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Radical reactions on interstellar icy dust grains: Experimental investigations of elementary processes

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Evolution of Chemistry in the envelope of HOt corinoS (ECHOS)

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Laboratory Measurement of CH2DOH Line Intensities in the Millimeter-wave Region

Takahiro Oyama, Yuki Ohno, Akemi Tamanai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Satoshi Yamamoto, Takeshi Sakai, Shaoshan Zeng, Riouhei Nakatani and Nami Sakai
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Chemical Differentiation around Five Massive Protostars Revealed by ALMA: Carbon-chain Species and Oxygen/Nitrogen-bearing Complex Organic Molecules

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Conformer-Specific Desorption in Propanol Ices Probed by Chirped-Pulse Millimeter-Wave Rotational Spectroscopy

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Reaction dynamics on amorphous solid water surfaces using interatomic machine-learned potentials

G. Molpeceres, V. Zaverkin, K. Furuya, Y. Aikawa and J. Kästner
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Formation of sodium-bearing species in the interstellar medium

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Where Does the Energy Go during the Interstellar NH3 Formation on Water Ice? A Computational Study

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Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS)

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Chemical models of adenine precursors cyanamide and carbodiimide in the interstellar medium

Xia Zhang, Donghui Quan, Runxia Li, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521 (1) 1578 (2023)

Methanol Mapping in Cold Cores: Testing Model Predictions*

Anna Punanova, Anton Vasyunin, Paola Caselli, Alexander Howard, Silvia Spezzano, Yancy Shirley, Samantha Scibelli and Jorma Harju
The Astrophysical Journal 927 (2) 213 (2022)

Quantifying the Chemical Desorption of H2S and PH3 from Amorphous Water-ice Surfaces

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The Astrophysical Journal 926 (2) 171 (2022)

Understanding the impact of diffusion of CO in the astrochemical models

Kinsuk Acharyya
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 39 (2022)

Interstellar detection and chemical modeling of iso-propanol and its normal isomer

A. Belloche, R. T. Garrod, O. Zingsheim, H. S. P. Müller and K. M. Menten
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Non-energetic Formation of Ethanol via CCH Reaction with Interstellar H2O Ices. A Computational Chemistry Study

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ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6 (3) 496 (2022)

On modelling cosmic ray sputtering of interstellar grain ices

Alec Paulive, Joshua T Carder and Eric Herbst
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A chemical study of nine star-forming regions with evidence of infall motion

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Chemical Variations Across the TMC-1 Boundary: Molecular Tracers from the Translucent Phase to the Dense Phase

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The Astrophysical Journal 928 (2) 175 (2022)

Direct Determination of the Activation Energy for Diffusion of OH Radicals on Water Ice

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The Astrophysical Journal Letters 940 (1) L2 (2022)

The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). V. Deuterated Molecules in the 70 μm Dark IRDC G14.492-00.139

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Effect of surface H2 on molecular hydrogen formation on interstellar grains

Gang Zhao, Qiang Chang, Xia Zhang, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512 (3) 3137 (2022)

Methanediol CH2(OH)2 and hydroxymethyl CH2OH+: key organic intermediates on the path to complex organic molecules

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ALCHEMI Finds a “Shocking” Carbon Footprint in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253

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Complex organic molecules formation in cold cores on stochastically heated grains

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The complex organic molecular content in the L1517B starless core

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519 (2) 1601 (2022)

Resolving desorption of complex organic molecules in a hot core

Laura A. Busch, Arnaud Belloche, Robin T. Garrod, Holger S. P. Müller and Karl M. Menten
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Binding Energies of Interstellar Relevant S-bearing Species on Water Ice Mantles: A Quantum Mechanical Investigation

Jessica Perrero, Joan Enrique-Romero, Stefano Ferrero, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Linda Podio, Claudio Codella, Albert Rimola and Piero Ugliengo
The Astrophysical Journal 938 (2) 158 (2022)

Formation of Complex Organic Molecules in Hot Molecular Cores through Nondiffusive Grain-surface and Ice-mantle Chemistry

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GGCHEMPY: A Pure Python-based Gas-grain Chemical Code for Efficient Simulation of Interstellar Chemistry*

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CH3-Terminated Carbon Chains in the GOTHAM Survey of TMC-1: Evidence of Interstellar CH3C7N

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Submillimeter observations of molecular gas interacting with the supernova remnant W28

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A numerical approach to model chemistry of complex organic molecules in a protoplanetary disk

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Grain-Surface Hydrogen-Addition Reactions as a Chemical Link Between Cold Cores and Hot Corinos: The Case of H2CCS and CH3CH2SH

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Deuterium chemistry and D/H ratios in Class 0/I proto-brown dwarfs

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Interrelations Between Astrochemistry and Galactic Dynamics

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Chemical modeling of the complex organic molecules in the extended region around Sagittarius B2

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Modeling chemistry during star formation: water deuteration in dynamic star-forming regions

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Cyclopropenone (c-C3H2O) as a Tracer of the Nonequilibrium Chemistry Mediated by Galactic Cosmic Rays in Interstellar Ices

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Dark cloud-type chemistry in photodissociation regions with moderate ultraviolet field

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Formation of formaldehyde through methanol-ice-mantle (CH3OH)10 bombardment by OH+ cation

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Experimental and Computational Studies on the Physicochemical Behavior of Phosphine Induced by Reactions with H and D Atoms on Interstellar Ice Grains

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