMERanG, de Bernardis et al. ) or space borne (MAP and the PLANCK Surveyor) experiments is an important step of the standard data analysis pipeline. It allows for: a major lossless compression of the raw data with a minimum number of assumptions; checks on systematics; tests for and/or estimation of foreground contamination; etc. Map-making is also important when simulating a CMB experiment. It allows to: look for possible systematics; optimize the focal plane design and/or the experiment scanning strategy; etc. It is then highly desirable to develop tools able to attack the map-making problem also for forthcoming, high-resolution CMB space experiments.
Map-making a la COBE (see e.g. Lineweaver ) can be extended to the differential, high resolution MAP experiment (Wright et al. ). Moreover Wright () has discussed how to perform map-making in the case of one-horned experiments significantly affected by 1/f noise, which introduces spurious correlations in the data time stream (see e.g. Janssen et al. ). To our knowledge this algorithm has not yet been implemented for the PLANCK Surveyor mission. To date, maps for PLANCK have only been produced by means of destriping algorithms (Delabrouille et al. ; Maino et al. ). We remind that PLANCK spins at 1 rpm, has a boresight angle of and observes the same circle of the sky for 1 hour (every hour the spin axis is moved, say along the ecliptic, by 2.5'). The destriping algorithms implemented for PLANCK assume that, after averaging data taken along a given circle (i.e. in one hour), the residual noise along the circle is well approximated by white noise plus an offset. These offsets are determined by minimizing the set of all possible differences between the antenna temperatures of the same sky pixel observed in two different scan circles. This method rests on a number of assumptions, the stronger being that the knee frequency of the 1/f noise is smaller than or at most comparable to the spin frequency. Wright's method does not suffer this limitation because it assumes to know the statistical properties of the noise, directly derived from the data themselves (see e.g. Ferreira & Jaffe ; Prunet et al. ).
The purpose of this paper is to present the first implementation of Wright's method to the PLANCK Surveyor, for the moment assuming a symmetric beam profile. In fact, we want to show, to our knowledge for the first time, the analysis of the entire time stream (14 months) of PLANCK simulated data to produce Maximum Likelihood, minimum variance CMB maps (we stress that maps obtained from destriping algorithms are not necessarily minimum variance). The parallel, Message Passing Interface (hereafter MPI) implementation of the algorithm has been tested on a SGI Origin 2000 (hereafter O2K) and runs on time scales that might render Monte Carlo simulations feasible. This opens up the possibility of evaluating the CMB angular power spectrum via Monte Carlo techniques (Wandelt et al. ) rather than by maximizing a Likelihood (see e.g. Bond et al. ) or by directly evaluating the map angular correlation function (Szapudi et al. 1999). We want to stress that our implementation does not assume any exact periodicity of sky pointing within single circle observation (i.e. no average on the circle is performed, as instead required by destriping algorithms). If, on the contrary, it turns out that pointing periodicity is a good assumption (i.e. average on circles is performed) then the same code runs very efficiently on medium sized workstations (e.g. Pentium based PCs), again in quite short time scales.
Although this paper might seem rather technical, we think that it can be of interest to a large community of CMB data analysts, involved either in the PLANCK collaboration or in the forthcoming, new generation balloon experiments.
The plan of this paper is as follows. In Sects. 2 and 3 we will briefly discuss the method and its implementation. In Sect. 4 we will show tests and benchmarks of our implemented software. In Sect. 5 we will apply our tools to PLANCK and BOOMERanG simulated data. Finally, in Sect. 6 we will briefly review our conclusions.
Let us for completeness outline
here the map-making algorithm and its assumptions. The primary output of
a CMB experiment are the
Time Ordered Data (TOD), ,
which consist of
sky observations made
with a given scanning strategy and at a given sampling rate (three
points per FWHM, say). A map,
can be thought as a vector containing
temperature values, associated
with sky pixels of dimension
Following Wright () we assume that the TOD depend linearly on
the map:
Many methods have been
proposed to estimate
in Eq. (1) (for a review
see, e.g. Tegmark ).
