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Constraining the average magnetic field in galaxy clusters with current and upcoming CMB surveys

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ComPACT: combined Atacama Cosmology Telescope + Planck galaxy cluster catalogue

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Constructing a Galaxy Cluster Catalog in IllustrisTNG300 Using the Mulguisin Algorithm

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Probing interacting dark sector models with future weak lensing-informed galaxy cluster abundance constraints from SPT-3G and CMB-S4

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Evolution of X-ray galaxy cluster properties in a representative sample (EXCPReS)

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The PSZ-MCMF catalogue of Planck clusters over the DES region

D Hernández-Lang, M Klein, J J Mohr, S Grandis, J-B Melin, P Tarrío, M Arnaud, G W Pratt, T M C Abbott, M Aguena, O Alves, F Andrade-Oliveira, D Bacon, E Bertin, D Brooks, D L Burke, A Carnero Rosell, M Carrasco Kind, J Carretero, F J Castander, M Costanzi, L N da Costa, M E S Pereira, S Desai, H T Diehl, et al.
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Mitigating the impact of the CIB on galaxy cluster SZ detection with spectrally constrained matched filters

Íñigo Zubeldia, Jens Chluba and Richard Battye
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Revisiting secondary CMB distortions due to kinetic Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect from quasar bubbles before reionization

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Galaxy cluster SZ detection with unbiased noise estimation: an iterative approach

Íñigo Zubeldia, Aditya Rotti, Jens Chluba and Richard Battye
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Transverse velocities and matter gradient correlations: A new signal and a new challenge to moving-lens analyses

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Physical Review D 108 (8) (2023)

Linking a universal gas density profile to the core-excised X-ray luminosity in galaxy clusters up to z ∼ 1.1

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A multisimulation study of relativistic SZ temperature scalings in galaxy clusters and groups

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Combining Planck and SPT Cluster Catalogs: Cosmological Analysis and Impact on the Planck Scaling Relation Calibration

L. Salvati, A. Saro, S. Bocquet, M. Costanzi, B. Ansarinejad, B. A. Benson, L. E. Bleem, M. S. Calzadilla, J. E. Carlstrom, C. L. Chang, R. Chown, A. T. Crites, T. de Haan, M. A. Dobbs, W. B. Everett, B. Floyd, S. Grandis, E. M. George, N. W. Halverson, G. P. Holder, W. L. Holzapfel, J. D. Hrubes, A. T. Lee, D. Luong-Van, M. McDonald, et al.
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An Extended Catalog of Sunyaev–Zeldovich Objects from Planck Data with Deep Learning

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CMB/kSZ and Compton-y Maps from 2500 deg2 of SPT-SZ and Planck Survey Data

L. E. Bleem, T. M. Crawford, B. Ansarinejad, B. A. Benson, S. Bocquet, J. E. Carlstrom, C. L. Chang, R. Chown, A. T. Crites, T. de Haan, M. A. Dobbs, W. B. Everett, E. M. George, R. Gualtieri, N. W. Halverson, G. P. Holder, W. L. Holzapfel, J. D. Hrubes, L. Knox, A. T. Lee, D. Luong-Van, D. P. Marrone, J. J. McMahon, S. S. Meyer, M. Millea, et al.
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Constraining Cluster Virialization Mechanism and Cosmology Using Thermal-SZ-selected Clusters from Future CMB Surveys

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Probing Hot Gas Components of the Circumgalactic Medium in Cosmological Simulations with the Thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Effect

Junhan Kim, Sunil Golwala, James G. Bartlett, Stefania Amodeo, Nicholas Battaglia, Andrew J. Benson, J. Colin Hill, Philip F. Hopkins, Cameron B. Hummels, Emily Moser and Matthew E. Orr
The Astrophysical Journal 926 (2) 179 (2022)

Search for Galaxy Cluster Candidates in the Cosmic Microwave Background Maps of the Planck Space Mission Using a Convolutional Neural Network Based on the Method of Tracing the Sunyaev–Zeldovich Effect

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Astrophysical Bulletin 76 (2) 123 (2021)

Exploring the contamination of the DES-Y1 cluster sample with SPT-SZ selected clusters

S Grandis, J J Mohr, M Costanzi, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504 (1) 1253 (2021)

Understanding matched filters for precision cosmology

Íñigo Zubeldia, Aditya Rotti, Jens Chluba and Richard Battye
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507 (4) 4852 (2021)

Probing Galaxy Evolution in Massive Clusters Using ACT and DES: Splashback as a Cosmic Clock

