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Machine learning-based identification of Gaia astrometric exoplanet orbits

Johannes Sahlmann and Pablo Gómez
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 537 (2) 1130 (2025)

The Gaia-ESO survey: New spectroscopic binaries in the Milky Way

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The early evolution of young massive clusters

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Astrometry as a Tool for Discovering and Weighing Faint Companions to Nearby Stars

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All-sky three-dimensional dust density and extinction Maps of the Milky Way out to 2.8 kpc

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MIDIS: JWST NIRCam and MIRI Unveil the Stellar Population Properties of Lyα Emitters and Lyman-break Galaxies at z ≃ 3–7

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Update of SB9 orbits using HERMES/Mercator radial velocities

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High contrast at short separation with VLTI/GRAVITY: Bringing Gaia companions to light

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Action and energy clustering of stellar streams in deforming Milky Way dark matter haloes

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Detection of gravitational waves in circular particle accelerators II. Response analysis and parameter estimation using synthetic data

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Evolution of the Disk in the Be Binary δ Scorpii Probed during Three Periastron Passages

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Combining Gaia and GRAVITY: Characterising five new directly detected substellar companions

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3D non-local thermodynamic equilibrium magnesium abundances reveal a distinct halo population

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Resonant and Ultra-short-period Planet Systems Are at Opposite Ends of the Exoplanet Age Distribution

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Simultaneous Far-ultraviolet and Near-ultraviolet Observations of T Tauri Stars with UVIT/AstroSat: Probing the Accretion Process in Young Stars

Prasanta K. Nayak, Mayank Narang, P. Manoj, Uma Gorti, Annapurni Subramaniam, Nayana George and Chayan Mondal
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Probing atmospheric escape through metastable He I triplet lines in 15 exoplanets observed with SPIRou

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Accurate and Model-independent Radius Determination of Single FGK and M Dwarfs Using Gaia DR3 Data

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Astrometric deflections from gravitational wave memory accumulation over cosmological scales

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Physical Review D 110 (4) (2024)

A Data-driven Search For Mid-infrared Excesses Among Five Million Main-sequence FGK Stars

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Detecting Exoplanet Transits with the Next Generation of X-Ray Telescopes

Raven Cilley, George W. King and Lía Corrales
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TOI-2490b – the most eccentric brown dwarf transiting in the brown dwarf desert

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 533 (3) 2823 (2024)

The Orbit and Companion of PSR J1622-0315: Variable Asymmetry and a Massive Neutron Star

Bidisha Sen, Manuel Linares, Mark R. Kennedy, Rene P. Breton, Devina Misra, Marco Turchetta, Vikram S. Dhillon, Daniel Mata Sánchez and Colin J. Clark
The Astrophysical Journal 973 (2) 121 (2024)

Spin states of X-complex asteroids in the inner main belt

D. Athanasopoulos, J. Hanuš, C. Avdellidou, G. van Belle, A. Ferrero, R. Bonamico, K. Gazeas, M. Delbo, J. P. Rivet, G. Apostolovska, N. Todorović, B. Novakovic, E. V. Bebekovska, Y. Romanyuk, B. T. Bolin, W. Zhou and H. Agrusa
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Analyzing Supervised Machine Learning Models for Classifying Astronomical Objects Using Gaia DR3 Spectral Features

Orestes Javier Pérez Cruz, Cynthia Alejandra Martínez Pinto, Silvana Guadalupe Navarro Jiménez, Luis José Corral Escobedo and Minia Manteiga Outeiro
Applied Sciences 14 (19) 9058 (2024)

Theia 456: Tidally Shredding an Open Cluster

Kyle R. Tregoning, Jeff J. Andrews, Marcel A. Agüeros, Phillip A. Cargile, Julio Chanamé, Jason L. Curtis and Simon C. Schuler
The Astronomical Journal 168 (5) 206 (2024)

The Gaia-ESO Survey DR5.1 and Gaia DR3 GSP-Spec: a comparative analysis

M. Van der Swaelmen, C. Viscasillas Vázquez, L. Magrini, A. Recio-Blanco, P. A. Palicio, C. Worley, A. Vallenari, L. Spina, P. François, G. Tautvaišienė, G. G. Sacco, S. Randich and P. de Laverny
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The Sydney Radio Star Catalogue: Properties of radio stars at megahertz to gigahertz frequencies

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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 41 (2024)

TOI-1408: Discovery and Photodynamical Modeling of a Small Inner Companion to a Hot Jupiter Revealed by Transit Timing Variations