Since the problem is linear in ,
the use of a Generalized
Least Squares (GLS) method appears well suited. This involves the
minimization of the quantity
statistical properties of detector noise are, as usual, described by a
multivariate Gaussian distribution. This fact has two consequences.
The first one is rather obvious: if
the noise distribution is Gaussian,
is indeed the
ML estimator. In
fact, in the Gaussian case, the Likelihood of the data time stream given
the (true) map is
The method outlined in Sect. 2 has the advantage of being simple, linear and, hence, computationally appealing for PLANCK. In this section we discuss our implementation of the map-making algorithm to the 30 GHz channel of the PLANCK Low Frequency Instrument (LFI), with a nominal resolution 30' FWHM. This implies (14 months of observation, i.e. about two sky coverages) and . Note, however, that the implementation we present here is rather general since the algorithm does not take specific advantage of the details of PLANCK's scanning strategy and instrumental performances. In fact, we want to stress that our implementation of Wright's algorithm is, in principle, well suited for any one-horned, balloon- or space-borne CMB experiment.
The problem of evaluating the noise properties directly from the TOD is
a bit far from the main
point we want to make here: the possibility, given N,
to analyze the entire PLANCK simulated
data set to produce a ML, minimum variance map. In any
case, we will show in
Sect. 5 that for the PLANCK case,
to zeroth order, we can
estimate the signal by projecting the TOD onto the sky. This implies
(summing the TOD into a map),
(dividing the pixel values by
the number of hits) and
(unrolling a map into a time stream) to .
The noise estimator,
can then be written as follows:
It is customary to assume that the statistical properties of detector
noise do not change over the mission life time.
The formal way to state
this property is to write the elements of the noise covariance
matrix as follows:
(7) |
(9) |
In what follows we do not need to explicitly use , although we have in principle all the relevant information to do so. In fact, the first row of , usually called a noise filter in the literature, can be computed by taking a DFT of , the noise inverse spectral density. Then, by exploiting the circularity of we could in principle reconstruct the whole matrix. Needless to say, handling a matrix is, for the PLANCK case, unconceivable even for the 30 GHz case.
Fortunately, under the assumption of circularity the application of the
noise inverse covariance
matrix to the TOD is simply a convolution,
Asking how long a noise filter should be is a very important question. In fact, from the one hand, it is desirable to convolve the TOD with a filter properly sampled in points (something already numerically feasible even for a PLANCK-like TOD). On the other hand, Eq. (11) works for real data in the limit (so that can be considered circulant). Also note that an obvious bound on comes from the instrument: it is difficult to imagine that the PLANCK detectors will remain "coherent'' for the whole mission life-time. A further benefit in having is the possibility of performing a piecewise convolution in Eq. (11). In any case, in Sect. 5 we will show the sensitivity of our results to .
requires solving Eq. (3), that for
convenience we rewrite as
A CG algorithm does not need to explicitly invert . We want to stress that earlier methods implemented to solve the map-making problem for balloon-borne experiments (Borrill ) require the inversion of the same matrix, surely an unpleasant task when considering large maps. Such implementations usually rely on the fact that is (analytically speaking) positive definite and, as such, a candidate to be Cholesky decomposed in operations. This fact makes the procedure prohibitively expensive - even for present day supercomputers - when becomes large ( 105). Also, may not be exactly positive definite due to small inaccuracies when estimating the noise correlation properties, making Cholesky decomposition critical. Note that using an iterative solver could potentially reduce the above operation count by a factor . However, storage requirement for would still be , prohibitive for PLANCK.
To conclude this Section, let us stress that the map we obtain, , has the correct noise covariance matrix, , even if we never evaluate nor store it directly.
