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A uGMRT and MeerKAT Study of Radio Relics in the Low-mass Merging Cluster PSZ2 G200.95−28.16

Arpan Pal, Ruta Kale, Qian H. S. Wang and Daniel R. Wik
The Astrophysical Journal 979 (1) 4 (2025)

Sardinia Radio Telescope observations of the Coma cluster

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MeerKAT discovery of a double radio relic and odd radio circle: connecting cluster and galaxy merger shocks

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On the Particle Acceleration Mechanisms in a Double Radio Relic Galaxy Cluster, Abell 1240

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A combined LOFAR and XMM-Newton analysis of the disturbed cluster PSZ2G113.91-37.01

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Discovery of a Double Radio Relic in ZwCl1447.2+2619: A Rare Testbed for Shock-acceleration Models with a Peculiar Surface-brightness Ratio

Wonki Lee, M. James Jee, Kyle Finner, Kim HyeongHan, Ruta Kale, Hyein Yoon, William Forman, Ralph Kraft, Christine Jones and Aeree Chung
The Astrophysical Journal 924 (1) 18 (2022)

On the Polarisation of Radio Relics

Matthias Hoeft, Kamlesh Rajpurohit, Denis Wittor, Gabriella di Gennaro and Paola Domínguez-Fernández
Galaxies 10 (1) 10 (2022)

Using the polarization properties of double radio relics to probe the turbulent compression scenario

C. Stuardi, A. Bonafede, K. Rajpurohit, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 666 A8 (2022)

Timing the last major merger of galaxy clusters with large halo sparsity

T R G Richardson and P-S Corasaniti
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513 (4) 4951 (2022)

Multiwavelength Analysis of A1240, the Double Radio-relic Merging Galaxy Cluster Embedded in an ∼80 Mpc-long Cosmic Filament

Hyejeon Cho, M. James Jee, Rory Smith, Kyle Finner and Wonki Lee
The Astrophysical Journal 925 (1) 68 (2022)

The merging galaxy cluster Abell 3266 at low radio frequencies

S W Duchesne, M Johnston-Hollitt, C J Riseley, I Bartalucci and S R Keel
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511 (3) 3525 (2022)

Unveiling the Origin of Peculiar Diffuse Radio Emission in A1351

Swarna Chatterjee, Majidul Rahaman, Abhirup Datta and Ramij Raja
The Astronomical Journal 164 (3) 83 (2022)

Radio relics radio emission from multishock scenario

Giannandrea Inchingolo, D Wittor, K Rajpurohit and F Vazza
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509 (1) 1160 (2021)

The intracluster magnetic field in the double relic galaxy cluster Abell 2345

C Stuardi, A Bonafede, L Lovisari, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502 (2) 2518 (2021)

SPT-CL J2032–5627: A new Southern double relic cluster observed with ASKAP

S. W. Duchesne, M. Johnston-Hollitt, I. Bartalucci, T. Hodgson and G. W. Pratt
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 38 (2021)

Imaging results from the legacy Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Galaxy Cluster Key Project

Lijo T George, Ruta Kale and Yogesh Wadadekar
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507 (3) 4487 (2021)

Morphology of radio relics – II. Properties of polarized emission

P Domínguez-Fernández, M Brüggen, F Vazza, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507 (2) 2714 (2021)

Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Cluster Sparsity, Cluster Gas Mass Fraction, and Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Data

Pier-Stefano Corasaniti, Mauro Sereno and Stefano Ettori
The Astrophysical Journal 911 (2) 82 (2021)

The Beautiful Mess in Abell 2255

A. Botteon, G. Brunetti, R. J. van Weeren, T. W. Shimwell, R. F. Pizzo, R. Cassano, M. Iacobelli, F. Gastaldello, L. Bîrzan, A. Bonafede, M. Brüggen, V. Cuciti, D. Dallacasa, F. de Gasperin, G. Di Gennaro, A. Drabent, M. J. Hardcastle, M. Hoeft, S. Mandal, H. J. A. Röttgering and A. Simionescu
The Astrophysical Journal 897 (1) 93 (2020)