Susmita Adhikari, Tae-hyeon Shin, Bhuvnesh Jain, Matt Hilton, Eric Baxter, Chihway Chang, Risa H. Wechsler, Nick Battaglia, J. Richard Bond, Sebastian Bocquet, Steve K. Choi, Joseph DeRose, Mark Devlin, Jo Dunkley, August E. Evrard, Simone Ferraro, J. Colin Hill, John P. Hughes, Patricio A. Gallardo, Martine Lokken, Amanda MacInnis, Mathew S. Madhavacheril, Jeffrey McMahon, Frederico Nati, Laura B. Newburgh, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 923 (1) 37 (2021)

Chandra Observations of the Planck Early Sunyaev–Zeldovich Sample: A Reexamination of Masses and Mass Proxies

Felipe Andrade-Santos, Gabriel W. Pratt, Jean-Baptiste Melin, Monique Arnaud, Christine Jones, William R. Forman, Etienne Pointecouteau, Iacopo Bartalucci, Alexey Vikhlinin, Stephen S. Murray, Pasquale Mazzotta, Stefano Borgani, Lorenzo Lovisari, Reinout J. van Weeren, Ralph P. Kraft, Laurence P. David and Simona Giacintucci
The Astrophysical Journal 914 (1) 58 (2021)

Removing the giants and learning from the crowd: A new SZ power spectrum method and revised Compton y-map analysis

Aditya Rotti, Boris Bolliet, Jens Chluba and Mathieu Remazeilles
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (4) 5310 (2021)

Observations of compact sources in galaxy clusters using MUSTANG2

Simon R Dicker, Elia S Battistelli, Tanay Bhandarkar, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508 (2) 2600 (2021)

The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Catalog of >4000 Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Galaxy Clusters

M. Hilton, C. Sifón, S. Naess, M. Madhavacheril, M. Oguri, E. Rozo, E. Rykoff, T. M. C. Abbott, S. Adhikari, M. Aguena, S. Aiola, S. Allam, S. Amodeo, A. Amon, J. Annis, B. Ansarinejad, C. Aros-Bunster, J. E. Austermann, S. Avila, D. Bacon, N. Battaglia, J. A. Beall, D. T. Becker, G. M. Bernstein, E. Bertin, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 253 (1) 3 (2021)

DeepSZ: identification of Sunyaev–Zel’dovich galaxy clusters using deep learning

Z Lin, N Huang, C Avestruz, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507 (3) 4149 (2021)

The Cluster HEritage project with XMM-Newton: Mass Assembly and Thermodynamics at the Endpoint of structure formation

M. Arnaud, S. Ettori, G. W. Pratt, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 650 A104 (2021)

Constraining Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature Evolution With Sunyaev–Zel’Dovich Galaxy Clusters from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope

Yunyang 云炀 Li 李, Adam D. Hincks, Stefania Amodeo, Elia S. Battistelli, J. Richard Bond, Erminia Calabrese, Steve K. Choi, Mark J. Devlin, Jo Dunkley, Simone Ferraro, Vera Gluscevic, Yilun Guan, Mark Halpern, Matt Hilton, Renee Hlozek, Tobias A. Marriage, Jeff McMahon, Kavilan Moodley, Sigurd Naess, Federico Nati, Michael D. Niemack, John Orlowski-Scherer, Lyman Page, Bruce Partridge, Maria Salatino, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 922 (2) 136 (2021)

The HectoMAP Cluster Survey: Spectroscopically Identified Clusters and their Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs)

Jubee Sohn, Margaret J. Geller, Ho Seong Hwang, Antonaldo Diaferio, Kenneth J. Rines and Yousuke Utsumi
The Astrophysical Journal 923 (2) 143 (2021)

Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Dusty Star-forming Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei in the Equatorial Survey

Megan B. Gralla, Tobias A. Marriage, Graeme Addison, Andrew J. Baker, J. Richard Bond, Devin Crichton, Rahul Datta, Mark J. Devlin, Joanna Dunkley, Rolando Dünner, Joseph Fowler, Patricio A. Gallardo, Kirsten Hall, Mark Halpern, Matthew Hasselfield, Matt Hilton, Adam D. Hincks, Kevin M. Huffenberger, John P. Hughes, Arthur Kosowsky, Carlos H. López-Caraballo, Thibaut Louis, Danica Marsden, Kavilan Moodley, Michael D. Niemack, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 893 (2) 104 (2020)

Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Component-separated maps of CMB temperature and the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect

Mathew S. Madhavacheril, J. Colin Hill, Sigurd Næss, et al.
Physical Review D 102 (2) (2020)

Galaxy Clusters Selected via the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Effect in the SPTpol 100-square-degree Survey

