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Solar Cycle Dependence of the Turbulence Cascade Rate at 1 au
Sujan Prasad Gautam, Laxman Adhikari, Gary P Zank, Ashok Silwal and Lingling Zhao The Astrophysical Journal 968(1) 12 (2024)
Radial Spectral Evolution of the Elsässer Variable z
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Dominance of 2 Minute Oscillations near the Alfvén Surface
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Quantifying the Energy Budget in the Solar Wind from 13.3 to 100 Solar Radii
J. S. Halekas, S. D. Bale, M. Berthomier, B. D. G. Chandran, J. F. Drake, J. C. Kasper, K. G. Klein, D. E. Larson, R. Livi, M. P. Pulupa, M. L. Stevens, J. L. Verniero and P. Whittlesey The Astrophysical Journal 952(1) 26 (2023)
A statistical study of the compressible energy cascade rate in solar wind turbulence: Parker solar probe observations
The Radial Variation of the Solar Wind Turbulence Spectra near the Kinetic Break Scale from Parker Solar Probe Measurements
S. Lotz, A. E. Nel, R. T. Wicks, O. W. Roberts, N. E. Engelbrecht, R. D. Strauss, G. J. J. Botha, E. P. Kontar, A. Pitňa and S. D. Bale The Astrophysical Journal 942(2) 93 (2023)
Linear Mode Decomposition in Magnetohydrodynamics Revisited
G. P. Zank, L.-L. Zhao, L. Adhikari, M. Nakanotani, A. Pitňa, D. Telloni and H. Che The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 268(1) 18 (2023)
2D and Slab Turbulent Cascade Rates in the Inner Heliosphere
Conditions for Proton Temperature Anisotropy to Drive Instabilities in the Solar Wind
Simon Opie, Daniel Verscharen, Christopher H. K. Chen, Christopher J. Owen and Philip A. Isenberg The Astrophysical Journal 941(2) 176 (2022)
Intermittency in the Expanding Solar Wind: Observations from Parker Solar Probe (0.16 au), Helios 1 (0.3–1 au), and Voyager 1 (1–10 au)
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MHD Turbulent Power Anisotropy in the Inner Heliosphere