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Magnetic Activity and Orbital Period Study for the Short-period RS CVn–type Eclipsing Binary DV Psc
Qing-feng Pi, Li-yun Zhang, Shao-lan Bi, Xianming L. Han, Hong-peng Lu, Qiang Yue, Liu Long and Yan Yan The Astrophysical Journal 877(2) 75 (2019)
Chromospheric activity on late-type star DM UMa using high-resolution spectroscopic observations
LiYun Zhang, QingFeng Pi, Xianming L. Han, Liang Chang and Daimei Wang Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459(1) 854 (2016)
Rotation, activity, and lithium abundance in cool binary stars
TYC 8380-1953-1: Discovery of an RS CVn Binary Through theXMM-NewtonSlew Survey
J. López-Santiago, B. Stelzer and R. Saxton Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 124(917) 682 (2012)
The new RS CVn binary V1034 Her revisited and the orbital period — activity relation of short-period RS CVn binaries using photometric distortion amplitude