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Rover-Mounted Radar Observation of Discrete Layers Within the Top 4 Meters of Regolith at the Chang’E-3 Landing Site, the Moon
Chunyu Ding, Yiren Chang, Yan Su, Jiawei Wang and Minggang Xie IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62 1 (2024)
Shallow Subsurface Structure of the Moon: Key Questions for Future Exploration
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Layered Structures in the Upper Several Hundred Meters of the Moon Along the Chang'E‐4 Rover's First 1,000‐m Traverse
Jianqing Feng, Matthew. A. Siegler, Yan Su, Chunyu Ding and Iraklis Giannakis Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128(8) (2023)
Analyzing the microwave thermal emission features of lunar regolith in Chang’E landing sites and its geologic significance
Electromagnetic Signal Attenuation Characteristics in the Lunar Regolith Observed by the Lunar Regolith Penetrating Radar (LRPR) Onboard the Chang’E-5 Lander
Chunyu Ding, Yan Su, Zhonghan Lei, Zongyu Zhang, Mi Song, Yuanzhou Liu, Ruigang Wang, Qingquan Li, Chunlai Li and Shaopeng Huang Remote Sensing 14(20) 5189 (2022)