As stated above, the working assumption that validates Eq. (11) is that . Since the number of PE, , is at most the previous condition is even fulfilled for the single PE. Thus, each PE performs the convolution of Eq. (11) by executing its own serial FFT as discussed in Sect. 3.4. This is more efficient than spreading over the PE's an intrinsically parallel FFT, the advantage being that we limit inter-processor communications. However, as a drawback, each PE has to handle a partial map of size and cross talk among PE's is necessary to merge of these maps at the end of each CG iteration. Note that increasing the number of processors while keeping constant may result in the operation count being dominated by this merging (see however Sect. 4.2 below).
Part of the l.h.s. of Eq. (12) can be thought as the application of the operator (the same acting on on the rhs) to , the data stream obtained by unrolling the temptative solution produced by the CG at the kth step. While the application of to is done just once, the application of the same operator to must be done for every iteration of the CG algorithm. Therefore, speed of execution becomes critical.
If we use a radix-2 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to perform a piecewise
convolution of the TOD, the operation count is expected
The lion share of CPU time is taken by
the (real) DFT transform. The use of an efficient FFT library greatly
speeds up
the calculation.
We used the publicly available FFTW library (Frigo & Johnson ).
This code has
the nice property of tailoring itself to the architecture over which is
executed, therefore greatly
enhancing cross-platform efficiency. In Fig. 1 (upper
we plot CPU time per CG iteration, ,
The behavior shown in the figure is due to the non constant
efficiency attained by the FFTW library when performing transforms of
different lengths.
FFT routines are usually more efficient when processing power-of-two
transforms and FFTW is no exception.
Thus, we fix
to a power of two.
The application of (
to a map (TOD) is expected to scale linearly with
In Fig. 1 (middle panel) we give as a
function of
for a given map size
as expected by choosing
in the HEALPix
pixelization (Górski et al. 1999))
and the PLANCK baseline scanning strategy.
The scaling with
is indeed linear:
Figure 1: The wall-clock time on a single 500 MHz Pentium III CPU per CG iteration plotted vs. the noise filter length, , vs. the TOD length, and vs. the map pixel number, . | |
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All the scalings given in Fig. 1 have been obtained from a single processor job using a 500 MHz Pentium III CPU.
A natural criterion to stop the CG solver is to require
that the fractional difference
Figure 2: Solver precision as a function of the CG iteration step. Solid and dotted curves refer to the parallel code running on the full TOD (no average on circles) for "signal-only'' and "noise-only'' TOD, respectively. Dot-dashed and dashed curves refer to the serial code running on , again for "noise-only'' and "signal-only''. | |
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To test the CG convergence efficiency we plot in Fig. 2 for two datasets of different length: (corresponding to 60) and (corresponding to ). Both datasets have been benchmarked for the cases of "signal-only'' and "noise-only'' TOD. In the latter case, the noise properties are kept independent of the TOD length to facilitate comparisons. Note that, after a few steps, the precision decreases exponentially and drops to the 10-6 level in a few tens of iterations. Although always exponential, the rate of convergence of the CG solver depends on the TOD length. This is a consequence of having kept fixed and while increasing . In fact, the number of elements of connected by the noise filter is lower for a longer TOD, a fact that makes this matrix more efficiently preconditioned by its diagonal part. To quote a single number, the algorithm converges, to 10-6precision, in about 90 min ( ) to produce a map out of the entire (not averaged over circles) 14 months time stream, expected from the PLANCK Surveyor @ 30 GHz.
Of course, solver precision and accuracy (that is, "distance'' from the true solution) are not the same thing. In other words, being confident that the algorithm converges quickly is only half the story. We also want it to converge to the exact solution. This is a rather important issue because we would not like the algorithm to kill modes in the map. Discussion of this point is deferred until the next Section.