N. Huang, L. E. Bleem, B. Stalder, P. A. R. Ade, S. W. Allen, A. J. Anderson, J. E. Austermann, J. S. Avva, J. A. Beall, A. N. Bender, B. A. Benson, F. Bianchini, S. Bocquet, M. Brodwin, J. E. Carlstrom, C. L. Chang, H. C. Chiang, R. Citron, C. Corbett Moran, T. M. Crawford, A. T. Crites, T. de Haan, M. A. Dobbs, W. Everett, B. Floyd, et al.
The Astronomical Journal 159 (3) 110 (2020)

Mapping the relativistic electron gas temperature across the sky

Jens Chluba and Mathieu Remazeilles
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494 (4) 5734 (2020)

The SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey

L. E. Bleem, S. Bocquet, B. Stalder, M. D. Gladders, P. A. R. Ade, S. W. Allen, A. J. Anderson, J. Annis, M. L. N. Ashby, J. E. Austermann, S. Avila, J. S. Avva, M. Bayliss, J. A. Beall, K. Bechtol, A. N. Bender, B. A. Benson, E. Bertin, F. Bianchini, C. Blake, M. Brodwin, D. Brooks, E. Buckley-Geer, D. L. Burke, J. E. Carlstrom, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 247 (1) 25 (2020)

A new probe of axion-like particles: CMB polarization distortions due to cluster magnetic fields

Suvodip Mukherjee, David N. Spergel, Rishi Khatri and Benjamin D. Wandelt
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2020 (02) 032 (2020)

Optical follow-up study of 32 high-redshift galaxy cluster candidates from Planck with the William Herschel Telescope

Matthias Klein, Henk Hoekstra, Jan Luca van den Busch, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488 (2) 2523 (2019)

Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect and X-ray scaling relations from weak lensing mass calibration of 32 South Pole Telescope selected galaxy clusters

J P Dietrich, S Bocquet, T Schrabback, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (3) 2871 (2019)

Weak-lensing analysis of SPT-selected galaxy clusters using Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data

C Stern, J P Dietrich, S Bocquet, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485 (1) 69 (2019)

Impact of ICM disturbances on the mean pressure profile of galaxy clusters: A prospective study of the NIKA2 SZ large program with MUSIC synthetic clusters

F. Ruppin, F. Sembolini, M. De Petris, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 631 A21 (2019)

Spectral imaging of the thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect in X-COP galaxy clusters: method and validation

A. S. Baldi, H. Bourdin, P. Mazzotta, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 630 A121 (2019)

Improving constraints on fundamental physics parameters with the clustering of Sunyaev-Zeldovich selected galaxy clusters

Dylan Cromer, Nicholas Battaglia and Mathew S. Madhavacheril
Physical Review D 100 (6) (2019)

Introducing constrained matched filters for improved separation of point sources from galaxy clusters

Jens Erler, Miriam E Ramos-Ceja, Kaustuv Basu and Frank Bertoldi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (2) 1988 (2019)

Cluster Cosmology Constraints from the 2500 deg2 SPT-SZ Survey: Inclusion of Weak Gravitational Lensing Data from Magellan and the Hubble Space Telescope

S. Bocquet, J. P. Dietrich, T. Schrabback, L. E. Bleem, M. Klein, S. W. Allen, D. E. Applegate, M. L. N. Ashby, M. Bautz, M. Bayliss, B. A. Benson, M. Brodwin, E. Bulbul, R. E. A. Canning, R. Capasso, J. E. Carlstrom, C. L. Chang, I. Chiu, H-M. Cho, A. Clocchiatti, T. M. Crawford, A. T. Crites, T. de Haan, S. Desai, M. A. Dobbs, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 878 (1) 55 (2019)

Impact of the mean pressure profile of galaxy clusters on the cosmological constraints from the Planck tSZ power spectrum

F Ruppin, F Mayet, J F Macías-Pérez and L Perotto
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (1) 784 (2019)

Physical modelling of galaxy clusters detected by thePlancksatellite

Kamran Javid, Malak Olamaie, Yvette C Perrott, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (3) 3529 (2019)

Quantifying the thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect and excess millimetre emission in quasar environments

Kirsten R Hall, Nadia L Zakamska, Graeme E Addison, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (2) 2315 (2019)

Gas Contents of Galaxy Groups from Thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Effects

S. H. Lim, H. J. Mo, Ran Li, Yue Liu, Yin-Zhe Ma, Huiyuan Wang and Xiaohu Yang
The Astrophysical Journal 854 (2) 181 (2018)

Exploring the thermal energy contents of the intergalactic mediumwith the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect

S H Lim, H J Mo, Huiyuan Wang and Xiaohu Yang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480 (3) 4017 (2018)

