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BASECOL2023 scientific content

M. L. Dubernet, C. Boursier, O. Denis-Alpizar, Y. A. Ba, N. Moreau, C. M. Zwölf, M. A. Amor, D. Babikov, N. Balakrishnan, C. Balança, M. Ben Khalifa, A. Bergeat, C. T. Bop, L. Cabrera-González, C. Cárdenas, A. Chefai, P. J. Dagdigian, F. Dayou, S. Demes, B. Desrousseaux, F. Dumouchel, A. Faure, R. C. Forrey, J. Franz, R. M. García-Vázquez, et al.
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Collisional excitation of c-MgC2 by Helium

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New rotational rate coefficients computation of MgC3N(X2Σ+) by collision with He(1S)

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Potential energy surface, Integral cross section and rate coefficients for collisions of C4H− with He

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Towards the generation of potential energy surfaces of weakly bound medium-sized molecular systems: the case of benzonitrile–He complex

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Cyanopolyyne Chemistry in the L1544 Prestellar Core: New Insights from GBT Observations

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The effect of isotopic substitution on the excitation of CCS isotopologues in molecular clouds

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Collisional excitation of PO+ by para-H2: potential energy surface, scattering calculations, and astrophysical applications

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Collisional Excitation and Non-LTE Modeling of Interstellar Chiral Propylene Oxide

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The Astrophysical Journal 926 (1) 3 (2022)

Deexcitation rate coefficients of C3 by collision with H2 at low temperatures

Carlos Santander, Otoniel Denis-Alpizar and Carlos Cárdenas
Astronomy & Astrophysics 657 A55 (2022)

Electronic structure calculations and quantum dynamics of rotational deexcitation of CNNC by He

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The effect of scattering calculations on non-LTE modelling of the C3O and C5O abundances in TMC-1

C T Bop, F Khadri and K Hammami
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518 (3) 3533 (2022)

Hyperfine resolved rate coefficients of HC17O+ with H2 (j = 0)

F Tonolo, F Lique, M Melosso, C Puzzarini and L Bizzocchi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516 (2) 2653 (2022)

The excitation of CNCN in the interstellar medium: hyperfine resolved rate coefficients and non-LTE modelling

D Ndaw, C T Bop, G Dieye, N A Boye Faye and F Lique
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (4) 5976 (2021)

Collisional (de-)excitation of protonated cyanoacetylene (HC3NH+) by helium at low and moderate temperatures

M Mogren Al Mogren, D Ben Abdallah, S Dhaif Allah Al Harbi, M S Al Salhi and M Hochlaf
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (2) 2902 (2021)

ALCHEMI, an ALMA Comprehensive High-resolution Extragalactic Molecular Inventory

S. Martín, J. G. Mangum, N. Harada, F. Costagliola, K. Sakamoto, S. Muller, R. Aladro, K. Tanaka, Y. Yoshimura, K. Nakanishi, R. Herrero-Illana, S. Mühle, S. Aalto, E. Behrens, L. Colzi, K. L. Emig, G. A. Fuller, S. García-Burillo, T. R. Greve, C. Henkel, J. Holdship, P. Humire, L. Hunt, T. Izumi, K. Kohno, et al.
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Inelastic rate coefficients for collisions of C4H− with H2

Christian Balança, Ernesto Quintas-Sánchez, Richard Dawes, Fabien Dumouchel, François Lique and Nicole Feautrier
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508 (1) 1148 (2021)

Sodium isocyanide–Helium potential energy surface and astrophysical applications

C. Gharbi, Y. Ajili, D. Ben Abdallah and M. Hochlaf
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 140 (1) (2021)

Low-temperature rate constants and radiative transfer for rotational de-excitation of C5S by collision with He

F Khadri, A Chefai and K Hammami
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498 (4) 5159 (2020)

Interaction of the HCO radical with molecular hydrogen: Ab initio potential energy surface and scattering calculations

Paul J. Dagdigian
The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (22) (2020)

Rotational relaxation of HCO+ and DCO+ by collision with H2

Otoniel Denis-Alpizar, Thierry Stoecklin, Anne Dutrey and Stéphane Guilloteau
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497 (4) 4276 (2020)

MQCT: User-ready program for calculations of inelastic scattering of two molecules

Alexander Semenov, Bikramaditya Mandal and Dmitri Babikov
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Rotational de-excitation of tricarbon monosulfide (C3S) in collision with (He): potential energy surface and rates

E. Sahnoun, M. Ben Khalifa, F. Khadri and K. Hammami
Astrophysics and Space Science 365 (12) (2020)

Rotational de-excitations of C3H+ (1Σ+) by collision with He: new ab initio potential energy surface and scattering calculations

Sanchit Kumar and T J Dhilip Kumar
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494 (4) 5675 (2020)