In order for the code to run a noise filter, , is needed. First note that for this noiseless case the filter should, in principle, be irrelevant: as stated above, the GLS solution trivially gives back the "true'' map independently of . We must keep in mind, however, that we only consider elements of the filter. In Fourier space this translates into estimating the noise inverse spectral density precisely at frequencies, the lowest, say, being times smaller than the sampling frequency. One obvious limitation on is that it must be fixed accordingly, so that the Fourier representation of well comprises the spin frequency. The amplitude of modes with , if any, is not recovered unless the corresponding frequencies are considered in the analysis. However, there are two reasons why one should not worry about this effect: first, and more importantly, it is small and becomes utterly negligible for a few. Furthermore, as previously stated, this contribution is likely to get lost in any case since it falls in a region of the time Fourier spectrum strongly dominated by the noise and/or, more realistically, suppressed by hardware-induced decoherence (e.g. instrumental high passing). We show (for the typical case ) the angular power spectra of the CMB only input and output maps together with their difference (lower panel of Fig. 3). It is clear that our map-making code recovers, as expected, the input power spectrum to an impressively high precision over the whole range of explored multipoles (although with a somewhat coarser accuarcy at low 's). The same happens when considering the case of CMB plus foregrounds (see Fig. 4, upper panel): the level of the residuals between the input and output map is remarkably low, underlying the high accuracy of our code in recovering the input signal even in the presence of sharp features (see Fig. 4, lower panel).
As shown above, the code also recovers to very high precision
even the broadest features in the map, i.e. the ones corresponding
to low 's. We want to stress that the CG solver converges to
the corresponding modes in a very reasonable number of iterations
50, see Fig. 2). Other map-making codes,
implementing different solving algorithms, seem not to share
this property (Prunet et al. ) requiring more sophisticated methods
to speed up the convergence of low multipoles and/or a change
of variable to solve for the featureless noise-only map (see Doré et al. ).
Figure 3: Upper panel: map-making output on "signal-only'' TOD (CMB); lower panel: angular power spectrum of the input map (dark blue line), together with the spectrum of the map given in upper panel. The two are virtually indistinguishable. The light blue line below shows the spectrum of the difference map. | |
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Figure 4: Upper panel: map-making output on "signal-only'' TOD (CMB and main foregrounds). Lower panel: Difference between the above and input maps. | |
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A final comment before concluding this Section. As mentioned at the end of Sect. 4.3, precision and accuracy are not the same thing. We want to be sure that the CG algorithm converges to the "true'' solution. So, from a given "signal-only'' TOD we generate different maps by changing the solver precision. For each of these maps we evaluate the maximum difference in pixel value between them and the input map. The results are shown in Fig. 5 where we plot this maximum difference, normalized to the norm of the input map, as a function of the required solver precision . There are two regimes separated by : the map accuracy decreases when gets larger and saturates when gets smaller. So, is just about the right number to have a good compromise between speed of convergence and accuracy. In any case, any residual map error smaller than is acceptable in most applications, given the PLANCK sensitivity goal.
In the opposite limiting case of a "noise-only'' TOD (i.e. ), the map-making solution (cf. Eqs. (3) and (4)) gives . The efficiency of a map-making code can be tested, in this case, by examining the quality of the map obtained, a natural figure of merit being the variance of the reconstructed map or - better - its angular power spectrum.
We generate a noise time stream assuming the following form
for the noise spectral density:
Figure 6 shows
the map obtained by just averaging different
observations of the same pixel (upper panel),
the ML solution (middle panel) and the angular
power spectra of the two (lower panel).
It is clear from the middle panel of this figure that
the map-making algorithm strongly suppresses the stripes due to
1/f noise, very visible in the upper panel.
This is confirmed by the angular power spectrum of the ML
map (see lower panel of Fig. 6) which is basically
flat (as expected in the case of white and isotropic noise) for
The increasing power at
is due to two effects:
of spurious correlations in the noise and nonuniform sky
coverage due to the PLANCK scanning strategy.
