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High-resolution ALMA Observations of Richly Structured Protoplanetary Disks in σ Orionis
Jane Huang, Megan Ansdell, Tilman Birnstiel, Ian Czekala, Feng Long, Jonathan Williams, Shangjia Zhang and Zhaohuan Zhu The Astrophysical Journal 976(1) 132 (2024)
Searching for low-mass companions at small separations in transition disks with aperture masking interferometry
T. Stolker, J. Kammerer, M. Benisty, D. Blakely, D. Johnstone, M. L. Sitko, J. P. Berger, J. Sanchez-Bermudez, A. Garufi, S. Lacour, F. Cantalloube and G. Chauvin Astronomy & Astrophysics 682 A101 (2024)
S. de Regt, C. Ginski, M. A. Kenworthy, C. Caceres, A. Garufi, T. M. Gledhill, A. S. Hales, N. Huelamo, Á. Kóspál, M. A. Millar-Blanchaer, S. Pérez and M. R. Schreiber Astronomy & Astrophysics 684 A73 (2024)
RV Measurements of Directly Imaged Brown Dwarf GQ Lup B to Search for Exosatellites
Katelyn Horstman, Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Konstantin Batygin, Dimitri Mawet, Ashley Baker, Chih-Chun Hsu, Jason J. 劲飞 Wang 王, Ji 吉 Wang 王, Sarah Blunt, Jerry W. Xuan, Yinzi Xin, Joshua Liberman, Shubh Agrawal, Quinn M. Konopacky, Geoffrey A. Blake, Clarissa R. Do Ó, Randall Bartos, Charlotte Z. Bond, Benjamin Calvin, Sylvain Cetre, Jacques-Robert Delorme, Greg Doppmann, Daniel Echeverri, Luke Finnerty, Michael P. Fitzgerald, et al. The Astronomical Journal 168(4) 175 (2024)
Color measurements of the polarized light scattered by the dust in protoplanetary disks
MINDS. JWST/MIRI Reveals a Dynamic Gas-rich Inner Disk inside the Cavity of SY Cha
Kamber R. Schwarz, Thomas Henning, Valentin Christiaens, Danny Gasman, Matthias Samland, Giulia Perotti, Hyerin Jang, Sierra L. Grant, Benoît Tabone, Maria Morales-Calderón, Inga Kamp, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Manuel Güdel, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, David Barrado, Alessio Caratti o Garatti, Adrian M. Glauser, Tom P. Ray, Bart Vandenbussche, L. B. F. M. Waters, Aditya M. Arabhavi, Jayatee Kanwar, Göran Olofsson, Donna Rodgers-Lee, Jürgen Schreiber and Milou Temmink The Astrophysical Journal 962(1) 8 (2024)
A Survey of Protoplanetary Disks Using the Keck/NIRC2 Vortex Coronagraph
Nicole L. Wallack, Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Garreth Ruane, Bin B. 彬 Ren 任, Jerry W. Xuan, Marion Villenave, Dimitri Mawet, Karl Stapelfeldt, Jason J. Wang, Michael C. Liu, Olivier Absil, Carlos Alvarez, Jaehan Bae, Charlotte Bond, Michael Bottom, Benjamin Calvin, Élodie Choquet, Valentin Christiaens, Therese Cook, Bruno Femenía Castellá, Carlos Gomez Gonzalez, Greta Guidi, Elsa Huby, Joel Kastner, Heather A. Knutson, et al. The Astronomical Journal 168(2) 78 (2024)
JWST/NIRCam Imaging of Young Stellar Objects. II. Deep Constraints on Giant Planets and a Planet Candidate Outside of the Spiral Disk Around SAO 206462
Gabriele Cugno, Jarron Leisenring, Kevin R. Wagner, Camryn Mullin, Ruobing Dong, Thomas Greene, Doug Johnstone, Michael R. Meyer, Schuyler G. Wolff, Charles Beichman, Martha Boyer, Scott Horner, Klaus Hodapp, Doug Kelly, Don McCarthy, Thomas Roellig, George Rieke, Marcia Rieke, John Stansberry and Erick Young The Astronomical Journal 167(4) 182 (2024)
Kinematic signatures of planet–disk interactions in vertical shear instability-turbulent protoplanetary disks
Constraints on the Physical Origin of Large Cavities in Transition Disks from Multiwavelength Dust Continuum Emission