Non-LTE modelling of cyanoacetylene: evidence for isomer-specific excitation

Cheikh T Bop, François Lique, Alexandre Faure, Ernesto Quintas-Sánchez and Richard Dawes
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501 (2) 1911 (2020)

Interaction of cyanogen (NCCN) with proton: A new ab initio potential energy surface

Apoorv Kushwaha, Sanchit Kumar and T.J. Dhilip Kumar
Chemical Physics Letters 761 138013 (2020)

The Leiden Atomic and Molecular Database (LAMDA): Current Status, Recent Updates, and Future Plans

Floris van der Tak, François Lique, Alexandre Faure, John Black and Ewine van Dishoeck
Atoms 8 (2) 15 (2020)

Rotational (de)-excitation of linear C3O by collision with He

Fehmi Khadri and Kamel Hammami
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (8) 4606 (2019)

Interaction of Chiral Propylene Oxide (CH3CHCH2O) with Helium: Potential Energy Surface and Scattering Calculations

Alexandre Faure, Paul J. Dagdigian, Claire Rist, Richard Dawes, Ernesto Quintas-Sánchez, François Lique and Majdi Hochlaf
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Inelastic rate coefficients for collisions of C4H− with para-H2(j = 0) at low temperatures

Maria Luisa Senent, Fabrice Dayou, Fabien Dumouchel, Christian Balança and Nicole Feautrier
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486 (1) 422 (2019)

Interaction of the simple carbene c-C3H2 with H2: potential energy surface and low-energy scattering

M. Ben Khalifa, L. Wiesenfeld and K. Hammami
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (19) 9996 (2019)

Rotational transitions of C3N− induced by collision with H2

Miguel Lara-Moreno, Thierry Stoecklin and Philippe Halvick
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486 (1) 414 (2019)

Interaction of C2H with molecular hydrogen: Ab initio potential energy surface and scattering calculations

Paul J. Dagdigian
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (2) (2018)

Rotationally inelastic collisions of SiO with H2

Christian Balança, Fabrice Dayou, Alexandre Faure, Laurent Wiesenfeld and Nicole Feautrier
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479 (2) 2692 (2018)

Potential energy surface and rate coefficients of protonated cyanogen (HNCCN+) induced by collision with helium (He) at low temperature

Cheikh T Bop, N A B Faye and K Hammami
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478 (4) 4410 (2018)

Quantum dynamics study of rotational transitions of NCCN induced by He collision

Sanchit Kumar, Apoorv Kushwaha and T. J. Dhilip Kumar
The Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (17) (2018)

Rotational (de-)excitation of isocyanogen by collision with helium at low energies

D. Ben Abdallah, M. Mogren Al Mogren, S. Dhaif Allah Al Harbi and M. Hochlaf
The Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (6) (2018)

Rotational (de-)excitation of C3N− by collision with He atoms

Miguel Lara-Moreno, Thierry Stoecklin and Philippe Halvick
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 467 (4) 4174 (2017)

History of the solar-type protostar IRAS 16293–2422 as told by the cyanopolyynes

A. Jaber Al-Edhari, C. Ceccarelli, C. Kahane, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 597 A40 (2017)

Theoretical study of HCN–water interaction: five dimensional potential energy surfaces

Ernesto Quintas Sánchez and Marie-Lise Dubernet
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (9) 6849 (2017)

MQCT. I. Inelastic Scattering of Two Asymmetric-Top Rotors with Application to H2O + H2O

Alexander Semenov and Dmitri Babikov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 (26) 4855 (2017)

Recent Advances in Development and Applications of the Mixed Quantum/Classical Theory for Inelastic Scattering

Dmitri Babikov and Alexander Semenov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (3) 319 (2016)

The first potential energy surfaces for the C6H−–H2 and C6H−–He collisional systems and their corresponding inelastic cross sections

Kyle M. Walker, Fabien Dumouchel, François Lique and Richard Dawes
The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (2) (2016)

Inelastic Scattering of Identical Molecules within Framework of the Mixed Quantum/Classical Theory: Application to Rotational Excitations in H2 + H2

Alexander Semenov and Dmitri Babikov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (22) 3861 (2016)

Collisional excitation of HC3N by para- and ortho-H2

Alexandre Faure, François Lique and Laurent Wiesenfeld
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460 (2) 2103 (2016)

Rotational (de-)excitation of HNS by He: three-dimensional potential energy surface and collision rate coefficients

Y. Ajili, D. Ben Abdallah, M. Mogren Al-Mogren, J. S. Francisco and M. Hochlaf
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458 (2) 1581 (2016)

New potential energy surface for the HCS+–He system and inelastic rate coefficients

Marie-Lise Dubernet, Ernesto Quintas-Sánchez and Philip Tuckey
The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (4) (2015)

The comet-like composition of a protoplanetary disk as revealed by complex cyanides

Karin I. Öberg, Viviana V. Guzmán, Kenji Furuya, et al.
Nature 520 (7546) 198 (2015)