In spite of that, the overall level of
instrumental noise has been considerably lowered by the map-making
Figure 5: Maximum deviation between input and output maps in the "signal-only'' case, as a function of the solver precision. Here (triangles) and (squares). | |
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Figure 6: Upper panel: coadded map made out of a "noise-only'' TOD. Note the stripes. Middle panel: map-making solution on "noise-only'' TOD. Lower panel: angular power spectrum of the maps given above (black and blue curves, respectively). | |
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The noise filter or, equivalently, the inverse of the noise spectral density, has been evaluated as explained in Sect. 3.1. In order to assess how good is as a noise estimator, we use the same "noise-only'' TOD to produce two maps: the first, by using the "true'' theoretical noise spectral density (cf. Eq. (15)); the second, by using the noise spectral density estimated with . In both cases as for the map in Fig. 6. In Fig. 7 we show, as a function of , the percentage difference between the spectra derived from the two maps. So, although not optimized to the specific case of the PLANCK Surveyor, the noise estimator reproduces to quite a good extent the in-flight noise properties. In any case, as also shown in Fig. 7, the uncertainties introduced in the estimate of the noise angular power spectrum are less than those due to cosmic variance.
As already discussed in the previous sections, the length of the noise filter is an important issue to carefully address. One should expect that in the "noise-only'' case the dependence on could be stronger because of the 1/f tail in the noise power spectrum. To address this issue in detail and to show the sensitivity of our results to , the following scheme is employed: we generate the "true'', fully correlated noise time stream, accordingly to Eq. (15). Then, we do map-making using a noise filter with , and evaluate the rms of this map, . Then, we generate a set of maps out of the same fully correlated noise time stream, but imposing a noise filter length, , shorter and shorter w.r.t. . In Fig. 8 we plot the fractional variation of the map rms w.r.t. as a function of . It is clear from the figure that, for the PLANCK Surveyor, we can lower by a factor of thousand w.r.t. and change the final rms of the map by much less than one percent. This shows that increasing above a given threshold does not induce any significant difference. This result holds even if we consider knee frequencies significantly higher than Hz: in Fig. 8 we also plot the effect of having Hz and Hz, surely two very pessimistic assumptions in the PLANCK context.
Figure 7: Percentual difference, as a function of , of the power spectra of the maps obtained using the true noise properties and the noise estimator discussed in the text. | |
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Figure 8: Shown is the percentual difference between the rms of a "noise-only'' map obtained with a filter of length and , the rms obtained for . The three lines refer, from top to bottom, to Hz, Hz and Hz (the PLANCK goal). | |
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Figure 9: Shown is the percentual difference between noise-only 's obtained for (light blue curve) and (dark blue curve) w.r.t. the power spectrum obtained with the longest possible filter ( ). The red line is the uncertainty due to cosmic variance. | |
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Figure 10: Upper panel: map-making output on the simulated BOOMERanG TOD (signal plus noise). Lower panel: residual noise map obtained subtracting the input map from the one shown above. The maps have . | |
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In principle, the noise properties of the PLANCK detectors, as described by Eq. (15), suggest the existence of spurious correlations in the TOD over the whole mission life-time. In practice, the error introduced by neglecting them is negligible, at least when the rms is used as a figure of merit. To stress this point even further, we evaluate the angular power spectrum from two maps generated with the same input (i.e. the same TOD), but using noise filters of different lengths. Again, we plot the percentual difference between the spectrum obtained with and the spectra obtained with noise filters shorter by a factor of 64 and 1024, respectively. Figure 9 shows that this difference is below 1% for , well under cosmic variance in the region of interest for recovering the cosmological parameters.
To conclude this section let us note that
the algorithm discussed here is
intrinsically linear (cf. Eq. (1)) since
the map estimator can be written as the "true''
map plus a noise term:
As already mentioned, our code does not take any advantage from the specific PLANCK scanning strategy. It is then straightforwardly applicable to other one-horned experiments, such as BOOMERanG (de Bernardis et al. ). Here we do not want to enter in any data analysis issue. Rather, we want to show the flexibility and the efficiency of our code to process data coming from an experiment completely different from PLANCK.