Anibal Sierra, Laura M. Pérez, Benjamín Sotomayor, Myriam Benisty, Claire J. Chandler, Sean Andrews, John Carpenter, Thomas Henning, Leonardo Testi, Luca Ricci and David Wilner The Astrophysical Journal 974(2) 306 (2024)
Mid-infrared evidence for iron-rich dust in the multi-ringed inner disk of HD 144432
J. Varga, L. B. F. M. Waters, M. Hogerheijde, R. van Boekel, A. Matter, B. Lopez, K. Perraut, L. Chen, D. Nadella, S. Wolf, C. Dominik, Á. Kóspál, P. Ábrahám, J.-C. Augereau, P. Boley, G. Bourdarot, A. Caratti o Garatti, F. Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, W. C. Danchi, V. Gámez Rosas, Th. Henning, K.-H. Hofmann, M. Houllé, J. W. Isbell, W. Jaffe, et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 681 A47 (2024)
Transition disks: the observational revolution from SEDs to imaging
Millimeter emission in photoevaporating disks is determined by early substructures
Matías Gárate, Til Birnstiel, Paola Pinilla, Sean M. Andrews, Raphael Franz, Sebastian Markus Stammler, Giovanni Picogna, Barbara Ercolano, Anna Miotello and Nicolás T. Kurtovic Astronomy & Astrophysics 679 A15 (2023)
The maximum accretion rate of a protoplanet: how fast can runaway be?
Nick Choksi, Eugene Chiang, Jeffrey Fung and Zhaohuan Zhu Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525(2) 2806 (2023)
The ALMA view of MP Mus (PDS 66): A protoplanetary disk with no visible gaps down to 4 au scales
Protoplanetary disks in Ks-band total intensity and polarized light
Bin B. Ren, Myriam Benisty, Christian Ginski, Ryo Tazaki, Nicole L. Wallack, Julien Milli, Antonio Garufi, Jaehan Bae, Stefano Facchini, François Ménard, Paola Pinilla, C. Swastik, Richard Teague and Zahed Wahhaj Astronomy & Astrophysics 680 A114 (2023)
MagAO-X and HST High-contrast Imaging of the AS209 Disk at Hα
Gabriele Cugno, Yifan Zhou, Thanawuth Thanathibodee, Per Calissendorff, Michael R. Meyer, Suzan Edwards, Jaehan Bae, Myriam Benisty, Edwin Bergin, Matthew De Furio, Stefano Facchini, Jared R. Males, Laird M. Close, Richard D. Teague, Olivier Guyon, Sebastiaan Y. Haffert, Alexander D. Hedglen, Maggie Kautz, Andrés Izquierdo, Joseph D. Long, Jennifer Lumbres, Avalon L. McLeod, Logan A. Pearce, Lauren Schatz and Kyle Van Gorkom The Astronomical Journal 166(4) 162 (2023)
JWST Detects Neon Line Variability in a Protoplanetary Disk
C. C. Espaillat, T. Thanathibodee, C. V. Pittman, J. A. Sturm, M. K. McClure, N. Calvet, F. M. Walter, R. Franco-Hernández and J. Muzerolle Page The Astrophysical Journal Letters 958(1) L4 (2023)
Simultaneous gas accretion onto a pair of giant planets: Impact on their final mass and on the protoplanetary disk structure
ISPY: NACO Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars
G. Cugno, T. D. Pearce, R. Launhardt, M. J. Bonse, J. Ma, T. Henning, A. Quirrenbach, D. Ségransan, E. C. Matthews, S. P. Quanz, G. M. Kennedy, A. Müller, S. Reffert and E. L. Rickman Astronomy & Astrophysics 669 A145 (2023)
Three-dimensional Global Simulations of Type-II Planet–Disk Interaction with a Magnetized Disk Wind. I. Magnetic Flux Concentration and Gap Properties
The Planetary Accretion Shock. III. Smoothing-free 2.5D Simulations and Calculation of Hα Emission
Gabriel-Dominique Marleau, Rolf Kuiper, William Béthune and Christoph Mordasini The Astrophysical Journal 952(1) 89 (2023)
Vortex weighing and dating of planets in protoplanetary discs
External or internal companion exciting the spiral arms in CQ Tau?
