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Peering into the Milky Way by FAST: III. Magnetic fields in the Galactic halo and farther spiral arms revealed by the Faraday effect of faint pulsars

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Discovery of a Filamentary Synchrotron Structure Connected to the Coherent Magnetic Field in the Outer Galaxy

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Full-sky, Arcminute-scale, 3D Models of Galactic Microwave Foreground Dust Emission Based on Filaments

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A New Method of Reconstructing Galactic 3D Structures Using Ultralong-wavelength Radio Observations

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First look at the multiphase interstellar medium using synthetic observations from low-frequency Faraday tomography

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Galactic halo bubble magnetic fields and UHECR deflections

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The GALPROP Cosmic-ray Propagation and Nonthermal Emissions Framework: Release v57

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Radio bounds on the mixed dark matter scenarios of primordial black holes and WIMPs

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Momentum deposition of supernovae with cosmic rays

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511 (1) 1247 (2022)

Structure in the Magnetic Field of the Milky Way Disk and Halo Traced by Faraday Rotation

John M. Dickey, Jennifer West, Alec J. M. Thomson, T. L. Landecker, A. Bracco, E. Carretti, J. L. Han, A. S. Hill, Y. K. Ma, S. A. Mao, A. Ordog, Jo-Anne C. Brown, K. A. Douglas, A. Erceg, V. Jelić, R. Kothes and M. Wolleben
The Astrophysical Journal 940 (1) 75 (2022)

Spectral index of synchrotron emission: insights from the diffuse and magnetised interstellar medium

Marco Padovani, Andrea Bracco, Vibor Jelić, Daniele Galli and Elena Bellomi
Astronomy & Astrophysics 651 A116 (2021)

Galactic magnetic field reconstruction using the polarized diffuse Galactic emission: formalism and application to Planck data

V. Pelgrims, J. F. Macías-Pérez and F. Ruppin
Astronomy & Astrophysics 652 A130 (2021)

Extragalactic magnetic field constraints from ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays from local galaxies

Arjen van Vliet, Andrea Palladino, Andrew Taylor and Walter Winter
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510 (1) 1289 (2021)

The effects of drift and winds on the propagation of Galactic cosmic rays

A AL-Zetoun and A Achterberg
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504 (4) 6067 (2021)

An Ultralong-wavelength Sky Model with Absorption Effect

Yanping 平 Cong 丛艳, Bin 斌 Yue 岳, Yidong 冬 Xu 徐怡, Qizhi 志 Huang 黄啓, Shifan 凡 Zuo 左世 and Xuelei 雷 Chen 陈学
The Astrophysical Journal 914 (2) 128 (2021)

Revisiting Rotation Measures from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey: the Magnetic Field in the Disk of the Outer Galaxy

C. L. Van Eck, J. C. Brown, A. Ordog, R. Kothes, T. L. Landecker, B. Cooper, K. M. Rae, D. A. Del Rizzo, A. D. Gray, R. Ransom, R. I Reid and B. Uyaniker
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 253 (2) 48 (2021)

Can the Local Bubble explain the radio background?

Martin G H Krause and Martin J Hardcastle
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502 (2) 2807 (2021)

The Global Magneto-ionic Medium Survey: A Faraday Depth Survey of the Northern Sky Covering 1280–1750 MHz

M. Wolleben, T. L. Landecker, K. A. Douglas, A. D. Gray, A. Ordog, J. M. Dickey, A. S. Hill, E. Carretti, J. C. Brown, B. M. Gaensler, J. L. Han, M. Haverkorn, R. Kothes, J. P. Leahy, N. McClure-Griffiths, D. McConnell, W. Reich, A. R. Taylor, A. J. M. Thomson and J. L. West
The Astronomical Journal 162 (1) 35 (2021)

UHECR mass composition at highest energies from anisotropy of their arrival directions

M.Yu. Kuznetsov and P.G. Tinyakov
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2021 (04) 065 (2021)

Radio haloes of star-forming galaxies

Aditi Vijayan, Biman B Nath, Prateek Sharma and Yuri Shchekinov
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492 (2) 2924 (2020)

Helicity in the large-scale Galactic magnetic field

J L West, R N Henriksen, K Ferrière, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499 (3) 3673 (2020)

warpfield population synthesis: the physics of (extra-)Galactic star formation and feedback-driven cloud structure and emission from sub-to-kpc scales

Eric W Pellegrini, Stefan Reissl, Daniel Rahner, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498 (3) 3193 (2020)

Inference of the Local Interstellar Spectra of Cosmic-Ray Nuclei Z ≤ 28 with the GalProp–HelMod Framework

M. J. Boschini, S. Della Torre, M. Gervasi, D. Grandi, G. Jóhannesson, G. La Vacca, N. Masi, I. V. Moskalenko, S. Pensotti, T. A. Porter, L. Quadrani, P. G. Rancoita, D. Rozza and M. Tacconi
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 250 (2) 27 (2020)

Hemispheric Handedness in the Galactic Synchrotron Polarization Foreground

Axel Brandenburg and Marcus Brüggen
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 896 (1) L14 (2020)

A novel analytical model of the magnetic field configuration in the Galactic center

M. Guenduez, J. Becker Tjus, K. Ferrière and R.-J. Dettmar
Astronomy & Astrophysics 644 A71 (2020)

On the Distance of SGR 1935+2154 Associated with FRB 200428 and Hosted in SNR G57.2+0.8

