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A Galactic ring of minimum stellar density near the solar orbit radius
D. A. Barros, J. R. D. Lépine and T. C. Junqueira Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 435(3) 2299 (2013)
Absolute magnitude calibration for red clump stars
Red clump giant stars as tracers of Galactic structure
M. López-Corredoira, A. Cabrera-Lavers, P. L. Hammersley, et al. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 5(H15) 811 (2009)
Microlensing Optical Depth Revisited with Recent Star Counts
Yoon‐Hyun Ryu, Heon‐Young Chang, Myeong‐Gu Park and Ki‐Won Lee The Astrophysical Journal 689(2) 1078 (2008)
The long Galactic bar as seen by UKIDSS Galactic plane survey
A. Cabrera-Lavers, C. González-Fernández, F. Garzón, P. L. Hammersley and M. López-Corredoira Astronomy & Astrophysics 491(3) 781 (2008)
Estimation of Galactic Model Parameters in High Latitudes with SDSS
S. Bilir, A. Cabrera-Lavers, S. Karaali, et al. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 25(02) 69 (2008)
Estimation of Galactic model parameters in high latitudes with 2MASS
TCS-CAIN: a deep multi-colour NIR survey of the Galactic plane
A. Cabrera-Lavers, F. Garzón, P. L. Hammersley, B. Vicente and C. González-Fernández Astronomy & Astrophysics 453(1) 371 (2006)
A boxy bulge in the Milky Way. Inversion of the stellar
statistics equation with 2MASS data