The discovery of radio halos in the frontier fields clusters Abell S1063 and Abell 370

C. Xie, R. J. van Weeren, L. Lovisari, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 636 A3 (2020)

New mysteries and challenges from the Toothbrush relic: wideband observations from 550 MHz to 8 GHz

K. Rajpurohit, M. Hoeft, F. Vazza, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 636 A30 (2020)

Characterizing the radio emission from the binary galaxy cluster merger Abell 2146

D. N. Hoang, T. W. Shimwell, R. J. van Weeren, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 622 A21 (2019)

Close-up view of an ongoing merger between the NGC 4839 group and the Coma cluster – a post-merger scenario

A Sheardown, E Roediger, K Dolag, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485 (2) 2922 (2019)

Polarization of radio relics in galaxy clusters

D Wittor, M Hoeft, F Vazza, M Brüggen and P Domínguez-Fernández
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (3) 3987 (2019)

Merging Cluster Collaboration: A Panchromatic Atlas of Radio Relic Mergers

N. Golovich, W. A. Dawson, D. M. Wittman, R. J. van Weeren, F. Andrade-Santos, M. J. Jee, B. Benson, F. de Gasperin, T. Venturi, A. Bonafede, D. Sobral, G. A. Ogrean, B. C. Lemaux, M. Bradač, M. Brüggen and A. Peter
The Astrophysical Journal 882 (1) 69 (2019)

Search for low-frequency diffuse radio emission around a shock in the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0744.9+3927

A Wilber, M Brüggen, A Bonafede, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476 (3) 3415 (2018)

Deep Very Large Array Observations of the Merging Cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301: Continuum and Spectral Imaging

G. Di Gennaro, R. J. van Weeren, M. Hoeft, H. Kang, D. Ryu, L. Rudnick, W. Forman, H. J. A. Röttgering, M. Brüggen, W. A. Dawson, N. Golovich, D. N. Hoang, H. T. Intema, C. Jones, R. P. Kraft, T. W. Shimwell and A. Stroe
The Astrophysical Journal 865 (1) 24 (2018)

Probing the Curious Case of a Galaxy Cluster Merger in Abell 115 with High-fidelity Chandra X-Ray Temperature and Radio Maps

Eric J. Hallman, Brian Alden, David Rapetti, Abhirup Datta and Jack O. Burns
The Astrophysical Journal 859 (1) 44 (2018)

Occurrence of Radio Minihalos in a Mass-limited Sample of Galaxy Clusters

Simona Giacintucci, Maxim Markevitch, Rossella Cassano, Tiziana Venturi, Tracy E. Clarke and Gianfranco Brunetti
The Astrophysical Journal 841 (2) 71 (2017)

Suzaku and Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster RXC J1053.7+5453 with a radio relic

Madoka Itahana, Motokazu Takizawa, Hiroki Akamatsu, Reinout J. van Weeren, Hajime Kawahara, Yasushi Fukazawa, Jelle S. Kaastra, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Takaya Ohashi, Naomi Ota, Huub J. A. Röttgering, Jacco Vink and Fabio Zandanel
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 69 (6) (2017)

On the absence of radio haloes in clusters with double relics

A. Bonafede, R Cassano, M. Brüggen, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 470 (3) 3465 (2017)

The correlation between radio power and Mach number for radio relics in galaxy clusters

S. Colafrancesco, P. Marchegiani and C. M. Paulo
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471 (4) 4747 (2017)

VLA Radio Observations of the HST Frontier Fields Cluster Abell 2744: The Discovery of New Radio Relics

C. J. J. Pearce, R. J. van Weeren, F. Andrade-Santos, C. Jones, W. R. Forman, M. Brüggen, E. Bulbul, T. E. Clarke, R. P. Kraft, E. Medezinski, T. Mroczkowski, M. Nonino, P. E. J. Nulsen, S. W. Randall and K. Umetsu
The Astrophysical Journal 845 (1) 81 (2017)

Tracing low-mass galaxy clusters using radio relics: the discovery of Abell 3527-bis

F. de Gasperin, H. T. Intema, J. Ridl, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 597 A15 (2017)

Can cluster merger shocks reproduce the luminosity and shape distribution of radio relics?

