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Accretion and Uneven Depletion of the Main Asteroid Belt
Rogerio Deienno, David Nesvorný, Matthew S. Clement, William F. Bottke, André Izidoro and Kevin J. Walsh The Planetary Science Journal 5(5) 110 (2024)
Populating the Milky Way
C. Boettner, P. Dayal, M. Trebitsch, N. Libeskind, K. Rice, C. Cockell and B. I. Tieleman Astronomy & Astrophysics 686 A167 (2024)
Formation of giant planets around intermediate-mass stars
Implications of Jupiter Inward Gas-driven Migration for the Inner Solar System
Rogerio Deienno, André Izidoro, Alessandro Morbidelli, David Nesvorný and William F. Bottke The Astrophysical Journal Letters 936(2) L24 (2022)
Planet population synthesis: the role of stellar encounters
Extreme pebble accretion in ringed protoplanetary discs
Daniel P Cummins, James E Owen and Richard A Booth Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(1) 1276 (2022)
The New Generation Planetary Population Synthesis (NGPPS)
Testing the Jeans, Toomre, and Bonnor–Ebert Concepts for Planetesimal Formation: 3D Streaming-instability Simulations of Diffusion-regulated Formation of Planetesimals