A&A 367, 1000-1010 (2001)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20000565
J. M. Pittard - J. E. Dyson - T. W. Hartquist
Department of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
Received 13 November 2000 / Accepted 18 December 2000
We present similarity solutions for adiabatic bubbles that are blown by
winds having time dependent mechanical luminosities and that are each
mass-loaded at a rate per unit volume proportional to
where T is the temperature, r is the distance from the bubble center,
is a constant. In the limit of little mass loading a
similarity solution found by Dyson (1973) for expansion into a
smooth ambient medium is recovered. For solutions that give the mass of
swept-up ambient gas to be less than the sums of the masses of the wind
and the evaporated material,
The Mach number in
a shocked mass-loaded wind shows a radial dependence that varies qualitatively
from solution to solution. In some cases it is everywhere less than unity in
the frame of the clumps being evaporated, while in others it is everywhere
greater than unity. In some solutions the mass-loaded shocked wind undergoes
one or two sonic transitions in the clump frame. Maximum possible values
of the ratio of evaporated mass to stellar wind mass are found as a
consequence of the evaporation rates dependence on temperature and the
lowering of the temperature by mass-loading. Mass-loading tends
to reduce the emissivity in the interior of the
bubble relative to its limb, whilst simultaneously increasing the central
temperature relative to the limb temperature.
Key words: hydrodynamics - shock waves - stars: mass-loss - ISM: bubbles - galaxies: active
Observations of wind-blown bubbles (WBBs) (e.g. Smith et al. 1984; Meaburn et al. 1991) have led to the conclusion that the interactions of the winds with clumps of stellar material ejected during prior stages of mass-loss greatly affect the structure and evolution of the bubbles (see Williams et al. 1995 and references therein). Consequently, a number of numerical investigations of this process have been conducted. Detailed one-dimensional, time dependent hydrodynamic models of specific WBBs have been constructed by Arthur et al. (1993, 1994) and Arthur et al. (1996). Numerical solutions for the Mach numbers of steady mass-loaded winds have been presented by Williams et al. (1995), and studies of steady hydromagnetic mass-loaded winds have been performed by Williams et al. (1999).
In this paper we derive similarity solutions for the structures and evolution of mass-loaded WBBs. This work complements that on similarity solutions for SNRs obtained by Chièze & Lazareff (1981) and Dyson & Hartquist (1987). Here we consider a constant rate of energy input, , rather than a constant total energy, and assume that the mass-loading occurs due to conductively driven evaporation. The solutions are potentially relevant to WBBs created by a fast wind interacting with a clumpy AGB superwind, by the wind of a young high-mass star interacting with surrounding molecular material, and the wind of an active galactic nucleus impacting its environment.
We also assume that the clumps are
stationary with respect to the star, and that they are also cold and dense.
Therefore the clumps have neither kinetic or internal energy, and the
picked-up mass is thus injected at zero velocity. The stripped mass
then acquires momentum and energy from the general more tenuous flow. Hence
the only source term in the hydrodynamic equations is
addition we assume that at any given point the injected mass reaches
the general flow velocity and temperature instantaneously i.e. that the
characteristic scale length of the mixing region is much smaller than the
dimensions of the bubble. We also assume that the clumps are sufficiently
numerous that they can be considered continuously distributed such that
a hydrodynamic treatment applies. We suppose that
conductive energy transport can be neglected in the energy equation
describing the global evolution of the WBB. The WBBs are assumed to evolve
adiabatically, whilst the swept-up interclump medium is assumed to
catastrophically cool into a thin dense shell. The clumps are assumed
to pass through this shell without any interaction, and then on into
the region of shocked stellar wind. The unshocked stellar
wind is assumed to have a flow speed much greater than its thermal speed.
Hence its thermal energy is negligible with respect to its kinetic energy,
and since no mass-loading occurs in this region, we ignore the energy
equation for this part of the flow.
Finally we assume that any external
forces, such as gravity or radiation pressure, are negligible.
