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Deep learning improves identification of Radio Frequency Interference

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Passive radio sounding to correct for Europa’s ionospheric distortion of VHF signals

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Radio Frequency Interference Detection and Mitigation Using Compressive Statistical Sensing

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Subarray Processing for Projection-based RFI Mitigation in Radio Astronomical Interferometers

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In Situ Demonstration of a Passive Radio Sounding Approach Using the Sun for Echo Detection

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Spectral-Line Observations Using a Phased Array Feed on the Parkes Telescope

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Radio Frequency Interference Detection using Machine Learning.

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Spatial Filtering of RF Interference in Radio Astronomy Using a Reference Antenna Array

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EOVSA Implementation of a Spectral Kurtosis Correlator for Transient Detection and Classification

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Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 05 (04) (2016)

Towards Real-Time Impulsive RFI Mitigation for Radio Telescopes

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Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 05 (04) (2016)

HIGHz: a survey of the most H i-massive galaxies at z ∼ 0.2

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Reducing Relative Gain and Noise Response Variations for Phased-Array Feed Imaging of Radio Astronomical Sources

Michael Elmer, Brian D. Jeffs and Karl F. Warnick
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Academic Press Library in Signal Processing: Volume 3 - Array and Statistical Signal Processing

A. Lee Swindlehurst, Brian D. Jeffs, Gonzalo Seco-Granados and Jian Li
Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, Academic Press Library in Signal Processing: Volume 3 - Array and Statistical Signal Processing 3 859 (2014)

Experimental Study on the Performance of RFI Detection Algorithms in Microwave Radiometry: Toward an Optimum Combined Test

Giuseppe F. Forte, Jose Miguel Tarongi Bauza, Veronica dePau, Merce Vall llossera and Adriano Camps
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VAST: An ASKAP Survey for Variables and Slow Transients

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 30 (2013)

The brightness and spatial distributions of terrestrial radio sources

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Reionization and the Cosmic Dawn with the Square Kilometre Array

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Experimental Astronomy 36 (1-2) 235 (2013)

Beamformer Design Methods for Radio Astronomical Phased Array Feeds

Michael Elmer, Brian D. Jeffs, Karl F. Warnick, J. Richard Fisher and Roger D. Norrod
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Radio astronomy with the European Lunar Lander: Opening up the last unexplored frequency regime

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Planetary and Space Science 74 (1) 167 (2012)

Analysis of RFI Identification and Mitigation in CAROLS Radiometer Data Using a Hardware Spectrum Analyser

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Shubhendu Joardar, Somak Bhattacharyya, Ashit Baran Bhattacharya and Chira R. Datta
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 22 73 (2010)

Performance Study of a Cross-Frequency Detection Algorithm for Pulsed Sinusoidal RFI in Microwave Radiometry

Baris Guner, Noppasin Niamsuwan and Joel T. Johnson
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48 (7) 2899 (2010)