Judith Korth, Priyanka Chaturvedi, Hannu Parviainen, Ilaria Carleo, Michael Endl, Eike W. Guenther, Grzegorz Nowak, Carina M. Persson, Phillip J. MacQueen, Alexander J. Mustill, Juan Cabrera, William D. Cochran, Jorge Lillo-Box, David Hobbs, Felipe Murgas, Michael Greklek-McKeon, Hanna Kellermann, Guillaume Hébrard, Akihiko Fukui, Enric Pallé, Jon M. Jenkins, Joseph D. Twicken, Karen A. Collins, Samuel N. Quinn, Ján Šubjak, et al.
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The Detection of Possible Quasiperiodic Oscillations in the BL Lac 4FGL J2139.4−4235

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The Astrophysical Journal 976 (1) 51 (2024)

Spectroscopic and Photometric Confirmation of 3 Globular and 14 Intermediate-age Clusters in the Irr II Galaxy NGC 3077

P. A. Ovando, Y. D. Mayya, L. H. Rodríguez-Merino, L. Lomelí-Nuñez, B. Cuevas-Otahola, D. Rosa-González and L. Carrasco
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A new sample of super-slowly rotating Ap (ssrAp) stars from the Zwicky Transient Facility survey

S. Hümmerich, K. Bernhard and E. Paunzen
Astronomy & Astrophysics 692 A231 (2024)

Chemical compositions of semiregular variable red giants

Ramya Pozhath and David L Lambert
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (4) 4823 (2024)

Eclipse-timing study of new hierarchical triple star candidates in the northern continuous viewing zone of TESS

T. Mitnyan, T. Borkovits, D. R. Czavalinga, S. A. Rappaport, A. Pál, B. P. Powell and T. Hajdu
Astronomy & Astrophysics 685 A43 (2024)

Classifying Optical (Out)bursts in Cataclysmic Variables: The Distinct Observational Characteristics of Dwarf Novae, Micronovae, Stellar Flares, and Magnetic Gating

Krystian Iłkiewicz, Simone Scaringi, Martina Veresvarska, Domitilla De Martino, Colin Littlefield, Christian Knigge, John A. Paice and Anwesha Sahu
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 962 (2) L34 (2024)

Updated Proper Motion of the Neutron Star in the Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A

Tyler Holland-Ashford, Patrick Slane and Xi Long
The Astrophysical Journal 962 (1) 82 (2024)

Stochastic gravitational wave background constraints from Gaia DR3 astrometry

Santiago Jaraba, Juan García-Bellido, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Sarah Ferraiuolo and Matteo Braglia
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524 (3) 3609 (2023)

Gaia Data Release 3

R. Andrae, M. Fouesneau, R. Sordo, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, T. E. Dharmawardena, J. Rybizki, F. De Angeli, H. E. P. Lindstrøm, D. J. Marshall, R. Drimmel, A.J. Korn, C. Soubiran, N. Brouillet, L. Casamiquela, H.-W. Rix, A. Abreu Aramburu, M. A. Álvarez, J. Bakker, I. Bellas-Velidis, A. Bijaoui, E. Brugaletta, A. Burlacu, R. Carballo, L. Chaoul, A. Chiavassa, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 674 A27 (2023)

Gaia Data Release 3

P. Sartoretti, O. Marchal, C. Babusiaux, C. Jordi, A. Guerrier, P. Panuzzo, D. Katz, G. M. Seabroke, F. Thévenin, M. Cropper, K. Benson, R. Blomme, R. Haigron, M. Smith, S. Baker, L. Chemin, M. David, C. Dolding, Y. Frémat, K. Janßen, G. Jasniewicz, A. Lobel, G. Plum, N. Samaras, O. Snaith, et al.
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Gaia Data Release 3

P. Tanga, T. Pauwels, F. Mignard, K. Muinonen, A. Cellino, P. David, D. Hestroffer, F. Spoto, J. Berthier, J. Guiraud, W. Roux, B. Carry, M. Delbo, A. Dell’Oro, C. Fouron, L. Galluccio, A. Jonckheere, S. A. Klioner, Y. Lefustec, L. Liberato, C. Ordénovic, I. Oreshina-Slezak, A. Penttilä, F. Pailler, Ch. Panem, et al.
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Gaia Data Release 3

A. Vallenari, A. G. A. Brown, T. Prusti, J. H. J. de Bruijne, F. Arenou, C. Babusiaux, M. Biermann, O. L. Creevey, C. Ducourant, D. W. Evans, L. Eyer, R. Guerra, A. Hutton, C. Jordi, S. A. Klioner, U. L. Lammers, L. Lindegren, X. Luri, F. Mignard, C. Panem, D. Pourbaix, S. Randich, P. Sartoretti, C. Soubiran, P. Tanga, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 674 A1 (2023)

