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General multipoles and their implications for dark matter inference
Jacob S Cohen, Christopher D Fassnacht, Conor M O’Riordan and Simona Vegetti Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531(3) 3431 (2024)
A complex node of the cosmic web associated with the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0600.1-2008
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What multiple images say about the large-scale mass maps of galaxy clusters
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Much ado about no offset – characterizing the anomalous multiple-image configuration and the model-driven displacement between light and mass in the multiplane strong lens Abell 3827
Joyce Lin, Jenny Wagner and Richard E Griffiths Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(2) 2776 (2023)
Generalized model-independent characterization of strong gravitational lenses VIII. Automated multiband feature detection to constrain local lens properties
Joyce Lin, Jenny Wagner and Richard E Griffiths Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517(2) 1821 (2022)