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A signature of chromospheric activity in brown dwarfs revealed by 2.5–5.0 μm AKARI spectra
S. Sorahana, T. K. Suzuki and I. Yamamura Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 440(4) 3675 (2014)
Laboratory astrophysics: Investigation of planetary and astrophysical maser emission
R. Bingham, D. C. Speirs, B. J. Kellett, et al. Space Science Reviews 178(2-4) 695 (2013)
D.C. Speirs, S.L. McConville, K.M. Gillespie, A.D.R. Phelps, A.W. Cross and K. Ronald 1 (2013)
D. C. Speirs, K. M. Gillespie, K. Ronald, S. L. McConville, C. W. Robertson, A. D. R. Phelps, A. W. Cross, R. Bingham, B. J. Kellett, R. A. Cairns and I. Vorgul 1 (2013)
D. C. Speirs, K. M. Gillespie, S. L. McConville, A. D. R. Phelps, A. W. Cross, K. Ronald, R. Bingham, B. J. Kellett, R. A. Cairns and I. Vorgul 2P-37 (2012)
Kinetic simulation of the electron-cyclotron maser instability: relaxation of electron horseshoe distributions
Cyclotron maser radiation from inhomogeneous plasmas
R. A. Cairns, I. Vorgul, R. Bingham, K. Ronald, D. C. Speirs, S. L. McConville, K. M. Gillespie, R. Bryson, A. D. R. Phelps, B. J. Kellett, A. W. Cross, C. W. Roberston, C. G. Whyte and W. He Physics of Plasmas 18(2) (2011)
Characterization of a Penning discharge for investigation of auroral radio wave generation mechanisms
Cyclotron maser emission: Stars, planets, and laboratory
I. Vorgul, B. J. Kellett, R. A. Cairns, R. Bingham, K. Ronald, D. C. Speirs, S. L. McConville, K. M. Gillespie and A. D. R. Phelps Physics of Plasmas 18(5) (2011)
T. R. Jaeger, R. A. Osten, T. J. Lazio, N. Kassim and R. L. Mutel The Astronomical Journal 142(6) 189 (2011)
K. Ronald, D. C. Speirs, S. L. McConville, K. M. Gillespie, A. D. R. Phelps, R. Bingham, A. W. Cross, C. W. Robertson, C. G. Whyte, W. He, R. A. Cairns, I. Vorgul and B. J. Kellett 1 (2010)
Numerical investigation of auroral cyclotron maser processes
D. C. Speirs, K. Ronald, S. L. McConville, K. M. Gillespie, A. D. R. Phelps, A. W. Cross, R. Bingham, C. W. Robertson, C. G. Whyte, W. He, I. Vorgul, R. A. Cairns and B. J. Kellett Physics of Plasmas 17(5) (2010)
Phase connecting multi-epoch radio data for the ultracool dwarf TVLM 513-46546
Periodic Bursts of Coherent Radio Emission from an Ultracool Dwarf
G. Hallinan, S. Bourke, C. Lane, et al. The Astrophysical Journal 663(1) L25 (2007)
A.D.R. Phelps, D.C. Speirs, S.L. McConville, K.M. Gillespie, K. Ronald, A.W. Cross, R. Bingham, C.W. Robertson, C.G. Whyte, I. Vorgul, R.A. Cairns and B.J. Kellett 1 (2007)
Rotational Modulation of the Radio Emission from the M9 Dwarf TVLM 513−46546: Broadband Coherent Emission at the Substellar Boundary?
G. Hallinan, A. Antonova, J. G. Doyle, et al. The Astrophysical Journal 653(1) 690 (2006)
The electron–cyclotron maser for astrophysical application
From Radio to X‐Ray: Flares on the dMe Flare Star EV Lacertae
Rachel A. Osten, Suzanne L. Hawley, Joel C. Allred, Christopher M. Johns‐Krull and Christine Roark The Astrophysical Journal 621(1) 398 (2005)
Analysis of a cyclotron maser instability in cylindrical geometry
Cyclotron Maser Radiation in Space and Laboratory Plasmas
R. Bingham, B. J. Kellett, R. A. Cairns, I. Vorgul, A. D. R. Phelps, K. Ronald and D. Speirs Contributions to Plasma Physics 44(5-6) 382 (2004)
A Multiwavelength Perspective of Flares on HR 1099: 4 Years of Coordinated Campaigns
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Separating the X‐Ray Emissions of UV Ceti A and B withChandra
Marc Audard, Manuel Gudel and Stephen L. Skinner The Astrophysical Journal 589(2) 983 (2003)
Can late-type active stars be explained by a dipole magnetic trap?