Figure 1: Schematic of the flow structure in our solutions. The central star blows out a bubble into the surrounding medium which is characterized by a region of unshocked stellar wind (USW), a region of shocked stellar wind (SSW), and a dense shell of swept-up material (SUM). We assume that the shocked ambient medium quickly radiates all of its internal energy, whilst the cooling time of the SSW is assumed to be much longer than the current age of the bubble. Mass-loading only occurs in the SSW | |
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(1) | |||
(2) | |||
(3) |
(14) |
(15) |
Once the post-shock conditions have been calculated, integration
proceeds until the contact discontinuity (CD) is reached. This occurs once the
flow velocity is equal to the coordinate velocity (i.e.
at which point
is satisfied. At the CD,
we must also satisfy conservation of momentum. This requires that the
pressure inside the bubble is equal to the impulse on the swept up shell:
(19) |
m | = | (21) | |
k | = | (22) | |
i | = | (23) |
(27) |
(29) |
(33) |
Finally, we can also calculate the fraction of mass lost by the
star over its lifetime that has yet to pass through the inner shock:
(34) |
The similarity equations were integrated with a fifth-order accurate adaptive step-size Bulirsch-Stoer method using polynomial extrapolation to infinitesimal step size. Once the CD was reached, rescaling was implemented with the relationships in Eq. (20) so that . The mass, and kinetic and thermal energies of the bubble were calculated, as were the kinetic energy of the shell and the energy radiated from it. The correct normalization to satisfy global energy conservation was then obtained. Finally, for given values of , Q, and t, x, f, g and h may be used to calculate the physical variables r, , u, and .
Figure 2: Results for , , and . In the limit of large (i.e. negligible mass-loading), the earlier results of Dyson (1973) are recovered. Specific combinations of the variables are chosen in order to facilitate comparison with results given in Fig. 2 of Dyson (1973). In our work, f is a measure of density, g is a measure of velocity, and h is a measure of the thermal energy density. Mach(x) is the Mach number of the flow as a function of x | |
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We first consider similarity solutions
obtained by Dyson & de Vries (1972) and
Dyson (1973). These earlier works concerned the dynamical
effects of a high velocity stellar wind incident on a smooth ambient
medium and contain no results for mass-loaded flows.
Dyson & de Vries originally computed the form of the shocked
ambient gas behind the forward shock by parameterizing the cooling function,
which demanded that the ambient density,
with q=-1.
They discovered that the shocked ambient gas cooled rapidly, and that
this region was very thin compared with the overall radius of the bubble.
Therefore, Dyson (1973) discarded the shocked ambient region
in favour of a strong isothermal shock coincident with the contact
discontinuity, which relieved the restriction on q. A central
assumption for both papers was that the velocity of the stellar wind
was constant, which led to the stellar mass-loss rate varying as
Thus for an ambient density
energy input by the stellar wind was constant as a function of time. Since
in our work the stellar wind velocity is constant if the ambient density
falls off as r-2 (i.e.
), and a constant
rate of energy input is a central assumption, we can make
a direct comparison between Dyson's (1973) results with those
obtained here.
Figure 3: The ratio of the radii of the inner and outer shocks as a function of for cases with negligible mass loading. For the earlier results of Dyson (1973) are again recovered ( cf. his Fig. 3). For the velocity of the stellar wind is a function of time, so these curves cannot be compared to those in Dyson's Fig. 3. For , the corresponding values of are | |
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In Fig. 2 we show results for
negligible mass-loading (large ). We chose specific combinations
of the variables in order to facilitate comparison with results given in
Fig. 2 of Dyson (1973): agreement is excellent.
In Fig. 3 we plot the relative
radii (or velocities) of the inner and outer shocks as a function
ratio of the stellar wind velocity to the velocity of the contact
discontinuity (or outer shock). These calculations were again made with
negligible mass-loading. The results for the
case may again
be directly compared to the earlier results of Dyson (his Fig. 5).
In Fig. 3 we also show results for other values of .
