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Universal Upper End of the Stellar Initial Mass Function in the Young and Compact LEGUS Clusters
Dooseok Escher Jung, Daniela Calzetti, Matteo Messa, Mark Heyer, Mattia Sirressi, Sean T. Linden, Angela Adamo, Rupali Chandar, Michele Cignoni, David O. Cook, Clare L. Dobbs, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Aaron S. Evans, Michele Fumagalli, John S. Gallagher, Deidre A. Hunter, Kelsey E. Johnson, Robert C. Kennicutt, Mark R. Krumholz, Daniel Schaerer, Elena Sabbi, Linda J. Smith, Monica Tosi and Aida Wofford The Astrophysical Journal 954(2) 136 (2023)
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A stochastically sampled IMF alters the stellar content of simulated dwarf galaxies
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Rise and fall of molecular clouds across the M 33 disk
Exploring the IMF of star clusters: a joint SLUG and LEGUS effort
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From molecules to young stellar clusters: the star formation cycle across the disk of M 33
Hα to FUV ratios in resolved star-forming region populations of nearby spiral galaxies
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