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Cited article:

Velocity-Curve Analysis of the Spectroscopic Binary Stars V373 Cas, V2388 Oph, V401 Cyg, GM Dra, V523 Cas, AB And and HD 141929 by Artificial Neural Networks

K. Karami, K. Ghaderi, R. Mohebi, R. Sadeghi and M. M. Soltanzadeh
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 26 (02) 121 (2009)

Velocity curve analysis of the spectroscopic binary stars PV Pup, HD 141929, EE Cet and V921 Her by nonlinear regression

K. Karami and R. Mohebi
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 28 (4) 217 (2007)