These cannot be compared to Dyson's earlier results because when
the stellar wind velocity is no longer constant with time. We find that
as the value of
increases (which also corresponds to the
mass-loading becoming increasingly dominant at large radii), the
shocked region broadens for a given ratio of
0.34 | 0.45 | 0.03 | 0.47 | 0.06 | 1286 | 1.075 | 162 | 0.018 |
0.49 | 0.40 | 0.09 | 0.46 | 0.06 | 603 | 1.068 | 35.6 | 0.053 |
0.69 | 0.26 | 0.29 | 0.40 | 0.05 | 247 | 1.052 | 5.8 | 0.175 |
0.89 | 0.05 | 0.74 | 0.19 | 0.02 | 86 | 1.046 | 0.60 | 0.505 |
0.12 | 0.47 | 0.002 | 0.47 | 0.06 | 45 | 2.64 | 4098 | 0.0008 |
0.26 | 0.46 | 0.01 | 0.47 | 0.06 | 9.7 | 2.26 | 219 | 0.0079 |
0.53 | 0.36 | 0.15 | 0.44 | 0.05 | 1.97 | 1.63 | 12.3 | 0.079 |
0.73 | 0.21 | 0.40 | 0.35 | 0.04 | 0.85 | 1.20 | 2.86 | 0.232 |
0.95 | 0.01 | 0.92 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.20 | 1.00 | 0.11 | 0.724 |
0.18 | 0.70 | 0.005 | 0.24 | 0.06 | 15.3 | 1.26 | 4151 | 0.0079 |
0.37 | 0.66 | 0.05 | 0.23 | 0.06 | 3.24 | 1.36 | 171 | 0.077 |
0.42 | 0.49 | 0.38 | 0.11 | 0.03 | 0.66 | 7.87 | 0.71 | 0.303 |
In Fig. 4 we present results for a case in which mass-loading dominates the evolution of the bubble. In this particular case, , , , and . The bubble mass is over 8 times higher than the total mass lost by the star, and almost twice the mass of the ambient medium swept up into the thin shell. 30 per cent of the mass lost by the star has still to pass through the inner shock. The high degree of mass-loading increases the post-shock density, and dramatically reduces the temperature in the post-shock region as more and more mass is evaporated. This reduces the sound speed, and there is eventually a sonic transition close to the CD as the flow becomes supersonic in the frame of the clumps.
Values of several parameters calculated from solutions with
are given in Table 1. If the mass-loading is negligible
(illustrated in the table by
), we find the following: i) as the
ratio of
increases, the fraction of energy contained
in the form of thermal energy in the bubble and that in the form of
kinetic energy of the shell decreases, whilst that in the form of kinetic
energy of the bubble increases. The fraction of energy radiated away
by the shocked interclump gas stays relatively constant, and is always a
small part (<6 per cent) of the total mechanical energy of the
stellar wind over its lifetime. ii) The mass contained in the bubble is larger
than the mass of the swept-up shell only when the relative radius of the
inner shock is large.
iii) For small
about 90 per cent of the total
mechanical energy of the stellar wind is split approximately evenly between
the thermal energy contained in the SSW region and the kinetic energy
of the swept up shell. As
increases, these fractions
decrease, whilst the kinetic energy of the
gas inside the bubble increases, until it eventually may exceed 90 per
cent of the total energy. iv) The kinetic energy of the swept-up shell
is always as great or greater than the thermal energy of the bubble (this
is also true for the solutions in Table 1 with
Figure 4: Results for a bubble with significant mass-loading. This particular solution is for , , and . The bubble mass is 8.4 times the total mass lost by the star. The ratio of the swept-up mass to the bubble mass is | |
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When we set ,
the bubble is just beginning to become mass-loaded
for small values of
However, for
swept-up mass dominates the bubble mass in this regime, as can be
seen from the values in Table 1. We find that
solutions for which both
is large
is small exist only if
Solutions for
are illustrated in
Fig. 5. The solution with
is strongly mass-loaded, and in contrast to the solutions with
mass of the swept up shell is also less than .
We note that when
is varied, notable differences between the profiles
of f, g, and h occur in Fig. 5.
For instance, when the bubble is only weakly mass-loaded
the density at the CD is smaller than immediately after the inner shock.
However, once the bubble is more
strongly mass-loaded the density continuously rises from the inner shock
to the CD. Other differences include less deceleration of the flow,
a sharp fall in the temperature (instead of a gradual rise), and a rise in
the Mach number. Finally, when the bubble becomes strongly
mass-loaded, the fractional distribution of the total energy between
for a given
ratio is substantially different than when the
mass-loading is negligible. This is hardly surprising given the change
seen in the profiles of the flow variables.
Figure 5: Results for bubbles in which the radial dependence of the mass-loading is . Three solutions with different values of are shown: 0.177, 0.374, and 0.420 (solid, dotted, and dashed lines). is equal to 1.26, 1.36 and 7.86 respectively, whilst is equal to 4151, 171, 0.71 respectively. For ease of comparison, fis scaled such that its pre-shock value is unity in each case | |
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An important finding is that for a given and ratio
there exists a minimum value of
which we can find a solution. In other words, there is a limit
to the maximum mass-loading which the bubble can undergo.
In Fig. 6 we show the value of
for various
values of
and .
