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How external photoevaporation changes the chemical composition of the inner disc
N. Ndugu, B. Bitsch and J. L. Lienert Astronomy & Astrophysics 691 A32 (2024)
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On the interaction of pebble accreting embryos with the gaseous disc: importance of thermal forces
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JWST Reveals Excess Cool Water near the Snow Line in Compact Disks, Consistent with Pebble Drift
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Interpreting the Atmospheric Composition of Exoplanets: Sensitivity to Planet Formation Assumptions
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The role of density perturbation on planet formation by pebble accretion
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The Molecular Composition of Shadowed Proto-solar Disk Midplanes Beyond the Water Snowline
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A “no-drift” runaway pile-up of pebbles in protoplanetary disks