Flares confirmed for the first time to be from the primary component of an eclipsing binary

Ling-Zhi Li, Kai Li, Xiang Gao, Xiao-Dian Chen, Xing Gao and Guo-You Sun
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (2) 3982 (2023)

Gaia Data Release 3

Jean-Louis Halbwachs, Dimitri Pourbaix, Frédéric Arenou, Laurent Galluccio, Patrick Guillout, Nathalie Bauchet, Olivier Marchal, Gilles Sadowski and David Teyssier
Astronomy & Astrophysics 674 A9 (2023)

Gaia Data Release 3

F. De Angeli, M. Weiler, P. Montegriffo, D. W. Evans, M. Riello, R. Andrae, J. M. Carrasco, G. Busso, P. W. Burgess, C. Cacciari, M. Davidson, D. L. Harrison, S. T. Hodgkin, C. Jordi, P. J. Osborne, E. Pancino, G. Altavilla, M. A. Barstow, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, M. Bellazzini, A. G. A. Brown, M. Castellani, S. Cowell, L. Delchambre, F. De Luise, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 674 A2 (2023)

Gaia Data Release 3

O. L. Creevey, R. Sordo, F. Pailler, Y. Frémat, U. Heiter, F. Thévenin, R. Andrae, M. Fouesneau, A. Lobel, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, D. Garabato, I. Bellas-Velidis, E. Brugaletta, A. Lorca, C. Ordenovic, P. A. Palicio, L. M. Sarro, L. Delchambre, R. Drimmel, J. Rybizki, G. Torralba Elipe, A. J. Korn, A. Recio-Blanco, M. S. Schultheis, F. De Angeli, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 674 A26 (2023)

Gaia Data Release 3

M. Fouesneau, Y. Frémat, R. Andrae, A. J. Korn, C. Soubiran, G. Kordopatis, A. Vallenari, U. Heiter, O. L. Creevey, L. M. Sarro, P. de Laverny, A. C. Lanzafame, A. Lobel, R. Sordo, J. Rybizki, I. Slezak, M. A. Álvarez, R. Drimmel, D. Garabato, L. Delchambre, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, D. Hatzidimitriou, A. Lorca, Y. Le Fustec, F. Pailler, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 674 A28 (2023)

Seven classes of rotational variables from a study of 50 000 spotted stars with ASAS-SN, Gaia, and APOGEE

Anya Phillips, C S Kochanek, Tharindu Jayasinghe, Lyra Cao, Collin T Christy, D M Rowan and Marc Pinsonneault
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (3) 5588 (2023)

Gaia Data Release 3

D. Katz, P. Sartoretti, A. Guerrier, P. Panuzzo, G. M. Seabroke, F. Thévenin, M. Cropper, K. Benson, R. Blomme, R. Haigron, O. Marchal, M. Smith, S. Baker, L. Chemin, Y. Damerdji, M. David, C. Dolding, Y. Frémat, E. Gosset, K. Janßen, G. Jasniewicz, A. Lobel, G. Plum, N. Samaras, O. Snaith, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 674 A5 (2023)

Shape models and spin states of Jupiter Trojans

J. Hanuš, D. Vokrouhlický, D. Nesvorný, J. Ďurech, R. Stephens, V. Benishek, J. Oey and P. Pokorný
Astronomy & Astrophysics 679 A56 (2023)

Gaia Data Release 3

B. Holl, A. Sozzetti, J. Sahlmann, P. Giacobbe, D. Ségransan, N. Unger, J.-B. Delisle, D. Barbato, M. G. Lattanzi, R. Morbidelli and D. Sosnowska
Astronomy & Astrophysics 674 A10 (2023)

Gaia Data Release 3

Lorenzo Rimoldini, Berry Holl, Panagiotis Gavras, Marc Audard, Joris De Ridder, Nami Mowlavi, Krzysztof Nienartowicz, Grégory Jevardat de Fombelle, Isabelle Lecoeur-Taïbi, Lea Karbevska, Dafydd W. Evans, Péter Ábrahám, Maria I. Carnerero, Gisella Clementini, Elisa Distefano, Alessia Garofalo, Pedro García-Lario, Roy Gomel, Sergei A. Klioner, Katarzyna Kruszyńska, Alessandro C. Lanzafame, Thomas Lebzelter, Gábor Marton, Tsevi Mazeh, Roberto Molinaro, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 674 A14 (2023)

TOI-1130: A photodynamical analysis of a hot Jupiter in resonance with an inner low-mass planet

