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The eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS)

K. Nandra, S. G. H. Waddell, T. Liu, J. Buchner, T. Dwelly, M. Salvato, Y. Shen, Q. Wu, R. Arcodia, Th. Boller, H. Brunner, M. Brusa, W. Collmar, J. Comparat, A. Georgakakis, M. Grau, S. Hämmerich, H. Ibarra-Medel, Z. Igo, M. Krumpe, G. Lamer, A. Merloni, B. Musiimenta, J. Wolf, R. J. Assef, et al.
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The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): A machine learning approach to inferring galaxy cluster masses from eROSITA X-ray images

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The SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey

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The SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey

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Characterising X-ray variability in light curves with complex sampling patterns: Application to the eROSITA south ecliptic pole survey

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Simulation of the in-flight background and performance of DRO/GTM

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Compact white dwarf binaries in the combined SRG/eROSITA/SDSS eFEDS survey

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The eROSITA upper limits

Dusán Tubín-Arenas, Mirko Krumpe, Georg Lamer, Jonas Haase, Jeremy Sanders, Hermann Brunner, David Homan, Axel Schwope, Antonis Georgakakis, Katja Poppenhaeger, Iris Traulsen, Ole König, Andrea Merloni, Alain Gueguen, Andrew Strong and Zhu Liu
Astronomy & Astrophysics 682 A35 (2024)

Characterisation of the X-ray point source variability in the eROSITA south ecliptic pole field

D. Bogensberger, K. Nandra, M. Salvato, T. Liu, J. Wolf, S. Croom, H. Starck, J. Buchner, G. Ponti, J. Ider Chitham, C. Maitra, J. Robrade, A. Merloni and M. Krumpe
Astronomy & Astrophysics 687 A37 (2024)

Detecting galaxy groups populating the local Universe in the eROSITA era

I. Marini, P. Popesso, G. Lamer, K. Dolag, V. Biffi, S. Vladutescu-Zopp, A. Dev, V. Toptun, E. Bulbul, J. Comparat, N. Malavasi, A. Merloni, T. Mroczkowski, G. Ponti, R. Seppi, S. Shreeram and Y. Zhang
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Effects of multiphase gas and projection on X-ray observables in simulated galaxy clusters as seen by eROSITA

J. ZuHone, Y. E. Bahar, V. Biffi, K. Dolag, J. Sanders, E. Bulbul, T. Liu, T. Dauser, O. König, X. Zhang and V. Ghirardini
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The cosmic web of X-ray active galactic nuclei seen through the eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS)

Johan Comparat, Wentao Luo, Andrea Merloni, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 673 A122 (2023)

Cosmological constraints from galaxy clusters and groups in the eROSITA final equatorial depth survey

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522 (2) 1601 (2023)

Detecting clusters of galaxies and active galactic nuclei in an eROSITA all-sky survey digital twin

R. Seppi, J. Comparat, E. Bulbul, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 665 A78 (2022)

Phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of PSR B0656+14 with SRG/eROSITA and XMM-Newton

Axel Schwope, Adriana M. Pires, Jan Kurpas, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 661 A41 (2022)