Iain Hammond, Valentin Christiaens, Daniel J Price, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(4) 6109 (2022)
Mapping the Complex Kinematic Substructure in the TW Hya Disk
Richard Teague, Jaehan Bae, Sean M. Andrews, Myriam Benisty, Edwin A. Bergin, Stefano Facchini, Jane Huang, Cristiano Longarini and David Wilner The Astrophysical Journal 936(2) 163 (2022)
Planetary Accretion Shocks with a Realistic Equation of State
Investigating the Future Potential of an Upgraded ALMA to Image Planet-forming Disks at Sub-astronomical-unit Scales
Benjamin P. Burrill, Luca Ricci, Sarah K. Harter, Shangjia Zhang and Zhaohuan Zhu The Astrophysical Journal 928(1) 40 (2022)
Large Binocular Telescope Search for Companions and Substructures in the (Pre)transitional Disk of AB Aurigae
Sebastián Jorquera, Mickaël Bonnefoy, Sarah Betti, Gaël Chauvin, Esther Buenzli, Laura M. Pérez, Katherine B. Follette, Philip M. Hinz, Anthony Boccaletti, Vanessa Bailey, Beth Biller, Denis Defrère, Josh Eisner, Thomas Henning, Hubert Klahr, Jarron Leisenring, Johan Olofsson, Joshua E. Schlieder, Andrew J. Skemer, Michael F. Skrutskie and Roy Van Boekel The Astrophysical Journal 926(1) 71 (2022)
First steps of planet formation around very low mass stars and brown dwarfs
ALMA Detection of Dust Trapping around Lagrangian Points in the LkCa 15 Disk
Feng 凤 Long 龙, Sean M. Andrews, Shangjia 尚嘉 Zhang 张, Chunhua Qi, Myriam Benisty, Stefano Facchini, Andrea Isella, David J. Wilner, Jaehan Bae, Jane Huang, Ryan A. Loomis, Karin I. Öberg and Zhaohuan 照寰 Zhu 朱 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 937(1) L1 (2022)
Constraining giant planet formation with synthetic ALMA images of the Solar System’s natal protoplanetary disk
Improving Planet Detection with Disk Modeling: Keck/NIRC2 Imaging of the HD 34282 Single-armed Protoplanetary Disk
Juan Quiroz, Nicole L. Wallack, Bin 彬 Ren 任, Ruobing 若冰 Dong 董, Jerry W. Xuan, Dimitri Mawet, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer and Garreth Ruane The Astrophysical Journal Letters 924(1) L4 (2022)
CO Line Emission Surfaces and Vertical Structure in Midinclination Protoplanetary Disks
Charles J. Law, Sage Crystian, Richard Teague, Karin I. Öberg, Evan A. Rich, Sean M. Andrews, Jaehan Bae, Kevin Flaherty, Viviana V. Guzmán, Jane Huang, John D. Ilee, Joel H. Kastner, Ryan A. Loomis, Feng Long, Laura M. Pérez, Sebastián Pérez, Chunhua Qi, Giovanni P. Rosotti, Dary Ruíz-Rodríguez, Takashi Tsukagoshi and David J. Wilner The Astrophysical Journal 932(2) 114 (2022)
Probing inner and outer disk misalignments in transition disks