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COCONUT, a Novel Fast-converging MHD Model for Solar Corona Simulations. III. Impact of the Preprocessing of the Magnetic Map on the Modeling of the Solar Cycle Activity and Comparison with Observations
Błażej Kuźma, Michaela Brchnelova, Barbara Perri, Tinatin Baratashvili, Fan Zhang, Andrea Lani and Stefaan Poedts The Astrophysical Journal 942(1) 31 (2023)
Magnetohydrodynamic Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities of supersonic shear layers with finite interface thickness and heat flux in anisotropic space plasmas
Effect of Differential Rotation on the Magnetic Braking of Low-mass and Solar-like Stars: A Proof-of-concept Study
Lewis G. Ireland, Sean P. Matt, Charlie R. Davey, Owain L. Harris, Tobias W. Slade-Harajda, Adam J. Finley and Claudio Zanni The Astrophysical Journal 925(1) 100 (2022)
MOVES – V. Modelling star–planet magnetic interactions of HD 189733