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Cited article:
O. Kochukhov , V. Tsymbal , T. Ryabchikova , V. Makaganyk , S. Bagnulo
A&A, 460 3 (2006) 831-842
Published online: 2006-09-13
This article has been cited by the following article(s):
59 articles
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Model atmospheres of chemically peculiar stars
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Isotopic anomaly and stratification of Ca in magnetic Ap stars
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Pulsation tomography of rapidly oscillating Ap stars
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Heavy calcium in CP stars
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The influence of Stark broadening on Cr II spectral line shapes in stellar atmospheres
M. S. Dimitrijević, T. Ryabchikova, Z. Simić, L. Č. Popović and M. Dačić Astronomy & Astrophysics 469 (2) 681 (2007)