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Core overshoot constrained by the absence of a solar convective core and some solar-like stars
Qian-Sheng Zhang, Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard and Yan Li Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512(4) 4852 (2022)
On the stellar core physics of the 16 Cyg binary system: constraining the central hydrogen abundance using asteroseismology
Benard Nsamba, Margarida S Cunha, Catarina I S A Rocha, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514(1) 893 (2022)
Spectrum analysis and seismic interpretation of a solar‐like pulsator (HD 49933) observed by CoRoT
O. Benomar, F. Baudin, J.P. Marques, M.J. Goupil, Y. Lebreton and S. Deheuvels Astronomische Nachrichten 331(9-10) 956 (2010)
Evolution and Seismic Tools for Stellar Astrophysics