As far as the signal is concerned, we simulate a theoretical input map9 pixelized at 1/3 of the BOOMERanG FWHM (10 @ 150 GHz) and properly smeared. Knowing its scanning strategy, we extract a typical BOOMERanG "signal-only'' time stream. As far as the noise is concerned, we generate a "noise-only'' time stream with the noise properties described in Eq. (15) and choosing and Hz. In what follows we consider a noise filter of length .
On the very same line of the previous subsections, we compare the theoretical input map with , which is reconstructed at a level of accuracy of 10-5 when the CG solver precision is chosen to be 10-6. The length of the noise filter does not affect, even in this case, the final results.
In the above tests we only consider the 1 degree per second (d.p.s.) section of the BOOMERanG scan. However, in order to facilitate comparisons with PLANCK, we truncated the BOOMERanG simulated TOD at the length of 60. Not surprisingly, our code runs the BOOMERanG map-making in 15 min on a 500 MHz Pentium III workstation, while the whole 1 d.p.s. BOOMERanG scan is processed on the same machine in about 20 min.
Given these time scales, a parallel machine does not seem necessary for the analysis of a single channel. However, a parallel environment becomes quite appealing if one performs a combined analysis of more than one receiver. Also, having a parallel implementation may be important to perform extensive Monte Carlo simulations of the experiment. Specific applications of this code to BOOMERanG will be discussed elsewhere.
The purpose of this work was to present a parallel implementation of a map-making algorithm for CMB experiments. In particular, we have shown for the first time Maximum Likelihood, minimum variance maps obtained by processing the entire data stream expected from the PLANCK Surveyor, i.e. a TOD covering the full mission life span (14 months). Here we restrict ourselves to the simple case of the PLANCK/LFI 30 GHz channel. However, the extension of our implemented software to other, higher frequency, channels is straightforward. At the moment our implementation is limited to a symmetric antenna beam profile.
The code was shown to scale linearly with the number of time samples , logarithmically with the noise filter length and very slowly with the number of pixels , the latter scaling being mostly influenced by the choice of the preconditioner. Furthermore, on a multiprocessor environment the code scales nearly optimally with the number of processor elements.
The code is extremely accurate and fast. We have shown that it recovers the true, input map to a remarkably high accuracy, over the whole range of considered multipoles. Moreover, we run the entire 30 GHz simulated TOD in 90 min on an 8 processor job on a O2K machine, and the BOOMERanG case in only 20 min on a 500 MHz Pentium III workstation. On the latter machine, the PLANCK case runs in about 15 min if we perform the average on circles.
A key problem for a successful map-making pipeline is to obtain a reliable estimate of the noise properties directly from flight data. It is straightforward to further iterate the GLS solution implemented here to get more accurate estimates of the underlying noise. Here we have explicitly chosen not to do so. Rather, we stop to the zeroth order solution, , showing that this is more than enough for the purposes discussed here.
The possibility of running map-making algorithms on reasonably short time scales opens up the possibility of evaluating the CMB angular power spectrum via Monte Carlo simulations. We will address this point in a forthcoming paper, together with the extension to non-symmetric antenna beam profile.
We are indebted with C. Burigana and D. Maino for helping us with the generation of the TOD sets. We thank A. Balbi, P. Cabella, D. Marinucci and C. di Fiore for useful suggestions and comments. We also thank P. de Bernardis and the BOOMERanG collaboration for having provided us with the BOOMERanG scan and instrumental performances. PN acknowledges fruitful discussions with J. Staren and E. L. Wright. We acknowledge use of the HEALPix package and of the FFTW library. The supercomputing resources used for this work have been provided by Cineca.