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Accelerating Asteroidal Period and Pole Inversion from Multiple Lightcurves Using Parallel Differential Evolution and Cellinoid Shape Model
Yong-Xiong Zhang, Wen-Xiu Guo, Xiao-Ping Lu, Hua Zheng, Hai-Bin Zhao, Jun Tian and Wei-Lin Wang Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 24(4) 045024 (2024)
Modeling Binary Asteroids: Integrating Orbital and Rotational Motion for Physical Property Inversion
Spin Change of Asteroid 2012 TC4 Probably by Radiation Torques
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Finite element modeling to characterize the stress evolution in asteroid (99942) Apophis during the 2029 Earth encounter
The Main Belt Asteroid Shape Distribution from Gaia Data Release 2
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Analysis of the orbital motion of the asteroid Apophis’ satellite
The EURONEAR Lightcurve Survey of Near Earth Asteroids
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Analysis of spacecraft orbital motion around the asteroid Apophis
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Rotational excitation and damping as probes of interior structures of asteroids and comets