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EC 19529−4430: SALT identifies the most carbon- and metal-poor extreme helium star

C S Jeffery, L J A Scott, A Philip Monai, B Miszalski and V M Woolf
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530 (2) 1666 (2024)

He abundance in NGC 1850 A and B: Are we observing the early stage of the formation of multiple populations in a stellar cluster?

R Carini, A Sollima, E Brocato and K Biazzo
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Spectrum synthesis for radially pulsating stars with shocked atmospheres

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Detection of an extremely strong magnetic field in the double-degenerate binary merger product HD 144941

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HD 96446: a long-period binary with a strongly magnetic He-rich primary with β Cephei pulsations

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NLTE spectroscopic analysis of the3He anomaly in subluminous B-type stars

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The Collisional Atomic Processes of Rydberg Hydrogen and Helium Atoms: Astrophysical Relevance

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K2 spots rotation in the helium star HD144941

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Non-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Abundance Analyses of the Extreme Helium Stars V652 Her and HD 144941

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Quantitative spectroscopy of extreme helium stars Model atmospheres and a non-LTE abundance analysis of BD+10°2179

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GALEX J184559.8−413827: a new extreme helium star identified using SALT★

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On the 3He anomaly in hot subdwarf B stars

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Subaru and Swift observations of V652 Herculis: resolving the photospheric pulsation★

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Quantitative spectroscopy of hot stars: accurate atomic data applied on a large scale as driver of recent breakthroughs

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On the Application of Stark Broadening Data Determined with a Semiclassical Perturbation Approach

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Helium enhanced stars and multiple populations along the horizontal branch of NGC 2808: direct spectroscopic measurements★

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The Astrophysical Journal 793 (2) 76 (2014)

Double white dwarf mergers and elemental surface abundances in extreme helium and R Coronae Borealis stars

C. S. Jeffery, A. I. Karakas and H. Saio
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Testing common classical LTE and NLTE model atmosphere and line-formation codes for quantitative spectroscopy of early-type stars

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 328 012015 (2011)