This finding has the
corollary that for a given value of
there is a maximum value of
The numerical reason that we are unable to obtain solutions with
is that the denominator of the derivatives from
Eqs. (8-10) approaches zero without the
numerators doing likewise. The physical reason is that there is a
straightforward feedback mechanism limiting the amount of mass-loading that
may take place: as mass from the clumps is evaporated, the temperature of the
shocked region falls, which reduces the rate at which further mass can
be evaporated. Similarly, if the mass-loading were suddenly inhibited,
the temperature of the shocked region would rise, leading to an increase
in the evaporation rate. There is no reason to believe that actual wind
bubbles would be at this limit because the degree of mass-loading simply
depends on the number of clumps present and their individual mass
injection rates (which in our model is characterized by the value of
). For a given mass, the number density of clumps,
is the clump radius, whilst
the mass injection rate from each clump
Thus we can only comment that for small clumps, it is more likely that
this maximum mass-loading limit will actually occur.
Figure 6: The minimum value of (i.e. corresponding to the maximum possible mass-loading) for which solutions could be found, as a function of and (or, alternatively ) | |
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We further note that the radial profile of the Mach number of the
flow relative to the clumps can take many different forms, depending
on the input parameters used. In Fig. 7 we show several
examples. The profile of the Mach number is influenced by the fact
that mass-loading tends to drive the Mach number
towards unity, whilst the spherical divergence tends to drive it away from
unity (cf. Hartquist et al. 1986). Panel a) is for a case in
which mass-loading is small. In this case the divergence term wins,
and drives the Mach number towards zero. Panel b) is for a similar
situation, but in this case because the inner shock is very close to the CD,
the initial postshock Mach number is greater than unity so the divergence
term drives it towards infinity. In panel c) we see that the divergence
is initially dominant, but as the flow approaches the CD the Mach number
is driven back towards unity. However, this behaviour is not due to the flow
mass-loading (although
), but is rather because the
density increases near the CD whilst the pressure remains constant,
producing a decrease in the sound speed (the same effect occurs for the
flow shown in Fig. 2 which has no mass-loading).
The same situation occurs in panel d) where the fall in sound speed
is great enough to drive the flow through a sonic
transition. The flow corresponding to panel e)
is very similar to that associated with panel d) except we now have
two sonic transitions due to the initial post-shock flow being
supersonic with respect to the clumps. In plot f) the
flow is significantly mass-loaded (
), and the
mass-loading term dominates the divergence term such that the Mach
number is driven towards unity.
Figure 7: The Mach number as a function of x for a number of different solutions. With respect to the clumps, the shocked region can be either entirely subsonic, entirely supersonic, or have up to two sonic points. The corresponding solution shown in each panel is: a) , , ; b) , , ; c) , , ; d) , , ; e) , , ; f) , , | |
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Finally, we have calculated profiles of the X-ray emissivity as a function of radius (see Fig. 8). We assume that the emissivity , which is a good approximation over the temperature range (cf. Kahn 1976). Also plotted in Fig. 8 are the radial temperature profiles. A bubble un-affected by mass-loading expanding into a surrounding medium with an r-2 profile of density has a higher central temperature but a lower central emissivity than at its limb. Conversely, if it is expanding into a medium with an r1 profile of density, the situation is reversed, as the central temperature is lower and the central emissivity is higher than at its limb. If the bubble is mass-loaded, the general trend is for a reduction in the central emissivity and an increase in the central temperature relative to the limb. To date, the only stellar wind bubbles which have been successfully observed in X-rays are two Wolf-Rayet ring nebulae, NGC 6888 (e.g. Wrigge et al. 1998) and S308 (Wrigge 1999). Both have X-ray luminosities lower than expected from the standard model (Weaver et al. 1977). This discrepancy is normally attributed to two possibilities: either conductive evaporation of gas from the cold dense outer shell into the bubble interior, or enhanced cooling resulting from high metallicities in the cooling gas (see MacLow 2000). It is not surprising, therefore, that our mass-loading simulations indicate that evaporation from clumps within the bubble may also be compatible with current observations. The latest X-ray satellites, Chandra and XMM, should provide significantly improved observations which may enable us to distinguish between these competing mechanisms. One might also expect that they may allow discrimination between a mass-loaded bubble expanding into an ambient medium with and a bubble unaffected by mass-loading expanding into a medium with .
Figure 8: Radial profiles of emissivity per unit volume and temperature, normalized to values of 1.0 at the limb, for a number of the simulations previously discussed. These are , (solid); , (dots); , (dashes); , (dot-dash); , (chain-dot-dash). The general trend is for a reduction in the central emissivity and an increase in the central temperature with increased mass loading | |
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We then investigated the changes in the structure of the bubble for different values of , , and . The central conclusions are:
JMP would like to thank PPARC for the funding of a PDRA position, and Sam Falle and Rob Coker for helpful discussions. We would also like to thank an anonymous referee whose suggestions improved this paper.