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Detectability of possible space weather effects on Mars upper atmosphere and meteor impacts in Jupiter and Saturn with small telescopes

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Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring

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Artificial guide stars for adaptive optics using unmanned aerial vehicles

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Using Galilean satellites’ mutual orbital events as an educational tool for studies of orbital dynamics

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Jupiter cloud morphology and zonal winds from ground-based observations before and during Juno's first perijove

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Geophysical Research Letters 44 (10) 4669 (2017)

Interferometry of binary stars using polymer optical fibres

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How to COAAD Images. II. A Coaddition Image that is Optimal for Any Purpose in the Background-dominated Noise Limit

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Temporal and spatial variations of the absolute reflectivity of Jupiter and Saturn from 0.38 to 1.7 μm with PlanetCam-UPV/EHU

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How to COAAD Images. I. Optimal Source Detection and Photometry of Point Sources Using Ensembles of Images

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Astronomy at High Angular Resolution

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Imaging through strong turbulence with a light field approach

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Experimental study of a compressive line sensing imaging system in a turbulent environment

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A. Sánchez-Lavega, J. Peralta, J. M. Gomez-Forrellad, R. Hueso, S. Pérez-Hoyos, I. Mendikoa, J. F. Rojas, T. Horinouchi, Y. J. Lee and S. Watanabe
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 833 (1) L7 (2016)

The advantages of using a Lucky Imaging camera for observations of microlensing events

Sedighe Sajadian, Sohrab Rahvar, Martin Dominik and Markus Hundertmark
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458 (3) 3248 (2016)

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Introducing gravitational resonances from simple observations of Jupiter’s Galilean satellites

I Ordonez-Etxeberria, A Sánchez-Lavega and T del Rio-Gaztelurrutia
European Journal of Physics 37 (6) 065601 (2016)

A lucky imaging multiplicity study of exoplanet host stars – II

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Single-acquisition wide-field superresolution for telescopes

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On the efficiency of techniques for the reduction of impulsive noise in astronomical images

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Hand-Held Video Deblurring Via Efficient Fourier Aggregation

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