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Density asymmetry and wind velocities in the orbital plane of the symbiotic binary EG Andromedae
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The Emergence of a Neutral Wind Region in the Orbital Plane of Symbiotic Binaries during Their Outbursts
SRGA J181414.6-225604: A New Galactic Symbiotic X-Ray Binary Outburst Triggered by an Intense Mass-loss Episode of a Heavily Obscured Mira Variable
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SU Lyn - a transient symbiotic star
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Multiwavelength Modeling the SED of Luminous Supersoft X-Ray Sources in Large Magellanic Cloud and Small Magellanic Cloud
Symbiotic Stars in the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment Survey: The Case of LIN 358 and SMC N73 (LIN 445a)
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