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Stellar wind bubbles of OB stars as Galactic cosmic ray re-accelerators

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UVES/VLT high resolution absorption spectroscopy of the GRB 080330 afterglow: a study of the GRB host galaxy and intervening absorbers

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OB Associations, Wolf–Rayet Stars, and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays

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UVES/VLT high resolution spectroscopy of GRB 050730 afterglow: probing the features of the GRB environment

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Probing the Interstellar Medium and Stellar Environments of Long-Duration GRBs

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On the Absence of Wind Signatures in GRB Afterglow Spectra: Constraints on the Wolf‐Rayet Winds of GRB Progenitors

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Probing the circumstellar medium of GRB afterglows through absorption-line observations

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Diffuse Matter from Star Forming Regions to Active Galaxies

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Probing the Density in the Galactic Center Region: Wind‐blown Bubbles and High‐Energy Proton Constraints

Christopher L. Fryer, Siming Liu, Gabriel Rockefeller, Aimee Hungerford and Guillaume Belanger
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Constraints on gamma-ray burst and supernova progenitors through circumstellar absorption lines

A. J. van Marle, N. Langer and G. García-Segura
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Time-resolved spectroscopy of GRB 021004 reveals a clumpy extended wind

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Spectroscopy of GRB 050505 atz= 4.275: A log N(Hi) = 22.1 DLA Host Galaxy and the Nature of the Progenitor

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Dissecting the Circumstellar Environment of γ‐Ray Burst Progenitors

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The Environments around Long‐Duration Gamma‐Ray Burst Progenitors

Christopher L. Fryer, Gabriel Rockefeller and Patrick A. Young
The Astrophysical Journal 647 (2) 1269 (2006)

Temporal Variation in the Abundance of Excited Fe[FORMULA][F][SUP]+[/SUP][/F][/FORMULA] Near a Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow

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An optical spectrum of the afterglow of a γ-ray burst at a redshift of z = 6.295

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The circumstellar environment of Wolf-Rayet stars and gamma-ray burst afterglows

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Forming a constant density medium close to long gamma-ray bursts

A. J. van Marle, N. Langer, A. Achterberg and G. Garcaía-Segura
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