J. Korth, D. Gandolfi, J. Šubjak, S. Howard, S. Ataiee, K. A. Collins, S. N. Quinn, A. J. Mustill, T. Guillot, N. Lodieu, A. M. S. Smith, M. Esposito, F. Rodler, A. Muresan, L. Abe, S. H. Albrecht, A. Alqasim, K. Barkaoui, P. G. Beck, C. J. Burke, R. P. Butler, D. M. Conti, K. I. Collins, J. D. Crane, F. Dai, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 675 A115 (2023)

Predicting convective blueshift and radial-velocity dispersion due to granulation for FGK stars

S Dalal, R D Haywood, A Mortier, W J Chaplin and N Meunier
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525 (3) 3344 (2023)

Four new compact triply eclipsing triples found with Gaia and TESS

Donát R Czavalinga, Tamás Borkovits, Tibor Mitnyan, Saul A Rappaport and András Pál
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526 (2) 2830 (2023)

UOCS – XI. Study of blue straggler stars in open cluster NGC 7142 using UVIT/AstroSat

Anju Panthi, Kaushar Vaidya, Nagaraj Vernekar, Annapurni Subramaniam, Vikrant Jadhav and Manan Agarwal
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (3) 8325 (2023)

The Unified Cluster Catalogue: towards a comprehensive and homogeneous data base of stellar clusters

Gabriel I Perren, María S Pera, Hugo D Navone and Rubén A Vázquez
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526 (3) 4107 (2023)

Photometric variability of the LAMOST sample of magnetic chemically peculiar stars as seen by TESS

J. Labadie-Bartz, S. Hümmerich, K. Bernhard, E. Paunzen and M. E. Shultz
Astronomy & Astrophysics 676 A55 (2023)

New compact hierarchical triple system candidates identified using Gaia DR3

D. R. Czavalinga, T. Mitnyan, S. A. Rappaport, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 670 A75 (2023)

Broadband study and the discovery of pulsations from the Be/X-ray binary eRASSU J052914.9−662446 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

C. Maitra, D. Kaltenbrunner, F. Haberl, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 669 A30 (2023)

Seismic and spectroscopic analysis of nine bright red giants observed by Kepler

H R Coelho, A Miglio, T Morel, N Lagarde, D Bossini, W J Chaplin, S Degl’Innocenti, M Dell’Omodarme, R A Garcia, R Handberg, S Hekker, D Huber, M N Lund, S Mathur, P G Prada Moroni, B Mosser, A Serenelli, M Rainer, J D do Nascimento, E Poretti, P Mathias, G Valle, P Dal Tio and T Duarte
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (3) 8535 (2023)

RR Lyrae from binary evolution: abundant, young, and metal-rich

Alexey Bobrick, Giuliano Iorio, Vasily Belokurov, Joris Vos, Maja Vučković and Nicola Giacobbo
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (4) 12196 (2023)

New SB1s with Spectroscopic Orbits from LAMOST-LRS

Yue 悦 Chen 陈, Fang 芳 Xia 夏, Xiaoli 晓丽 Wang 王, Yanning 燕宁 Fu 傅 and Ye 烨 Yuan 袁
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 269 (2) 41 (2023)

UOCS-XII. A study of open cluster NGC 6940 using UVIT/AstroSat cluster properties and exotic populations

Anju Panthi and Kaushar Vaidya
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (4) 10335 (2023)

Magellanic System Stars Identified in SMACS J0723.3-7327 James Webb Space Telescope Early Release Observations Images

Jake Summers, Rogier A. Windhorst, Seth H. Cohen, Rolf A. Jansen, Timothy Carleton, Patrick S. Kamieneski, Benne W. Holwerda, Christopher J. Conselice, Nathan J. Adams, Brenda L. Frye, Jose M. Diego, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Rafael Ortiz, Cheng Cheng, Alex Pigarelli, Aaron Robotham, Jordan C. J. D’Silva, Scott Tompkins, Simon P. Driver, Haojing Yan, Dan Coe, Norman Grogin, Anton M. Koekemoer, Madeline A. Marshall, Nor Pirzkal and Russell E. Ryan
The Astrophysical Journal 958 (2) 108 (2023)

Fortuitous Observations of Potential Stellar Relay Probe Positions with GBT

Michael L. Palumbo, Jason T. Wright and Macy J. Huston
Research Notes of the AAS 7 (10) 209 (2023)

Kepler Bonus: Light Curves of Kepler Background Sources

Jorge Martínez-Palomera, Christina Hedges and Jessie Dotson
The Astronomical Journal 166 (6) 265 (2023)