Shu-Qing Zhong, Zi-Gao Dai, Hai-Ming Zhang and Can-Min Deng
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 898 (1) L5 (2020)

The complex large-scale magnetic fields in the first Galactic quadrant as revealed by the Faraday depth profile disparity

Y K Ma, S A Mao, A Ordog and J C Brown
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497 (3) 3097 (2020)

An iterative reconstruction algorithm for Faraday tomography

Suchetha Cooray, Tsutomu T Takeuchi, Takuya Akahori, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500 (4) 5129 (2020)

Magnetic field structure of the Galactic plane from differential analysis of interstellar polarization

Tetsuya Zenko, Tetsuya Nagata, Mikio Kurita, Masaru Kino, Shogo Nishiyama, Noriyuki Matsunaga and Yasushi Nakajima
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 72 (2) (2020)

A physical approach to modelling large-scale galactic magnetic fields

Anvar Shukurov, Luiz Felippe S. Rodrigues, Paul J. Bushby, James Hollins and Jörg P. Rachen
Astronomy & Astrophysics 623 A113 (2019)

Low-frequency measurements of synchrotron absorbing HII regions and modeling of observed synchrotron emissivity

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Magnetic Field Tomography in Two Clouds toward Ursa Major Using H i Fibers

Aris Tritsis, Christoph Federrath and Vasiliki Pavlidou
The Astrophysical Journal 873 (1) 38 (2019)

Low-frequency Faraday rotation measures towards pulsars using LOFAR: probing the 3D Galactic halo magnetic field

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (3) 3646 (2019)

Faraday Rotation of Extended Emission as a Probe of the Large-Scale Galactic Magnetic Field

Anna Ordog, Rebecca A. Booth, Cameron L. Van Eck, Jo-Anne C. Brown and Thomas L. Landecker
Galaxies 7 (2) 43 (2019)

Searching for the possible signal of the photon-axionlike particle oscillation in the combined GeV and TeV spectra of supernova remnants

Zi-Qing Xia, Yun-Feng Liang, Lei Feng, et al.
Physical Review D 100 (12) (2019)

Through thick or thin: multiple components of the magneto-ionic medium towards the nearby H ii region Sharpless 2–27 revealed by Faraday tomography

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487 (4) 4751 (2019)

Faraday Depolarization Effects in Spiral Galaxies

Mami Machida, Takuya Akahori, Kenji E. Nakamura, Hiroyuki Nakanishi and Marijke Haverkorn
Galaxies 7 (1) 15 (2019)

New limits on charged dark matter from large-scale coherent magnetic fields

Albert Stebbins and Gordan Krnjaic
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2019 (12) 003 (2019)

S-band Polarization All-Sky Survey (S-PASS): survey description and maps

E Carretti, M Haverkorn, L Staveley-Smith, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489 (2) 2330 (2019)

IMAGINE: Modeling the Galactic Magnetic Field

Marijke Haverkorn, François Boulanger, Torsten Enßlin, Jörg R. Hörandel, Tess Jaffe, Jens Jasche, Jörg P. Rachen and Anvar Shukurov
Galaxies 7 (1) 17 (2019)

The Global Magneto-Ionic Medium Survey: Polarimetry of the Southern Sky from 300 to 480 MHz

M. Wolleben, T. L. Landecker, E. Carretti, J. M. Dickey, A. Fletcher, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, D. McConnell, A. J. M. Thomson, A. S. Hill, B. M. Gaensler, J.-L. Han, M. Haverkorn, J. P. Leahy, W. Reich and A. R. Taylor
The Astronomical Journal 158 (1) 44 (2019)

Cosmic-Ray Propagation in Light of the Recent Observation of Geminga

Guđlaugur Jóhannesson, Troy A. Porter and Igor V. Moskalenko
The Astrophysical Journal 879 (2) 91 (2019)

Implications on spatial models of interstellar gamma-ray inverse-Compton emission from synchrotron emission studies in radio and microwaves

E. Orlando
Physical Review D 99 (4) (2019)

Radio broad-band visualization of global three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulations of spiral galaxies – II. Faraday depolarization from 100 MHz to 10 GHz

M Machida, T Akahori, K E Nakamura, H Nakanishi and M Haverkorn
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482 (3) 3394 (2019)

Cosmic-ray transport from AMS-02 boron to carbon ratio data: Benchmark models and interpretation

Y. Génolini, M. Boudaud, P.-I. Batista, et al.
Physical Review D 99 (12) (2019)

Radiative Transfer with POLARIS. II. Modeling of Synthetic Galactic Synchrotron Observations

Stefan Reissl, Robert Brauer, Ralf S. Klessen and Eric W. Pellegrini
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Constraints on axion-like particle properties with TeV gamma-ray observations of Galactic sources

Yun-Feng Liang, Cun Zhang, Zi-Qing Xia, et al.
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A broad-band spectro-polarimetric view of the NVSS rotation measure catalogue – I. Breaking the nπ-ambiguity

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Magnetic fields in the solar vicinity and in the Galactic halo

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Model Dispersion with prism: An Alternative to MCMC for Rapid Analysis of Models

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Deflections of ultra-high energy cosmic rays by the Milky Way magnetic field: how well can they be corrected?

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Evolving galactic dynamos and fits to the reversing rotation measures in the halo of NGC 4631

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