Mixed Quantum/Classical Approach for Description of Molecular Collisions in Astrophysical Environments

Alexander Semenov and Dmitri Babikov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (10) 1854 (2015)

Collisional excitation of MgO by He

M. Mogren Al Mogren, Y. Ajili, S. Almania, D. Ben Abdallah and M. Hochlaf
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 452 (2) 1561 (2015)


A. Faure, A. J. Remijan, K. Szalewicz and L. Wiesenfeld
The Astrophysical Journal 783 (2) 72 (2014)

The HCO+–H2 van der Waals interaction: Potential energy and scattering

H. Massó and L. Wiesenfeld
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (18) (2014)

Collisional excitation of C 2 H(X 2 Σ + ) by para-H 2 ( j = 0): Fine-structure resolved transitions

F. Najar, D. Ben Abdallah, A. Spielfiedel, et al.
Chemical Physics Letters 614 251 (2014)

Combined IRAM andHerschel/HIFI study of cyano(di)acetylene in Orion KL: tentative detection of DC3N

Gisela B. Esplugues, José Cernicharo, Serena Viti, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 559 A51 (2013)

BASECOL2012: A collisional database repository and web service within the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC)

M.-L. Dubernet, M. H. Alexander, Y. A. Ba, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 553 A50 (2013)

Cyanide/isocyanide abundances in the interstellar medium – II. Inelastic rate coefficients of Al and Mg compounds

M. Hernández Vera, F. Lique, F. Dumouchel, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 432 (1) 468 (2013)

Molecular Excitation in the Interstellar Medium: Recent Advances in Collisional, Radiative, and Chemical Processes

Evelyne Roueff and François Lique
Chemical Reviews 113 (12) 8906 (2013)

A precise and accurate determination of the cosmic microwave background temperature atz= 0.89

S. Muller, A. Beelen, J. H. Black, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 551 A109 (2013)

Analyzing observations of molecules in the ISM: Theoretical and experimental studies of energy transfer

L. Wiesenfeld, A. Faure, F. Lique, et al.
EAS Publications Series 58 267 (2012)

Influence of collisional rate coefficients on water vapour excitation

F. Daniel, J. R. Goicoechea, J. Cernicharo, M.-L. Dubernet and A. Faure
Astronomy & Astrophysics 547 A81 (2012)

Potential energy surface and rotational cross sections for methyl formate colliding with helium

Alexandre Faure, Krzysztof Szalewicz and Laurent Wiesenfeld
The Journal of Chemical Physics 135 (2) (2011)

The rotational excitation of HCN and HNC by He: temperature dependence of the collisional rate coefficients

F. Dumouchel, A. Faure and F. Lique
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 406 (4) 2488 (2010)

The rotational excitation of HCN and HNC by He: new insights on the HCN/HNC abundance ratio in molecular clouds

E. Sarrasin, D. Ben Abdallah, M. Wernli, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2010)

Rotational excitation of formaldehyde by hydrogen molecules: ortho-H2CO at low temperature

N. Troscompt, A. Faure, L. Wiesenfeld, C. Ceccarelli and P. Valiron
Astronomy & Astrophysics 493 (2) 687 (2009)

A five-dimensional potential-energy surface for the rotational excitation of SO2 by H2 at low temperatures

A. Spielfiedel, M.-L. Senent, F. Dayou, C. Balança, L. Cressiot-Vincent, A. Faure, L. Wiesenfeld and N. Feautrier
The Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (1) (2009)

Ab initio potential energy surfaces for the 1A′ and 3A′ states of the MgH(X2Σ+)+H(2S) system

D. Ben Abdallah, F. Najar, N. Jaidane, et al.
Chemical Physics Letters 473 (1-3) 39 (2009)

R12-calibrated H2O–H2 interaction: Full dimensional and vibrationally averaged potential energy surfaces

Pierre Valiron, Michael Wernli, Alexandre Faure, Laurent Wiesenfeld, Claire Rist, Stanislav Kedžuch and Jozef Noga
The Journal of Chemical Physics 129 (13) (2008)


Gillian Peach, Milan S. Dimitrijevic and Phillip C. Stancil
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 4 (T27A) 385 (2008)

Rotational cooling efficiency upon molecular ionization: the case of Li2(a3Σu +) and Li2 +(X2Σg +) interacting with 4He

M. Wernli, E. Bodo and F. A. Gianturco
The European Physical Journal D 45 (2) 267 (2007)

Quasi-classical rate coefficient calculations for the rotational (de)excitation of H2O by H2

A. Faure, N. Crimier, C. Ceccarelli, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 472 (3) 1029 (2007)

Rotational excitation and de-excitation of PN molecules by He atoms

R. Toboła, J. Kłos, F. Lique, G. Chałasiński and M. H. Alexander
Astronomy & Astrophysics 468 (3) 1123 (2007)