Sebastián E. Nuza, Jakob Gelszinnis, Matthias Hoeft and Gustavo Yepes
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 470 (1) 240 (2017)

A $\mathcal {M}\gtrsim 3$ shock in ‘El Gordo’ cluster and the origin of the radio relic

A. Botteon, F. Gastaldello, G. Brunetti and R. Kale
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463 (2) 1534 (2016)

Multi-scale Structure Formation and Dynamics in Cosmic Plasmas

S. Planelles, D. R. G. Schleicher and A. M. Bykov
Space Sciences Series of ISSI, Multi-scale Structure Formation and Dynamics in Cosmic Plasmas 51 93 (2016)

Suzaku observations of the galaxy cluster 1RXS J0603.3+4214: Implications of particle acceleration processes in the “Toothbrush” radio relic

Madoka Itahana, Motokazu Takizawa, Hiroki Akamatsu, Takaya Ohashi, Yoshitaka Ishisaki, Hajime Kawahara and Reinout J. van Weeren
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 67 (6) (2015)

Large-Scale Structure Formation: From the First Non-linear Objects to Massive Galaxy Clusters

S. Planelles, D. R. G. Schleicher and A. M. Bykov
Space Science Reviews 188 (1-4) 93 (2015)

Inverse-Compton emission from clusters of galaxies: Predictions for ASTRO-H

Richard Bartels, Fabio Zandanel and Shin’ichiro Ando
Astronomy & Astrophysics 582 A20 (2015)

Shock finding on a moving mesh – I. Shock statistics in non-radiative cosmological simulations

Kevin Schaal and Volker Springel
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446 (4) 3992 (2015)


Z. S. Yuan, J. L. Han and Z. L. Wen
The Astrophysical Journal 813 (1) 77 (2015)

The First Murchison Widefield Array low-frequency radio observations of cluster scale non-thermal emission: the case of Abell 3667

L. Hindson, M. Johnston-Hollitt, N. Hurley-Walker, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 445 (1) 330 (2014)


Sungwook E. Hong, Dongsu Ryu, Hyesung Kang and Renyue Cen
The Astrophysical Journal 785 (2) 133 (2014)


A. Bonafede, H. T. Intema, M. Brüggen, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 785 (1) 1 (2014)

Spectral index image of the radio halo in the cluster Abell 520, which hosts the famous bow shock

V. Vacca, L. Feretti, G. Giovannini, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 561 A52 (2014)

A comparative study of radio halo occurrence in SZ and X-ray selected galaxy cluster samples

Martin W. Sommer and Kaustuv Basu
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 437 (3) 2163 (2014)

A new double radio relic in PSZ1 G096.89+24.17 and a radio relic mass–luminosity relation

F. de Gasperin, R. J. van Weeren, M. Brüggen, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444 (4) 3130 (2014)

Measurements and simulation of Faraday rotation across the Coma radio relic

A. Bonafede, F. Vazza, M. Bruggen, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 433 (4) 3208 (2013)

Low-frequency radio emission in the massive galaxy cluster MACSJ0717.5 + 3745

M. Pandey-Pommier, J. Richard, F. Combes, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 557 A117 (2013)

Discovery of spectral curvature in the shock downstream region: CIZA J2242.8+5301

A. Stroe, R. J. van Weeren, H. T. Intema, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 555 A110 (2013)

Cosmological shock waves: clues to the formation history of haloes

Susana Planelles and Vicent Quilis
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 428 (2) 1643 (2013)

