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Dynamical stability of systems with long-range interactions: application of the Nyquist method to the HMF model

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Virial theorem and dynamical evolution of self-gravitating Brownian particles in an unbounded domain. I. Overdamped models

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Quasi-stationary states and incomplete violent relaxation in systems with long-range interactions

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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 365 (1) 102 (2006)

Hamiltonian and Brownian systems with long-range interactions: I Statistical equilibrium states and correlation functions

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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 361 (1) 55 (2006)

Virial theorem and dynamical evolution of self-gravitating Brownian particles in an unbounded domain. II. Inertial models

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Self-gravitating Brownian systems and bacterial populations with two or more types of particles

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Dynamics and thermodynamics of a simple model similar to self-gravitating systems: the HMF model

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The European Physical Journal B 46 (1) 61 (2005)

On the interpretations of Tsallis functional in connection with Vlasov–Poisson and related systems: Dynamics vs thermodynamics

P.H. Chavanis and C. Sire
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A general relativistic approach to the Navarro–Frenk–White galactic halos

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Core‐Halo Distribution Functions: A Natural Equilibrium State in Generalized Thermostatistics

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Description of quasi-equilibrium states of self-gravitating systems based on non-extensive thermostatistics

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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 340 (1-3) 444 (2004)

Generalized thermodynamics and kinetic equations: Boltzmann, Landau, Kramers and Smoluchowski

Pierre-Henri Chavanis
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 332 89 (2004)

Generalized thermodynamics and Fokker-Planck equations: Applications to stellar dynamics and two-dimensional turbulence

Pierre-Henri Chavanis
Physical Review E 68 (3) 036108 (2003)

Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions

Pierre-Henri Chavanis
Lecture Notes in Physics, Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions 602 208 (2002)