Planck's view on the spectrum of the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect

Jens Erler, Kaustuv Basu, Jens Chluba and Frank Bertoldi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476 (3) 3360 (2018)

Recent discoveries from the cosmic microwave background: a review of recent progress

Suzanne Staggs, Jo Dunkley and Lyman Page
Reports on Progress in Physics 81 (4) 044901 (2018)

A matched filter approach for blind joint detection of galaxy clusters in X-ray and SZ surveys

P. Tarrío, J.-B. Melin and M. Arnaud
Astronomy & Astrophysics 614 A82 (2018)

Dust in galaxy clusters: Modeling at millimeter wavelengths and impact on Planck cluster cosmology

J.-B. Melin, J. G. Bartlett, Z.-Y. Cai, et al.
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The HectoMAP Cluster Survey. I. redMaPPer Clusters

Jubee Sohn, Margaret J. Geller, Kenneth J. Rines, Ho Seong Hwang, Yousuke Utsumi and Antonaldo Diaferio
The Astrophysical Journal 856 (2) 172 (2018)

Spectroscopic Confirmation and Velocity Dispersions for 20 Planck Galaxy Clusters at 0.16 < z < 0.78

Stefania Amodeo, Simona Mei, Spencer A. Stanford, Charles R. Lawrence, James G. Bartlett, Daniel Stern, Ranga-Ram Chary, Hyunjin Shim, Francine R. Marleau, Jean-Baptiste Melin and Carmen Rodríguez-Gonzálvez
The Astrophysical Journal 853 (1) 36 (2018)

Matched filtering with interferometric 21 cm experiments

Martin White and Nikhil Padmanabhan
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471 (1) 1167 (2017)

Calibrating the Planck Cluster Mass Scale with Cluster Velocity Dispersions

Stefania Amodeo, Simona Mei, Spencer A. Stanford, James G. Bartlett, Jean-Baptiste Melin, Charles R. Lawrence, Ranga-Ram Chary, Hyunjin Shim, Francine Marleau and Daniel Stern
The Astrophysical Journal 844 (2) 101 (2017)

CARMA observations of massivePlanck-discovered cluster candidates atz≳ 0.5 associated withWISEoverdensities: breaking the size–flux degeneracy

C. Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, R. R. Chary, S. Muchovej, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (2) 2378 (2017)

Fundamental physics from future weak-lensing calibrated Sunyaev-Zel’dovich galaxy cluster counts

Mathew S. Madhavacheril, Nicholas Battaglia and Hironao Miyatake
Physical Review D 96 (10) (2017)

Optical–SZE scaling relations for DES optically selected clusters within the SPT-SZ Survey

A. Saro, S. Bocquet, J. Mohr, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468 (3) 3347 (2017)

Reconstructing cosmic growth with kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich observations in the era of stage IV experiments

David Alonso, Thibaut Louis, Philip Bull and Pedro G. Ferreira
Physical Review D 94 (4) (2016)

The comptonization parameter from simulations of single-frequency, single-dish, dual-beam, cm-wave observations of galaxy clusters and mitigating CMB confusion using the Planck sky survey

Bartosz Lew and Boudewijn F. Roukema
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2016 (11) 049 (2016)

Detection of the kinematic Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect with DES Year 1 and SPT

B. Soergel, S. Flender, K. T. Story, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 461 (3) 3172 (2016)

Prospects for high-zcluster detections withPlanck, based on a follow-up of 28 candidates using MegaCam at CFHT

R. F. J. van der Burg, H. Aussel, G. W. Pratt, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 587 A23 (2016)

Joint signal extraction from galaxy clusters in X-ray and SZ surveys: A matched-filter approach

P. Tarrío, J.-B. Melin, M. Arnaud and G. W. Pratt
Astronomy & Astrophysics 591 A39 (2016)

Comparison of Sunyaev-Zel’dovich measurements fromPlanckand from the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager for 99 galaxy clusters

Y. C. Perrott, M. Olamaie, C. Rumsey, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 580 A95 (2015)

Constraints on the richness–mass relation and the optical-SZE positional offset distribution for SZE-selected clusters

A. Saro, S. Bocquet, E. Rozo, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454 (3) 2305 (2015)


Henry W. Lin, Michael McDonald, Bradford Benson and Eric Miller
The Astrophysical Journal 802 (1) 34 (2015)

CARMA observations of massive Planck-discovered cluster candidates at z ≳ 0.5 associated with WISE overdensities: strategy, observations and validation

Carmen Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, Stephen Muchovej and Ranga Ram Chary
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 447 (1) 902 (2015)


S. Bocquet, A. Saro, J. J. Mohr, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 799 (2) 214 (2015)