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ALMA High-resolution Spectral Survey of Thioformaldehyde (H2CS) toward Massive Protoclusters
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A Survey of Sulfur-bearing Molecular Lines toward the Dense Cores in 11 Massive Protoclusters
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Small molecules, big impact: a tale of hydrides past, present, and future
The Detection of Higher-order Millimeter Hydrogen Recombination Lines in the Large Magellanic Cloud
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ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions – VIII. A search for hot cores by using C2H5CN, CH3OCHO, and CH3OH lines
Sheng-Li Qin, Tie Liu, Xunchuan Liu, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511(3) 3463 (2022)
SOFIA-upGREAT Imaging Spectroscopy of the [C ii] 158 μm Fine-structure Line of the Sgr B Region in the Galactic Center
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