Magnetic Fields, Relativistic Particles, and Shock Waves in Cluster Outskirts

Marcus Brüggen, Andrei Bykov, Dongsu Ryu and Huub Röttgering
Space Science Reviews 166 (1-4) 187 (2012)

Feature Detection in Radio Astronomy using the Circle Hough Transform

C. Hollitt and M. Johnston-Hollitt
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 29 (03) 309 (2012)

First LOFAR observations at very low frequencies of cluster-scale non-thermal emission: the case of Abell 2256

R. J. van Weeren, H. J. A. Röttgering, D. A. Rafferty, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 543 A43 (2012)

Magnetic field amplification by shocks in galaxy clusters: application to radio relics

Luigi Iapichino and Marcus Brüggen
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 423 (3) 2781 (2012)

Spectral and polarization study of the double relics in Abell 3376 using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and the Very Large Array

Ruta Kale, K. S. Dwarakanath, Joydeep Bagchi and Surajit Paul
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426 (2) 1204 (2012)

Discovery of radio haloes and double relics in distant MACS galaxy clusters: clues to the efficiency of particle acceleration

A. Bonafede, M. Brüggen, R. van Weeren, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426 (1) 40 (2012)

Clusters of galaxies: observational properties of the diffuse radio emission

Luigina Feretti, Gabriele Giovannini, Federica Govoni and Matteo Murgia
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 20 (1) (2012)

Nonthermal emission from the radio relic of the galaxy cluster A2256

G. Siemieniec‐Ozieblo and B.M. Pasternak
Astronomische Nachrichten 332 (6) 649 (2011)

Using double radio relics to constrain galaxy cluster mergers: a model of double radio relics in CIZA J2242.8+5301

R. J. van Weeren, M. Brüggen, H. J. A. Röttgering and M. Hoeft
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 418 (1) 230 (2011)

Radio continuum observations of new radio halos and relics from the NVSS and WENSS surveys

R. J. van Weeren, M. Brüggen, H. J. A. Röttgering, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 533 A35 (2011)

Large-Scale Magnetic Fields in the Universe

Marcus Brüggen, Andrei Bykov, Dongsu Ryu and Huub Röttgering
Space Sciences Series of ISSI, Large-Scale Magnetic Fields in the Universe 39 187 (2011)


Samuel W. Skillman, Eric J. Hallman, Brian W. O'Shea, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 735 (2) 96 (2011)

Relics as Probes of Galaxy Cluster Mergers

R. J. van Weeren, M. Brüggen, H. J. A. Röttgering and M. Hoeft
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 32 (4) 505 (2011)

Magnetic fields in the galactic Universe, as observed in supershells, galaxies, intergalactic and cosmic realms

Jacques P. Vallée
New Astronomy Reviews 55 (3-4) 91 (2011)

Relativistic plasma and ICM/radio source interaction

Luigina Feretti, Gabriele Giovannini, Federica Govoni and Matteo Murgia
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 6 (S274) 340 (2010)

Particle Acceleration on Megaparsec Scales in a Merging Galaxy Cluster

Reinout J. van Weeren, Huub J. A. Röttgering, Marcus Brüggen and Matthias Hoeft
Science 330 (6002) 347 (2010)

A search for steep spectrum radio relics and halos with the GMRT

R. J. van Weeren, H. J. A. Röttgering, M. Brüggen and A. Cohen
Astronomy & Astrophysics 508 (1) 75 (2009)

Revealing the magnetic field in a distant galaxy cluster: discovery of the complex radio emission from MACS J0717.5 +3745

A. Bonafede, L. Feretti, G. Giovannini, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 503 (3) 707 (2009)

Turbulent motions and shocks waves in galaxy clusters simulated with adaptive mesh refinement

F. Vazza, G. Brunetti, A. Kritsuk, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 504 (1) 33 (2009)